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mawmawr Mon, Sep-01-03 14:19

I will be 70 this month and like you Grannydeni, I started putting on weight when I went through the change and have found it nearly impossible to get off. But I keep trying, that is all I can do. I even started myself a middle age message board, hoping it would help me. We are a small group all struggling along trying to give each other encourgement. I have enjoyed reading all of the post on here. It makes me feel we are not all alone and helpless.
I have bone loss also and from what the doctor says the only thing I can do is exercise and try to lose this big fat belly. So I will keep on trying.
Good Luck to all!!

Chris Rob Fri, Sep-12-03 08:10

Hi Mawmawr
dont give up. I have just come out of a four month stall (probably longer) and allthough I am getting fairly close to goal weight, I still have this buddha belly, but will keep exercising and hope it dissolves away. Do you know that weight or resistance training is really good in the fight against bone loss? that is what I am doing as my mother had very bad ostiophorosis ( How do you spell that?)

mawmawr Fri, Sep-12-03 08:58

Thanks Chrisee, for you response. My doctor has recomended that I go to a therapist. It has helped me a great deal. And I walk every chance I get.
Somedays I actually go window shopping just to get exercise in. The south beach diet people say that if you stick with there plan, belly fat is the first to go. I wonder if this is really true?
Again thanks and I hope you reach your goal weight soon.

Suni Fri, Sep-12-03 09:37

Good Morning

I have been following The Schwarzbein (balanced carb) Program - can anybody tell me anything about the South Beach Diet?

No matter how much exercise I do, I still retain this belly fat roll - I am 56 and in menopause and on HRT.


mawmawr Fri, Sep-12-03 09:46

Suni, I know of several good South Beach resources. But I do not have the urls handy at the moment. If you would like them please feel free to e-mail me and I will send them to you.
My e-mail address is

Chris Rob Fri, Sep-12-03 09:58


Would you please send me the links for the south beach diet also? my email

Suni Fri, Sep-12-03 10:21

Hi again

Below is the link to info about the South Beach Diet. I took a quick glance and in some ways it is similar to Schwarzbein except Dr. S. allows full fat cream in decaf whereas I see this one recommends low-fat milk - I have not read the entire site because I am at work so I printed it out and will read it during my commute.

Has anybody tried it? Results? Opinions?,00.html

mawmawr Fri, Sep-12-03 13:07

South Beach Diet Information
Please e-mail me and I will try to give you the correct urls.

Suni Fri, Sep-12-03 14:05

HI - I tried both sites and they told me there was an error so neither link would work, I will try again later

Error: page not found

Don't know what I am doing wrong.

mawmawr Fri, Sep-12-03 15:12

Please e-mail me and I will reply.

VALEWIS Fri, Sep-12-03 18:06

I just had a quick look at the SB diet. It is not unlike a diet that I am currently on as I was so stalled on Atkins, having all the usual slow metabolism problems of the over 60's etc. The main difference is that I am having a protein shake as morning and afternoon snacks. Basically, it is just like induction, except that saturated fats are avoided, and monounsaturated fat is increased (take 2-3 tabsp flaxseed oil a day) is quite strict and anything from 1000-1300 calories a day.

What amused me about the SB diet site, was that it has a glycemic index site on in that completely contradicts the advice given by Dr A. in the SB diet!! For example, the glycemic index site says you can eat unlimited amounts of certain very high glycemic foods such as baked potatoes! He wold not advocate that at all.

In a nutshell, his diet mainly restricts saturated you eat lean meats, low fat dairy etc. otherwise it is the same as Atkins. As i am now trying this (started 5 days ago) I will be ale to report back in 3-4 weeks as to how I am going. I feel that it is breaking my stall, but at this point am unsure if I want to keep avoiding sat. fats forever...I don't think the science is there to back it up. I do think it is calories at our age that matter, plus good resistance exercise. I believe we all got fat because we eat too much of everything, and dieting off and on just made things worse as our poor bodies keep trying to guard us from the self imposed famines..I am paying the price now as I try to get off some 20 lbs of unhealthy fat.


Isa Fri, Sep-12-03 23:37

Good luck Val...I know how hard it is to take off the pounds once you're over a certain age. But it is possible. Consistency, hard work, cardio, resistance exercise. Don't give up. You can do it no matter what your age. I have to believe that.


sassy57 Sat, Nov-08-03 06:13

Hi Ladies,
I just turned 58 and been on atkins about 1 1/2 weeks. Fell off for a weekend,but back on track now. I've gone from 210 to 202 and I'm impressed with myself.
I'm in the St. Louis area.
Sunday,I start doing my walking away the pound tapes,so hope this will help.

janetkind Sat, Nov-08-03 10:31

Hello Ladies.
It has been a while since i have posted or even looked at site. I think one reson is i have to sign in all time to use. and i have to relook for pass word.
oh well iam here now.
I have been doing atkins.since feb1st.and for Month of Oct was off. i did so bad. Now for last 3 days doing good.
I think it helps to have email buddies to keep u going. i have to exersice and stay with that part.
Today going to walmart. thinking of getting DR> phild wt. book. i like reading diff. diets. i gor south beach but took book. another great book to read is CURVES book. look at their diet.
i sure hope i get to goal wt. of 100lbs by spring.
I hope to to get to 115-120 by Jan. i dont know if i will stay with atkins. trying to stay with it till Jan. but we will see. IT IS a slow wt. program at least for me.
any one like tpo email and do exertsdicing and just to talk how we are doing every day. email me. hope to get back to 125 in couple weeks. was there once. put on 5. but took off now. so i think if i saw sacle will keep me going. are u gals happy with atkins??and what do u think of all that fat??
i have to get more vit. today to. iam taking cla. to. take care andf hope all get to goal wt. lets help each other. .

HorseChick Thu, Jul-21-16 12:20

This thread is what I have been searching for. I have checked out evey low carb community I could find but this is by far the most active . Losing weight is different after 50 so hearing from people in the same boat is all I am really interested in. I have been in menopause for about a year but have gained in that year went to places it never has before. I am active ride horses almost daily. the weight is making everything I do such an effort. The menopause symptoms are night sweats, fatigue and well I felt teary watching a commercial on TV yesterday.....That is not me lol This place feels like a friendly active support group and I look forward to reading all your posts.

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