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patriciakr Sat, Jul-26-14 08:05

2nd day in the 186s
Very happy to see a weight of 186.4 this morning! Going out to eat once sometime this weekend, hoping to do a good job of balancing, so this whoosh week ends well :)

RM last night was boneless country ribs baked (plain, just some mesquite seasoning - salt free and garlic powder), salad, zucchini (plain, boiled), cauli-rice (plain), vanilla ice cream (a single serve) with fresh blueberries, raspberries and rainier cherries. Yummo.

Jandy01 Sat, Jul-26-14 17:13

Pat this is so great! I know you are ecstatic about your progress.

What do you ladies think of maintaining weight even if it is not the ideal weight. I haven't lost any weight, which isn't bothering me because I think that my portions at my RMs are too big. But right now I don't really want to change it. I am enjoying it and I don't want to think about what I will have to change in order to lose weight. I just like the comfort of knowing that this plan helps me manage my cravings. Maybe I can think about losing weight later.

Do you think it is unwise to stay at my current weight even though it puts me into the obese category? I am just barely 5'2.

patriciakr Sat, Jul-26-14 21:02

Originally Posted by Jandy01
Pat this is so great! I know you are ecstatic about your progress.

What do you ladies think of maintaining weight even if it is not the ideal weight. I haven't lost any weight, which isn't bothering me because I think that my portions at my RMs are too big. But right now I don't really want to change it. I am enjoying it and I don't want to think about what I will have to change in order to lose weight. I just like the comfort of knowing that this plan helps me manage my cravings. Maybe I can think about losing weight later.

Do you think it is unwise to stay at my current weight even though it puts me into the obese category? I am just barely 5'2.

It's really only a question you can answer. You know what your health is, and how your joints are.
For me, losing the weight has made an incredible difference - going from chronic pain, a powerful NSAID that was not for long term use (but I was on it for 3 years...) and a cane, to no pain unless I really step wrong/stumble.

If your bp is good, your blood sugars etc., that's important to take into consideration.

You may also find you change sizes/shape without seeing a lot of loss. Do what is best..if you need to step it down from now - maintaining but getting cravings under control to eventually changing portions somewhat, then do so.

Mayflowers Mon, Jul-28-14 13:01

Originally Posted by patriciakr
I hate feeling hungry. I hate not having a "just right" - not overfull - feeling with my tummy..

I hate feeling hungry too..light headed and spacey. I felt like that all the time on weight watchers. Yesterday I made a cheese omelet and used zucchini in it and it triggered hunger. I was really hungry by 1pm so I know I can't eat that as part of a cm anymore. I try other diets and then I always come back to the CAD. :) I have 50 lbs to get off.. I'm going on a cruise next spring and I want to be fit and healthy so I can enjoy myself.

Enomarb Mon, Jul-28-14 17:05


Had a great RM tonight. Made the Bombay Curry recipe from Pat- (THANKS AGAIN!)-
salad, coleslaw, chicken, roll, water.
(DH added rice, brownie, chocolate).

Visiting my grandkids again on Friday!


Jandy01 Mon, Jul-28-14 18:11

Thanks for your thoughts Pat. I want to lose weight but right not I just don't have the energy or inclination to cut anything out or make changes. So, I think I will continue the program and maintain my weight. I will continue exercising too.

I will work on accepting my body as it is now. Maybe I can put more energy into losing later. I have a lot of stress right now with other areas of my life.

Ate RM at a restaurant. I went well. Mozzerella sticks, salad, steak, broccoli, fries

patriciakr Tue, Jul-29-14 06:14

Originally Posted by Jandy01
Thanks for your thoughts Pat. I want to lose weight but right not I just don't have the energy or inclination to cut anything out or make changes. So, I think I will continue the program and maintain my weight. I will continue exercising too.

I will work on accepting my body as it is now. Maybe I can put more energy into losing later. I have a lot of stress right now with other areas of my life.

Ate RM at a restaurant. I went well. Mozzerella sticks, salad, steak, broccoli, fries

Sorry to hear about the stress...too familiar with that myself. :agree: Steady as she goes then :)

patriciakr Tue, Jul-29-14 06:15

Originally Posted by Enomarb

Had a great RM tonight. Made the Bombay Curry recipe from Pat- (THANKS AGAIN!)-
salad, coleslaw, chicken, roll, water.
(DH added rice, brownie, chocolate).

Visiting my grandkids again on Friday!


Enjoy seeing your grandbabies :)

patriciakr Tue, Jul-29-14 11:55

So glad to be a homebody again. I greatly enjoyed all the time with my husband the past 3 days - we've been hiking in Mt. Rainier National Park, out to eat each day, and spent all of yesterday walking around Portland. I've had my exercise!!

My weight has swung up to 188.8 today, but I know it's not what I ate..just not enough water and the eating out. I expect to see it heading down nicely for the rest of this week (though I do have larger than usual carb dessert planned for the next several days).

My rm birthday dinner worked out so well. After walking around the International Rose Test gardens for over an hour, and visiting several places we wanted to see in Portland, we went out for an early dinner before the several hour drive home.
I had an elk burger with a tiny side salad. I had brought a small dessert in the car with me (some nut candy), and that was the meal except for 2 oz. half and half in my coffee. I'd had a very modest cm breakfast, and no lunch.

Enomarb Tue, Jul-29-14 13:23

nice to see a bunch of posters this week! Hi Mayflowers!

Planned RM tonight is an exact redo of last nights- I LOVE leftovers.

Tomorrow my planned RM will be: salad, cucumber salad, burger with pimento cheese on a thin sandwich round, water. DH will add on a beer and a brownie.


patriciakr Tue, Jul-29-14 15:44

Originally Posted by Enomarb
nice to see a bunch of posters this week! Hi Mayflowers!

Planned RM tonight is an exact redo of last nights- I LOVE leftovers.

Tomorrow my planned RM will be: salad, cucumber salad, burger with pimento cheese on a thin sandwich round, water. DH will add on a beer and a brownie.


Burger with Pimento cheese sounds delicious!

Mayflowers Wed, Jul-30-14 06:30

Hi Enomarb :)
I checked this morning and my weight is finally starting to drop! I'm really happy to see that on the scale. I also am working out more. Another thing I'm trying to do is give up wheat. OMG its so hard. I can go a few days without eating it and then, I justify having a serving of something wheaty. I know I feel better off it. I know I look better off it. My skin on my face looks smoother and less wrinkled. I have headaches when I eat it...I have more energy off it. I may just give up and try to treat wheat like alcohol and only have it 1 time a week or less. My sister tried to give it up and she was so irritable.. I know. That's one of the withdrawal symptoms...irritability, cravings, not sleeping well. I think my CAD will work a lot faster the more I stay off it. You know I tried doing Williams' Wheat Belly plan. I was gaining weight from his flax/almond flour recipes! They are really loaded with calories. Soooo, back again to the CAD. This time I'm staying on it. I'm sick of trying other diets that only work in the beginning and then stop.

Cm was deviled eggs for BF
lunch was seafood salad and greens
rm was Famous Dave's chicken wings, corn, mashed pot. and a small pc of bread pudding. Off balance. I know. I hate salad. I try to usually eat
cooked CM vegetables like greens. (I love their bread pudding so yeah.. fell off the wheat wagon again. lol)

This weekend will be hard because my sister is visiting and we're going down the shore and Atlantic City. When I see beautifully prepared food, I find it very difficult.. This saying is really helping me: "Keep your eyes on the prize!" I want to be 1-2 sizes smaller by next month. (that's where the exercise helps most)

Enomarb Wed, Jul-30-14 16:19

lots of great veggies, salads and proteins at buffets and restaurants too, Mayflowers. Have fun!

Delish burger- and I admit I had a rum and soda too. Treat.

Tomorrow is clean out the fridge dinner- I'm thinking salmon burgers (homemade using shredded parm instead of breadcrumbs) and salad and frozen spinach. Dinner at DD on Friday!


patriciakr Thu, Jul-31-14 08:30

Originally Posted by Enomarb
lots of great veggies, salads and proteins at buffets and restaurants too, Mayflowers. Have fun!

Delish burger- and I admit I had a rum and soda too. Treat.

Tomorrow is clean out the fridge dinner- I'm thinking salmon burgers (homemade using shredded parm instead of breadcrumbs) and salad and frozen spinach. Dinner at DD on Friday!


I love salmon burgers. If you'd told me as a child that I'd ever like salmon, I would have told you that you were crazy :lol:
Have a marvelous time :)

patriciakr Thu, Jul-31-14 08:37

Well I have certainly had an interesting week! Today my weight is finally back heading down - 187.7 this am. I suspect I will at best maintain this week. We shall see how the rest of the week goes.

My car flashed a bazillion warning lights at me yesterday - turns out the head gasket is gone. Ouch. I ate an entire peach fritter at my rm. Was I planning to - nope. I meant to eat half. I almost balanced it (salad, chicken breast), but honestly....I never want one again. Of any flavor or size. Bleagh....too much sugar, too much dough..just too much!

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