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Cali Sat, Feb-02-02 17:47

re: stalling, you have to remember that cheese contains a gram of carbs per 30 grams, two eggs contain 1 gram, crab meat 1 gram per 120 grams, lobster 1 gram per 60 grams, similarly shrimps, and cream has 3 grams in every 4 table spoons.
These things can add up and easily put you over the limit.

MissBecca Sat, Feb-02-02 18:54

Erk, I just don't like those pork rinds. I bought some a couple of weeks ago and thought I'd give them a shot - but they were YUCKY - just not to my taste I guess!


kar Sat, Feb-02-02 19:58

My grocery store has sugar-free flavored syrups in the gourmet coffee section (I think the brand name is DaVinci or something like that). The hazelnut is good, and so is the vanilla. Haven't tried any of the others. I use them with half & half in my coffee and it hasn't caused me any problems so far. You really don't need much syrup to get the flavor! It actually tastes better than the coffee whitener. (No 'fake cream' taste)


Originally posted by chrisews
I'm afraid it's french vanilla low fat coffee whitener. That means probably the artificial sweeteners in it, plus it has 5 carbs per 1 tblspn, I try to lighten my coffee with just 1 teaspoon instead, cutting the caqrb to 2.5. But I have to face it, it's not helping me, i went out and bought light cream which has no carbs. It was my little treat, but now I'm on a stall, so I guess that's it, although I do eat processed meats, I's so easy to just take a few slices of salami and cheese with my salad. I guess I'm going to have to rethink this. :confused: Chris

coquina Sun, Feb-03-02 00:31

Sweet coffee
I've gotten hooked on a vanilla cream coffee I found that says right on the label it has no added sweeteners. Add some heavy cream and it's like dessert! :yum:

I found the food that was stalling me: bacon. The bacon's in the freezer, and I've finally started to lose again!


anita Sun, Feb-03-02 11:24

Re: Sweet coffee
Originally posted by coquina
I've gotten hooked on a vanilla cream coffee I found that says right on the label it has no added sweeteners. Add some heavy cream and it's like dessert! :yum:

I found the food that was stalling me: bacon. The bacon's in the freezer, and I've finally started to lose again!


Coquina -- that vanilla cream coffee sounds delightful -- what is the brand and where did you find it??
ps Bacon always causes me to gain wt -- so it is no longer on my menu!

allisonm Sun, Feb-03-02 14:30

This is a great thread. Personally, I've found that I can eat moderate amounts of bacon, modest amounts of nuts and peanuts, and moderate amounts of cheese without stalling. But even a tiny bit of sugar knocks me straight out of ketosis.

coquina Sun, Feb-03-02 15:42

Sweet coffee cont.
Anita, it's Harmony Bay Vanilla Creme Coffee, comes in regular and decaf in a 12-oz. tin with a lovely painted scene of a farmhouse and barn that runs all around the can. (The tins are so pretty I hate throw them away.) I get it at Trader Joe's (which you probably don't have access to), but here's the address of the company that makes it:

Comfort Foods, Inc.
25 Commerce Way
Andover MA 01845

If you call, they may be able to tell you where you can get it in your area.

Good luck! :)


carbavoidr Sun, Feb-03-02 18:25

being addicted to something is no picnic. you can try your best to eat right, read, study, make lists, all that jazz, but the bottom line is I am addicted to a poison that can only harm me. lc pasta..well, OK, but its not PASTA, same with bread. I know full well as I am snarfing that loaf of bread or melty potato I will be sick for 2 days and lathargic, and crabby...but sometimes I cave...

donnaj Mon, Feb-04-02 05:40

Being addicted
I know what you mean about being so addicted. I am that way with sugar. I know the first bite will ruin me. I can't stop especially with M&M's. So, I take it one day at a time and I am thankful that I made it through that day. I made some lc fudge and I ended up eating the whole thing. So no more :( But, I found out if I eat a good portion of protein it helps. Well have a good day. :wave:

dwb in nyc Mon, Feb-04-02 07:24

I think the question is what damage does nicotine do, rather than smoking. We're all pretty familiar with the harmful efect of smoking. Anyone who asks, "Why risk it?" is not and never was a smoker.

I would be more curious whether patches and Nicorette are counter-productive. I doubt they are, since nicotine is a mild stimulant and has been used by body-builders to burn fat.

gwilson38 Mon, Feb-04-02 09:59

Marlaine recently posted a list of foods anf thigs that cause stalls. One that was mentioned was "eating a wide combination of foods in one day " why is that? And what is considered a wide combo?

carbavoidr Mon, Feb-04-02 17:20

with me its salty
salty snacks...I really need them during TOM. which of course only makes things worse. I am usually able to fight the good fight, reminding myself I am a full grown, fairly intelligent person, capable of saying no to a donut or fry. but those are just words. just like cigarettes, you can know better not least with carbs they don't make us go be hind the dumpsters to indulge our habit. I also wondered about the wide variety of foods causing a problem. Does anyone have more information on that?

donnaj Mon, Feb-04-02 19:16

different foods
I know that when I ate different food like salsa and cheese that I usually don't eat that caused a stall for about 4 days until it worked through my system. Hope this help.
Donna :wave:

carbavoidr Tue, Feb-05-02 16:56

love variety
I enjoy variety, and with very few exceptions this wol is perfect for me, when I try to lose, I actually have to keep calories at 2000 or less. still way above the low fat diets. and fairly easy to do, with the exception of TOM when I blow it, or binges when I am feeling particularly self destructive. I don't care how good you intend to be a Tub of p nuts and a 6 pack is not a well balanced food plan. :(
do you think leafy veggies AND fruit AND meat AND cheese might not work well? :thdown: I wonder if I should go straight induction for two weeks to jump start some weight loss? (Induction is sooo boring) I have lost 6 more pounds but would like a total of 25 by summer. any ideas?

cathouse Tue, Feb-05-02 17:51

Diet and quit smoking?
I don't think so, I would probably kill my co-workers and make my kids life miserable. I'll take my chances.
I am on CALP, so I can have a reward meal. I am lucky, have been able to stay in ketosis, with carb intake as high a 63! But white rice threw me right off. So I know now to stay away from it.
All other foods have been okay for me so far (I admit I have not strayed far from the Atkins list, the diet I started with), except too many pork rinds. Now I just use them for breading!
Keep up the good works guys!

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