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cshepard Thu, Aug-11-16 11:46

Name ........... 7/7 ........... 7/14 .......... 7/21 .......... 7/28

cshepard ..... 122.8 .........123.6 ......... 123.0 ......... 121.6

Mycie14 ........154.0.........154.0 ......... 153.0.......153.0

patience4 .....139.7..........139.8 ..........139.9..........139.9

Name ........... 8/4.......... 8/11 .......... 8/18 .......... 8/25

cshepard ..... 120.8 .......120.6

Mycie14 ........

patience4 .....

Mycie14 Fri, Aug-12-16 10:51

Name ........... 7/7 ........... 7/14 .......... 7/21 .......... 7/28

cshepard ..... 122.8 .........123.6 ......... 123.0 ......... 121.6

Mycie14 ........154.0.........154.0 ......... 153.0.......153.0

patience4 .....139.7..........139.8 ..........139.9..........139.9

Name ........... 8/4.......... 8/11 .......... 8/18 .......... 8/25

cshepard ..... 120.8 .......120.6

Mycie14 .......153.5........152.0

patience4 .....

Seems like I've settled a little bit lower which is good as I think I'd be better at 145. If it came off in the right places! 155 was my original goal, so I'm sticking with that as "official" for now.

patience4 Sat, Aug-13-16 17:48

Name ........... 7/7 ........... 7/14 .......... 7/21 .......... 7/28

cshepard ..... 122.8 .........123.6 ......... 123.0 ......... 121.6

Mycie14 ........154.0.........154.0 ......... 153.0.......153.0

patience4 .....139.7..........139.8 ..........139.9..........139.9

Name ........... 8/4.......... 8/11 .......... 8/18 .......... 8/25

cshepard ..... 120.8 .......120.6

Mycie14 .......153.5........152.0

patience4 .....139.9........139.8

Sorry I have been busy and not posted in a couple of weeks. I am hanging in there. I try not to think about more than one day. I can do something for one day that I could NEVER do if I thought I had to do it the rest of my life.

cshepard Thu, Aug-18-16 08:32

Name ........... 7/7 ........... 7/14 .......... 7/21 .......... 7/28

cshepard ..... 122.8 .........123.6 ......... 123.0 ......... 121.6

Mycie14 ........154.0.........154.0 ......... 153.0.......153.0

patience4 .....139.7..........139.8 ..........139.9..........139.9

Name ........... 8/4.......... 8/11 .......... 8/18 .......... 8/25

cshepard ..... 120.8 .......120.6 ...........119.0

Mycie14 .......153.5........152.0

patience4 .....139.9........139.8

Lost another lb. and feeling great. Doing some core excercises every day hoping to tighten up tummy muscles. Since I wasn't much overweight to start with (160ish), I don't have much excess skin to deal with, but what I did have seems to be receding now that it's been a couple years. Maybe excersise will help that as well? We'll see ...

Mycie14 Thu, Aug-18-16 10:26

Name ........... 7/7 ........... 7/14 .......... 7/21 .......... 7/28

cshepard ..... 122.8 .........123.6 ......... 123.0 ......... 121.6

Mycie14 ........154.0.........154.0 ......... 153.0.......153.0

patience4 .....139.7..........139.8 ..........139.9..........139.9

Name ........... 8/4.......... 8/11 .......... 8/18 .......... 8/25

cshepard ..... 120.8 .......120.6 ...........119.0

Mycie14 .......153.5........152.0............151.5

patience4 .....139.9........139.8

Another pound down, good for you, Ci! I seem to be drifiting downward myself, though we will see how long it sticks. I'm not doing much that is different, in fact it seems like I've been eating a bit more lately. I won't complain!

cshepard Thu, Aug-25-16 19:33

Name ........... 7/7 ........... 7/14 .......... 7/21 .......... 7/28

cshepard ..... 122.8 .........123.6 ......... 123.0 ......... 121.6

Mycie14 ........154.0.........154.0 ......... 153.0.......153.0

patience4 .....139.7..........139.8 ..........139.9..........139.9

Name ........... 8/4.......... 8/11 .......... 8/18 .......... 8/25

cshepard ..... 120.8 .......120.6 ...........119.0 .........120.4

Mycie14 .......153.5........152.0............151.5

patience4 .....139.9........139.8

Last week of August. I was at the Dr.'s for a check in at the beginning of the week and weighed in on their scale at 116! Came home and checked on my scale, yep, 116 ... nice to know that my scale is accurate. I must have been a bit dehydrated or something as I was back up to 119 in a day or so, and 120 today.

I had some alchohol the night before that check up - would that cause a loss in water weight overnight? It was a bit startling!

Mycie14 Fri, Aug-26-16 13:41

Name ........... 7/7 ........... 7/14 .......... 7/21 .......... 7/28

cshepard ..... 122.8 .........123.6 ......... 123.0 ......... 121.6

Mycie14 ........154.0.........154.0 ......... 153.0.......153.0

patience4 .....139.7..........139.8 ..........139.9..........139.9

Name ........... 8/4.......... 8/11 .......... 8/18 .......... 8/25

cshepard ..... 120.8 .......120.6 ...........119.0 .........120.4

Mycie14 .......153.5........152.0............151.5..........151.8

patience4 .....139.9........139.8

116, wow Ci! Funny how much the scale can bounce around. I'm pretty consistently between 153-151 now, but oddly, I weigh more in the morning than a little later in the day. My rings are tight too first thing and then get looser. I guess I end up retaining water while I sleep.

patience4 Sat, Aug-27-16 07:23

Name ........... 7/7 ........... 7/14 .......... 7/21 .......... 7/28

cshepard ..... 122.8 .........123.6 ......... 123.0 ......... 121.6

Mycie14 ........154.0.........154.0 ......... 153.0.......153.0

patience4 .....139.7..........139.8 ..........139.9..........139.9

Name ........... 8/4.......... 8/11 .......... 8/18 .......... 8/25

cshepard ..... 120.8 .......120.6 ...........119.0 .........120.4

Mycie14 .......153.5........152.0............151.5..........151.8

patience4 .....139.9........139.8.............139.9.........139.2

It is nice to be the same week after week. I just had my annual physical. I will be 68 in two weeks, and I am healthy. The only problem is that I will need to see an opthalmologist for my eyes. Otherwise, clean bill of health. I have been eating the way I eat since July 2007. I was 343, and dreaded going to see a doctor. I had high blood pressure, pre diabetes, asthma, osteoarthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, sleep apnea, acid reflux, and a wall full of medicines. I changed what I ate. I lost 200 pounds. Now I have zero medications. The doctor's visit makes me happy. I am doing the right thing - however tempted I may be.

cshepard Sat, Aug-27-16 07:36

What an inspiration you are, patience!
A bill of health like that is the greatest reward, isn't it!

cshepard Thu, Sep-01-16 08:42

Name ........... 8/4.......... 8/11 .......... 8/18 .......... 8/25

cshepard ..... 120.8 .......120.6 ...........119.0 .........120.4

Mycie14 .......153.5........152.0............151.5..........151.8

patience4 .....139.9........139.8.............139.9.........139.2

Name .......... 9/1 ............9/8 ............9/15 ..........9/22 ......... 9/29

cshepard .... 120.4

Mycie14 ......

patience4 ...

A new month already!
In the month of August I decided to try cutting out artificial sweeteners for 90 days. For one thing, I didn't like the 'hold' they had over me - I felt like I simply could not enjoy tea without sweetener, And I drink, easily, 4-5 mugs of tea a day. That's going well and I feel good about it. When the 90 days is up I may allow myself a limited amount of AS either daily or weekly... we'll see.
At the same time I also cut back on the amount of cream I consume, and started using butter and coconut oil in my morning coffees. I really like the flavour - you can taste the dark roastiness of the coffee more, but it is buffered by the oils so not as harsh as black. I use a little battery hand blender as well and it gets quite thick - a great mouth feel!
I've only been on this WOE for about 2 1/2 years and am still astounded that adding all this extra fat and calories has not caused any weight gain!

Mycie14 Thu, Sep-01-16 10:37

Name ........... 8/4.......... 8/11 .......... 8/18 .......... 8/25

cshepard ..... 120.8 .......120.6 ...........119.0 .........120.4

Mycie14 .......153.5........152.0............151.5..........151.8

patience4 .....139.9........139.8.............139.9.........139.2

Name .......... 9/1 ............9/8 ............9/15 ..........9/22 ......... 9/29

cshepard .... 120.4

Mycie14 ......150.5

patience4 ...

Back to my lowest weight in the last 30 years or so. I weighed this last December before my wedding. Pretty sure it will not stick here, but that is what the scale said this a.m. When/if I see anything in the 140's pop up, that will be a new triumph.

Ci, I do the coffee with coconut oil, but I use heavy whipping cream instead of butter. It is now my breakfast as I try to pseudo-fast until lunch to keep blod sugar in range. However, my cholesterol numbers from my NRM Lipoprofile are terrible (high number of small particles). Trying to figure out what to do. Dr. Davis' Track Your Plaque/Cureality says some people do have to limit saturated fats, even on low carb. If that's me, what the heck am I gonna have to get me from waking to lunch, a tablespoon of olive oil by itself? Ugh! Anyway, trying to figure that out right now.

cshepard Thu, Sep-01-16 12:46

Oh, sorry about that, mycie. Have you thought of trying toasted walnut or hazelnut oil in coffee? I'll bet it is tasty! In fact, I have some walnut oil in stock - I'll give it a try, maybe this afternoon and report back!

cshepard Thu, Sep-01-16 16:21

Originally Posted by cshepard
Oh, sorry about that, mycie. Have you thought of trying toasted walnut or hazelnut oil in coffee? I'll bet it is tasty! In fact, I have some walnut oil in stock - I'll give it a try, maybe this afternoon and report back!

Ok, tried it and calling it a FAIL. Couldn't taste the oil in the coffee (even though it is quite flavourful on a salad) and it did not emusify or thicken at all.

Mycie14 Thu, Sep-01-16 17:19

Originally Posted by cshepard
Ok, tried it and calling it a FAIL. Couldn't taste the oil in the coffee (even though it is quite flavourful on a salad) and it did not emusify or thicken at all.
Thanks for the experiment report. I won't rush out and get the other oils. I could drop the whipping cream and try almond milk, but it definitely won't be as creamy nor will it have enough calories. Maybe I could use half HWC and half almond milk, though not sure that really saves me that much saturated fat. I use 1tsp CO, 2T HWC right now.

cshepard Thu, Sep-08-16 08:01

Name ........... 8/4.......... 8/11 .......... 8/18 .......... 8/25

cshepard ..... 120.8 .......120.6 ...........119.0 .........120.4

Mycie14 .......153.5........152.0............151.5..........151.8

patience4 .....139.9........139.8.............139.9.........139.2

Name .......... 9/1 ............9/8 ............9/15 ..........9/22 ......... 9/29

cshepard .... 120.4 .........121.6

Mycie14 ......150.5

patience4 ...

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