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Jaz66 Mon, Dec-13-21 08:54

Good Monday morning from a sunny and cool patio.

I'm in a sweatshirt and leggings this morning. :( :( :(

Lori- Fingers crossed good news for the hubby. Alot of times truly there is nothing to worry about. I understand though you want the official sign off he is good.

The chili was WONDERFUL yesterday! - yum and yum!

Nic- very cool you enjoyed yourself at the neighbors gathering! Awesome you can feel at home in two places! Love the Blue Christmas tree- VERY BEACHY!!!!!

Trig- OMG on the tooth!!!!! - Hope he gets it fixed! I hate the dentist, but I go!
Breathe and just get through. It truly will work itself out.
Today is errands.

Off to UPS store to ship my DD gifts that will most likely cost more than the gifts. She and the entire family have a stomach bug. I swear- They are always sick.

I will say this though. She has it in her head that antibiotic hand-soap causes cancer. She has turned a 180. I brought her up to believe Lysol was the nectar of the gods- so for this...... I have no words.
Soooooooooo.......... It will be later, maybe spring! I am upset, but what can ya do? I don't want what they have and she does not clean with REAL PRODUCTS. Anyway-

Then from there I am getting an oil change, new tire and rotation.
Then stopping at drugstore to pick up meds and then laundry. A full day of running!

Back later!

Jaz66 Mon, Dec-13-21 12:33

Turned out to be an AWESOME day. Temps warmed up and I got a walk in with the pooch. Most of my errands done.

They had to order a tire- didn't have my "size" for the Honda. So that will happen Thurs.

So I am doing Laundry, checking emails, windows all open, patio door open, shrimp thawing, music going and a Charleston Bloody Mary going down a bit quick! Dam it's good.

Charleston Bloody Mary mix is the BOMB- add shrimp for the meal= sweetness. I am not a big blood Mary fan, but when I want one I want one. They are so much easier (safer) to make at home. But it's the MIX that makes or breaks, but of course you need high end vodka too. I had to come to the south to like them. They are SPICY and have a touch of sea, and heat. Love it.

Need to actually hit up the job market and toss my stuff in the dryer. Going to divine the Carolina shrimp and boil it in a Oldbay pot/seasonings.

Left over Salmon from yesterday I might make salmon patties to go with shrimp. Can life get any better?
(ya maybe..... income would be sweet)........ HAHAHAHAH

Time to get productive............... OR NOT............. :lol: :lol: :lol: Island time.

EDITED- NOT- :lol: :lol: :lol:

Whirrlly Tue, Dec-14-21 07:09

fast one

got busy happening

pick up kid early from school thru exam times and then bro Rich is driving here and kiddo can watch mom while me and Rich go check out a nursing home nearby for 'future' when we might need it. Then home he will take mom back to her house and visit and then I get her after and keep her like a month or so while we give bro Gregg a break.

So just busy with doings :)

mom tried the transport chair in 2 stores, she loved it :) She is more vibrant out and about and active vs I know bro Gregg just leaves her on the couch watching tv all day but I move her and interact alot more with our busy household. Nothing against Gregg, but his chats with mom in the house just ain't enough to say there is an active, interatactive lifestyle happening ya know.

So all good...just doing. Gonna focus on me in Jan on my zc plan and tighten up and put me first and all about my health. I feel just like doing that HA

chat up later, off I go to get stuff done

Lori_:) Tue, Dec-14-21 07:50

Good Morning!

Trig......Love that Mom enjoyed getting out with the transport chair! You two have such a great relationship. You are right that she will do better with more interaction, rather than sitting on the couch all the time. I'm sure your brother does the best he can, but men are just "different".

Jaz.....I'd love to join you for a Charleston bloody Mary & some shrimp. Sounds like a perfect dinner to me! Enjoy your today.

Nic.....Have a safe trip back to MD. I know you were busy getting all the loose ends tied up in the DE house yesterday.


I stayed in bed till after 7 this morning. Was bliss. I have several errands to run today, so thank goodness the sun is shining. :sunny: Still chilly, but the sun makes you feel better. I have to pick up some things for Betty and I'm hungry for a salad, so I'll grab all the things.

I'm trying to cut a few pounds before Connie comes at the end of the month. I know we'll be going out to eat several times and there are always treats, and alcohol when we're together. It'll be fun. :D

Time for another cup of coffee. I'm getting a late start to this day......but I'm enjoying it!

Bye! :wave:

Jaz66 Tue, Dec-14-21 09:32

Good Morning!

HAHAHAH- Hoping today a bit more productive! Thing is it's mid to upper 70's and sunny. So hard to work!

Nic- Safe travels! Let us know when you get home! A dot is fine. I know hubby will be happy to see you!

Lori- - Truly if any of you were near me we would be sipping SOMETHING poolside or on the patio!

I love a good salad! I also like it with a good crunch- fresh veggies and a good base like chicken or shrimp. YUM! Do you add cheese?

Are you still doing your videos?
OK- the doctor needs to make an offer!!!!! We are all waiting! :lol: :lol:

Trig- - Urgh...on looking at nursing homes. I guess I don't "see" your mom as nursing home ready. MAYBE assisted living. But hey I am going by what you write. It's easy for me to say never laying eyes on her. Has assist living been ruled out? She could have her own apt in a senior center with assistance. So hard.......... (((((hugs))))))))) I know this is hard!

You are an angel to take her in for awhile! Love she is thrilled with her new "ride".!!!!!!!

Yup- Jan is your time!
I got absolutely nothing work wise done yesterday and had a ball. Weather was great, music was going, and Mikey's patio was hoping. I ended up taking the last bit of Blood Mary's and making a pitcher and taking over there so it was gone at warp speed.

I then did nothing but watch mindless Shark tank until bed. I was in bed by 9-930 Party Animal me! - :lol: :lol: :lol:

So TODAY I am going to F/U on those applications and do some more writing.

Taco meat (ground turkey) over spinach and that is about it. O could fold laundry.

Beach walk for sure!

niccofive Tue, Dec-14-21 16:25

Hey all-

Trig smart to start checking things out and hopefully it can be delayed for a while. Sounds like the chair is a great pick and your Mom is enjoying that. Well done!

Lori I kind of love that you are getting some good sleep ins lately! What else is winter good for? lol

Jaz, the party chick! I am so disappointed that you won't be seeing the Grands! When were you going to go? Surely they would be better closer to xmas?

Glad you are having such a fun time in St Simons. Makes me happy for you!

Home in MD and whipped. I won't be back in DE for quite a while so I did a good cleaning, then drove home and went through a bunch of stuff that needed doing here. You know you have done a lot when you spent 3 hours on the road and have almost 10 K steps at 5 PM!

Going to collapse and will write more tomorrow.

Lori_:) Wed, Dec-15-21 06:24

Good Morning!

Early stand-up this morning as Gabby wanted breakfast! I didn't have a very good night. Took forever to get to sleep and then I was restless. I think I was hungry...just a salad for dinner with some chicken & hard boiled egg. When I log on MyFitnessPal, I quite often do not have enough calories. I don't want to tank my metabolism by eating too little, but I still want to lose a few pounds. It's a conundrum! :spin:

Today I'm just puttering around the house. I need to do a workout at some point and make LC meatballs for dinner. DH will have spaghetti and I'll toss a couple meatballs on top of a salad for me.

What you all up to?

Whirrlly Wed, Dec-15-21 07:14

Lori, you'll lose a few if you just go back to your easy peasy lc ways :) Don't overthink this, you know point blank what works for you and once ya set into it, ya got it made in the shade. I remember the ol' lc salad...the grilled chicken and lettuce and it used to be a 'meal' and hold me in the old I wouldn't even consider that a meal HAHA I think it is time for some good ol' beef tenderloin for you :) big protein is a big satisfier for sure for us.

Nicco, I am sure you are whipped LOL
You have been moving and shaking like crazy. You know you had a great time on vacay when ya come back to your real home and are dogged tired HA

Jazz, hell girl it sounds like you are in semi early retirement right now....enjoying life and each day as you want. Can't ask for anything better and I hope you get an online job that suits you well and easily fits into your days. Rock out the beach with the pooch and keep enjoying your St Simon life!

-----------all good

yes in Jan I am 'tightening' my zc ways. The salami and cheese and other stuff is a goner.

I am going full on strict carnivore. Not eating out for a while. Beef will be key and not cooked in butter. It will be cutting a bit of the fat off the steak, render down a tad, slap in the steak and eat. I am going all in and cleaning up my zc act point blank.
I love I got a great focus. Not much to do but I am going back to the simplest version of my plan. It suits me best.

All good, will shoot you guys an email :) easier that way.

Jaz66 Wed, Dec-15-21 08:29

Good Morning!

Trig- All sounds very good! Wink! - Yup when you are ready to "slender" down the carnivore you will. I found that swapping beef for chicken or fish has worked well for me. I was stalled on beef alone.
So again every body is different and and we lose differently.

Sounds like all is good for you during the holidays and for that it makes me happy!

Lori- I hate it when I am restless when I sleep. Have you tried Melatonin? I know Nic doesn't like like it, but I LOVE it. Works well for me. Also is your room hot?

Do you use beef and sausage for meatballs? I think I might try turkey meatballs. I am really trying to lighten things up.
I also think I am going to sign up for "Myfitness Pal". Just for fun. Just the free calculator. Help me keep tract.

Do you go out and walk?

NIC- - I bet you are sad and happy to be home, but having left your new digs! Such a problem to have! :lol: :lol: :lol:

2 years ago today I was in Rehoboth- stayed through Jan. Pretty there for sure. I was looking at those pics. It seems longer!

Rest up and ENJOY everyday and your celebrations! Are the kids coming home for Christmas?!?!??
So.......... :( :( yes- looks like I need to wait until Jan. Maybe later to see the kiddos. They are still passing the stomach flu around. Son in law has it now. Not going to happen in Dec.
I was supposed to see them this weekend. They are planning to go to Disney for a week over Christmas.

So then they will be back in school. It is what it is with young kids. It has been OVER a year since I have seen them. We will figure something out.

So I am "stuck" seeing my mom. It will all be ok. She was pretty out of it the last time I saw her. It will be a short visit.

Not doing much else for the holidays. I shipped everything to both kids, and grands. Ordered a few goodies for myself (heheheh) and that will be that. Ordered a new sweatshirt, and more peppermint coffee and a candle. Truly I NEED nothing.

I tried to send some more beach pic's but it looks like they aren't going through. I will look at that. IF you all want beach pic's. My son send to STOP sending them it was depressing him. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Today- Beach walk- going to be 70's rest of the week hitting 80 tomorrow. I am in shorts, tee, and windows open. WHOOT!!!!!

Food: hummmmmmmmm ever have a day nothing sounds good?

Ok all have a great day!

Lori_:) Wed, Dec-15-21 09:48

Jaz......I take a 5 mg Melatonin every night about 8 o'clock. I usually go right to sleep in about an hour, but DH got a phone call just as we were going to bed and then he started jabbering. I finally told him SHHHHHHH!

I make my meatballs with ground beef, an egg, diced onion, garlic and I put some shredded cheese in them this time. Sometimes I use parmesan. Spices of course. I don't measure anything, just dump. I bake them in the oven for half hour at 350 on a sheet pan. They just came out of the oven and smell yummy.

I haven't been going out walking. I just hate the cold so much. I try to do a Pahla video every day with a day off now and then.

I think all my chores are done for the day, other than getting dinner for DH tonight and cleaning up the kitchen. Another exciting day! :lol:

niccofive Wed, Dec-15-21 17:26

Hey all-

I can't believe it is after 6 PM already. Another day flying past.

Lori- Sorry you were tossing and turning. I hate nights like that. Hopefully tonight will be much better!

Trig- Wow you really are going to be tightening things up. No doubt it will work for you.

Jaz- When will be going to see your Mom and for how long?
Nice that you are getting such warm beach weather. That is fab!


Did I tell you guys that we had to toss everything in the deep freezer? DH didn't check on it, even with my reminders, during a few windy days. If the power blips, it will throw the breaker. So, the deep freezer is empty and defrosted. Sigh. So much fun to start replacing things when the meat costs are sky high! I'll look for some sales.

Today I heard from all the kids- Actually DD and I ran some errands today, which was fun. I mean, the errands weren't that fun- mostly mailing packages etc- but it was nice to see her and hang out some. It had been since Thanksgiving that I saw her!

DS23 called me a couple of times about work stuff- a party thing, and NY is sort of shutting down a bit so he is going to be working virtually into Mid January at least.

DS19 has been checking in bc he is completing his Finals and closing out his semester. His grades are good- not great, not bad. I think overall he should have around a B average, maybe a touch higher if his school does +'s.
I think he is coming home tomorrow or Friday.

Jaz- yes, all kids will be home. DS23 from the 24th to the 1st or 2nd. DS19 from any day now until the new year, unless he decides to go back to his apartment for a while. DD and SoIL of course are already in and out.

We have some fun stuff planned. :)

So I am frustrated with my Mom, frustrated with her husband etc. My mom because she doesn't give her cell number to therapists, and then when I give it to them (because they call me bc they can't reach her) then she tends to not answer. So I am playing middle man to trying to get her home therapies set up from her fall. And THEN I asked her if she got the Save the Date card for DS23's wedding- No. My Christmas card? No. Well, either her husband isn't giving them to her, or he is just setting them down somewhere and she isn't receiving them. I mean, WTH?? How hard is it to put something in someone's chair, or on their side of the bed? Now granted, the home they share is a mess and a good part of that is on my Mom, but they can't work out SOME kind of system? Or if you notice that someone is clearly not opening their mail, maybe you call their attention to it?

I don't know, I just think it is really, really weird. He has three sons, and has almost no contact whatsoever with them. His family relationships are clearly very fractured. So is he consciously or unconsciously undermining hers? But on the flip side, I am also just frustrated with the endless helplessness and victimization with which she goes through life, so who knows. She doesn't do anything for herself at all, so maybe he is doing something and maybe he isn't.

Anyway. ERGH. I mean it's not like things would be better if she were NOT with him, I'm sure they'd be worse. So, whatever. It is just aggravating as F to send cards, or a gift or whatnot and it's like sending it into the ether.

Ok, gonna step out, getting ALL up in my self! lol

Lori_:) Thu, Dec-16-21 05:55

Good Morning!

Ho hum......another day. Running to the laundromat this morning with Betty's laundry and then later a trip to the meat market. That's my day. Hoping I have the gumption to get a workout done.

Odd weather in that it is quite warm this morning. I think it's supposed to get up to 60 today! What?? Those horrible winds in the mid-west would have scared the life out of me.....I hate wind! I guess the warmer than usual weather is causing a lot of these freak storms and wind.

Nic.....Sorry about the situation you are dealing with regarding your Mom. It must be very hard to try to figure things out from long distance. All you can do is the best you can do and let it go. ((Hugs)) I know you'll have a wonderful Christmas with your always make things so much fun for everyone! Sorry about your freezer mess.....all the mess and all the $$$. Double whammy!

Trig & Jaz......What's up?

I need some collagen coffee. Hoping that will kill my appetite for a bit. I don't want to start my eating day before 7AM!

Be well!

Whirrlly Thu, Dec-16-21 06:19

Lori, maybe jumping on a morning steak is the meal ya need....wink....fill ya up, hit that protein high and get that appetite in some good know, a fine tenderloin steak never hurt anyone HA

Jaz, shorts and Ts and sun and beach. Yea rough life there HA
Yea with sick kids and parents you can't go there. You never know what they are passing around LOL Just chill with your mom, enjoy it all ya can, things go funky ya got wheels and gas and hit the road if needed, but you should have a good time I would think :)

Nicco.....ahhh on the deep freeze!
Yea the food price increase is scary and alot of meat replacement...ugh. Only darn thing on good sale here is ham, yuk. I am SO waiting for after Xmas for good meat sales again, the beef ones ;)

Sounds like a full house for you during the

I SO feel ya on the mom situation. But like ya said you are on that fence, 'what is really' going down with those issues, but who knows? :) In the end, don't bother guessing or blowing your mind up over any of it, cause that kinda stuff is what it is ya know. No control on their end so? I get the annoying stuff, I am so having alot of the annoying stuff right now too!

----------------SO kiddo got her bookcase. Nice one. 'fits that small' space where she wanted it like a glove. Amish furniture. Not 'too bad' as it was only $450, yea shoot me. But furn. she will keep ya know for future. She is thrilled with her bookcase.

But we find it finally after hitting a few stores and hubby gets a call. MIL is crying, saying her BP is like 180/100, sicky feeling, dizzy type feeling and all that mess and crying for hubby to come take her to ER and he says....I am at least 1.5 hrs away up in Lenoir shopping for furniture. So he says call 911. She did. All good after getting to ER she got BP lowering meds, some nausea meds and ALL tests came back fine and released her at 10 at night so hubby went and got her and brought her home. It was wild cause when we got home and got that bookcase unloaded I said are ya heading to the hopsital and he said nope. I was like, hmmm and said why? He said cause this is the exact stuff she does each time she hits the ER and I go and spend hrs upon hrs for nothing and I am over it. Hmmm. Kinda threw me a wow on that. So he said he was waiting til later and call ER and he did. Called ER at 9 and they said she would be released in about an hr and come get her and off he went. Hmm. I think he is so over her ER visits but at the same time they 'are something' happening to her but it happens alot more than ya think....I don't tell ya'll when she does the 911 call all the time. Yea. It is strange. But she will follow up with cardiologist is what the ER said. She is ON SO many meds. For kidney, diabetes which is the crux of this whole issue rotting her up now, heart stuff, eye meds, circulatory meds, and more I can't remember so.....I don't know. Just going with the flow ya know. Just dealing with so much elderly stuff on all sides.

So when we stopped at her house to check it on the way home wtih the bookcase, I walked into that kitchen. OMG. Hoarder to the ultimate. Just gross. I grabbed a garbage bag and said I gotta hit this crap and hubby said NO...put it down. I checked house, all good, we are leaving NOW and I said we have to come back and clean AGAIN and he said NO. He is DONE. We clean, she craps it up again. He said NO more. Hmmm....again...he is drawing big lines. I walked out and didn't look back but OMG. I said we need to take total control and force....for her health...blah blah and he said NOPE....leave it alone.

I don't know guys....ugh.

OK all good right now this far :)

chat up later

Jaz66 Thu, Dec-16-21 07:30

OMG my mouth is hanging over this entire "mothers" situation!!!!!
NIC/TRIG- Holy Crap!!!!!! Which on first - in order of reading.

NIC- Girl- I am there with having to deal with a guy my mother is married to that is also controlling and the entire victim/hero situation. OVER IT.
You can only do what you can do. Mail her the cards and whip your hands. If she does show that is not on you- You invited her!

Why is the rehab calling YOU rather than her husband to make discharge arrangements? Something so odd about it all. I would take myself off her list! I see her right back in the hospital sooner rather than later- then what. I would put a stop to that circus pronto.

On a different note- YAY and YAY on the "kids" coming home. Sounds like all your little birdies are flying so well in their lives!!!! You have got to be proud!

Yuck on the muck in your deep freezer. You are right- to replace all that right now!!!!!! Time to sell the beach house for a cow! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Maybe Costco will have sales! MAYBE- Everything is so expensive right now!

OMG with your MIL. I actually am super impressed with your Pork chop for drawing that line- a bigger one! LEAVE IT. You know it takes alot to walk away from that mess literally. However, he is over it. Crap like that can only go on for so long.
It truly sounds like MIL IS nursing home ready. Not Assisted- nursing home. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh
This all shall pass- it really will.

So glad the book case is just right. I LOVE Amish furniture! Hand made and really high end stuff!

Keep your head up and take care of YOU!!!!! You have a ton of moving pieces going on. Just take every day and do not worry about tomorrow.

Lori- - Your meatballs sounds yummy!!!!!
Any news yet on the house? I would be reaching out and give the dear doctor a time frame before you tell him you are listing it. It might put a fire under his backside!

I bet you are ready for Spring! I can't stand cold!

Sipping my collagen coffee as I type. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I have also noticed my hair feels thicker! I have been on it now 3 months. I think it is helping my knees but not sure. I don't want to stop it. I have read so many benefits from it!
I need to order some more. I do the Vitals- no flavor.

Leaving early to get my tire. It came and now need to get my car up and going. Oil change, tire, rotation. Should be good to go.

I will go to my mom's on the 23 and leave the 26th. I know NIC you use a hotel when you visit your mom. I will say though that my mom actually has a huge house and it is pristine almost to white glove.
You all deal with mess- I have to worry I leave a dog hair on her couch. It is always something. But it is very clean, and I have my own hallway/ bath/ space- and USE IT. But I still relish when I leave!!!! :lol:

Ok gotta run- car needs attention- and my dogger is crying- WTH.............. Just like a kid.....

Lori_:) Thu, Dec-16-21 08:09

Trig....So sorry about the MIL situation. I can imagine your DH is over it....Jaz may be right....sounds like nursing home time especially with all the meds she is on. DD's bookcase sounds perfect! Worth the $$ as she will have it forever and put it to good use.

Jaz.....I use Great Lakes Collagen. I've been having 2 servings a day. I put it in my coffee.....perfect.

The Dr. did call DH the other night to confirm that they are still very interested and crunching numbers with their contractor and financial people. Taking their time cause as the Dr. said to DH...."It's a big number and we need to consider everything." We're hoping they come in with a fair offer cause Betty is ready to sign. She knows that she will be able to continue to live there and the only change is that she will be out from under the expenses & worries...which are considerable. We wait.

Laundry done and hanging on the line since it's going to be 60 degrees today! Heading to the meat market in a few. Just an easy day.

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