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MickiSue Mon, Apr-11-16 07:58

Oh, HECK NO! Ken.

When Husband first ran the half, he came in just a hair under two hours. That was his goal, and he'd basically not trained. He's the long, slender legged type, and in his 40 year old arrogance, figured his playing tennis would suffice for training.

He made goal, and could barely walk for a week.

Now, he starts in January, and the race is Father's Day weekend. If he shaved 1/2 minute off his time, that's a celebration. He assumes, and rightly, that as he approaches 60 and beyond, the times will slow.

khrussva Thu, Apr-14-16 06:33

I have not jogged in the 5 days since the race. My legs felt fresh and totally recuperated on my walks the past few days. When I got back from my evening walk last night my daughter said "Dad, let's go jogging tomorrow." Cool beans. I didn't expect that. I guess we are going jogging today. :)

MickiSue Thu, Apr-14-16 08:52

NICE! Really nice!

khrussva Thu, Apr-14-16 18:56

I went jogging at the track with Kel tonight. I walked 2 miles with a 2 mile jog in between. Pace: 10' 36" - 45 seconds per mile faster than I ran the 10K. I'll run 3 miles next time. At 2 miles I was just getting warmed up.

Walked 1/2 mile at 3.3 mph
Jogged 2 miles at 5.6 mph
Walked 1.5 miles at 3.5 mph

Duration: 61 minutes

khrussva Mon, Apr-18-16 21:08

I jogged 2 miles tonight at 10' 45" per mile. I know I said I'd do three this this time, but one thing I didn't mention about the 10K was that it caused my H issue with my bum to flare up again. It is getting close to being back to normal and I'll consider adding distance when this is completely resolved.

Total distance today: 5 miles walking and jogging.

khrussva Tue, Dec-27-16 21:54

I have not jogged since last spring. Walking - YES. Jogging - NO. But I just registered for next year's Richmond Monument Avenue 10K. Kel will be joining me again. We have 3 months to get back into running shape. The race is on April 1st.

I signed us up for the 66 to 70 minute wave. I ran it in just over 70 minutes last year, so if I can cut 5 minutes off my time I'll be happy. I weighed 210 pounds when I ran it last year. I will work to be below 190 pounds this year. I hit the gym tonight and I really worked up a sweat. I like having goals. This race should be the motivation I need to stop floundering in the 200s. I want to get back to Onderland.

I probably won't be logging all of the details of my pre-race preparation like I did last year. I'll post a few updates on my progress and then record the results. Jogging is not my favorite thing, but I like completion. I want to beat my time from last year.

khrussva Wed, Dec-28-16 13:59

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday was that they added a new feature for this year's event: participants can personalize their race bibs with their name, a nickname, or what ever you'd like to say. Kelsey asked her college friends to come up with a name to put on her bib. They came up with Runny McDying. OK. That's the best that some GMU art students could come up with? Whatever. I chose something better... my bib will read LCHF ROCKS.

Meme#1 Wed, Dec-28-16 14:06

Great Name Ken!!!

mviesprite Wed, Dec-28-16 21:36

Originally Posted by khrussva
One thing I forgot to mention yesterday was that they added a new feature for this year's event: participants can personalize their race bibs with their name, a nickname, or what ever you'd like to say. Kelsey asked her college friends to come up with a name to put on her bib. They came up with Runny McDying. OK. That's the best that some GMU art students could come up with? Whatever. I chose something better... my bib will read LCHF ROCKS.

Ken that's great!
Good luck with training and the race - always enjoy reading about your challenges.
Kat :thup:

khrussva Mon, Jan-16-17 13:50

Slowly but surely I'm ramping up the workouts in preparation for the April 1st 10K. I've been getting several cardio level workouts in per week since the new year, mostly on the elliptical. I have also done some speed walking on the treadmill. Soon I will start working in some jogging on the treadmill.

Yesterday I did 42 minutes on the elliptical. I want to be able to easily do 1 hour by the end of the month. I'm working up a sweat and keeping my heart rate in the 130 to 150 range. Sustaining a rate closer to 150 bpm is what I'm shooting for. It is too easy to slack off and let the HR fall on the elliptical. That is harder to do on the treadmill. So next month I plan to phase out the elliptical and get some good hard workouts on the treadmill and perhaps outside pounding the pavement (weather permitting).

khrussva Mon, Feb-13-17 10:29

Time to get serious in preparing for the 2017 Monument Ave 10K on April 1
The weather was nice this weekend. I was able to get in my first major outdoor workout in preparation for the April 1 10K.

I did do some jogging on the treadmill in recent weeks. It is not my favorite. I find it hard to go at a consistent pace and that is not a good thing on a treadmill. I was frequently bumping against the front bar or drifting back on the belt. For cardio at the gym I like the elliptical much better. I will stick with doing the elliptical on weekdays until daylight savings time kicks in.

This past Saturday I walked and jogged for 10 miles at the local middle school track. As part of that workout I did a baseline 10K (6.2 miles). I managed to slow jog 5.2 of the 6.2 miles and I did the 10K in 79 minutes. That is 6 minutes faster than my baseline last year, and 8 minutes slower than I ran last year's 10K. So that's a good start, but I have a lot of work to do and less than 7 weeks to do it in.

I'm 15 pounds lighter than I was last year when I started jogging. I could tell. The jogging felt pretty natural. I enjoyed running the track so much better than doing it on a treadmill. The HR was fine, too. Strength and endurance to keep a good pace up for 6.2 miles is what is lacking. If I work hard, I'll get what I need out of these old legs.

This morning I was sore, but nothing like last year. I think the gym workouts the past 2 months have helped get me prepared for pounding the pavement outdoors. I walked for 7 miles today. It was a beautiful day. I also did 4 or 5 short sprints in sections where there is a nice uphill grade. I wanted to get the HR up some. I feel good tonight. Tomorrow I will be back at the gym for elliptical night.

I worked out big and I ate big this weekend. The fat and protein was high; the carbs counts were good. I find fasting during the weekdays to be pretty darn easy. I want to crack into the 190's before next weekends workout. So I'll start another fast tomorrow and try and stick with it until Friday. I want to stay in weight loss mode for the rest of February. In March I want to eat what I need to eat to stay at or just below the weight I achieve on March 1st.

I'm glad I decided to do the 10K again. I'm finding it very helpful in getting me motivated to make some progress.

mviesprite Sun, Feb-19-17 19:13

Go Ken Go!!! :thup:
Cheering you on!

khrussva Sun, Feb-19-17 21:01

Thanks Kat. I did go, go, go this weekend. I'm pooped.

khrussva Thu, Feb-23-17 20:49

I jogged 3.1 miles (5K) in 35 minutes tonight on the treadmill. That is the same pace as I ran the 10K last year. I still have 5 weeks left to train. :thup: :thup:

khrussva Mon, Mar-20-17 07:57

Yesterday I did my last hard, strength building workout prior to the April 1 10K race. I walked, jogged, and sprinted for 10.5 miles yesterday in a 2 hour and 40 minute workout at the nearby public school complex. I did a lap on the cross-country course and ran up and walked down 'murder hill' 5 times. I jogged a couple of miles on the school track. I sprinted 100 yds 10 or 12 times, walking the corners. In other words, I put it all out there yesterday and I'm feeling it today. Legs are quite wobbly this morning. Today is a recovery day. For this week I will just do my normal walks and a couple of decent jogs before resting up in the days prior to the 10K.

I worked out like a horse over the weekend and ate like one, too. I had too many carbs as well so I was up on the scales this morning. I'm fasting today. Hopefully I can make this one last more than a day or two. I want to be in deep ketosis and shed this extra water that I'm carrying. Next week I will be eating VLCHF (very low carb/high fat). I want to keep the water weight off and be running on fat in that 10K.

Last year I ran the 10K in 71 minutes. I started training earlier this year, but I didn't get my weight down as much as I would have liked. I'd love to run the 10K this year in under 1 hour; however, I'm not going to kill myself trying to do it. I want to enjoy the race. I'll be happy with a six minute improvement - 1 minute per mile shaved off of last year's pace. So running the 10K in 65 minutes or less is the plan.

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