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s93uv3h Fri, Jun-29-18 10:50

Originally Posted by GRB5111
s93uv3h - I'm hesitant to recommend a dose or compare different manufacturers, because I don't know enough about the efficacy of these to provide any accurate guidance. I think if you've had your D3 levels tested with a dependable testing method and know you're low or lacking, it enables you to find a well-reviewed source of D3 to correct any deficiency. Some on this forum may have already done that, so they may chime in with their findings/ recommendations. All the best!
Makes sense. Thank you.


s93uv3h Sun, Jul-08-18 19:16

Just about finished with Dr. Satchin Panda's The Circadian Code: Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy, and Transform Your Health from Morning to Midnight. Fascinating read on the bodies many clocks and how they affect your health. Timely for me, with it's focus on sleep.

Just downloaded and installed a program mentioned - f.lux, which will adjust your computer screen as it nears bedtime.

Here's Dr. Rhonda Patrick interviewing Dr. Panda.

s93uv3h Mon, Aug-13-18 07:24

Started reading The Ketogenic Bible: The Authoritative Guide to Ketosis (2017), Jacob Wilson, Ryan Lowery. That was a long library wait. No renewals either, as lots of people are waiting to borrow it (or likely the same want to re-borrow it to finish). I've got it for 3 weeks anyway. Very interesting so far.


edit: I'm on chapter 3 - this is a page turner! Great ketogenic timeline. I may actually read this all the way through!


s93uv3h Tue, Aug-21-18 13:42

Reading Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, William Davis (2011).

Fascinating reading; especially the part about wheat and schizophrenia.

Did a group of powerful men convene a secret Howard Hughesian meeting in 1955, map out an evil plan to mass produce high-yield, low-cost dwarf wheat, engineer the release of government-sanctioned advice to eat "healthy whole grains," lead the charge of corporate Big Food to sell hundreds of billions of dollars wo4rth of processed wheat food products - all lead to obesity and the "need" for billions of dollars of drug treatments for diabetes, heart disease, and all the other health consequences of obesity?

Ms Arielle Tue, Aug-21-18 13:52

I have felt for sometime like we are sheep being led to the slaughter. My purpose in having a better life and better health is so my children will have a good life and their children , too. I dont see it happening without major change. In years past the people of France rose up and declared " off with their heads" .....will we find our way?

JEY100 Wed, Aug-22-18 02:50

Originally Posted by s93uv3h
Reading Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, William Davis (2011).

Fascinating reading; especially the part about wheat and schizophrenia.

Did a group of powerful men convene a secret Howard Hughesian meeting in 1955, map out an evil plan to mass produce high-yield, low-cost dwarf wheat, engineer the release of government-sanctioned advice to eat "healthy whole grains," lead the charge of corporate Big Food to sell hundreds of billions of dollars wo4rth of processed wheat food products - all lead to obesity and the "need" for billions of dollars of drug treatments for diabetes, heart disease, and all the other health consequences of obesity?

You might also like Tom Naughton's take on the recent "low carb will kill you" study out of Harvard. I didn’t add it to that thread as it wandered into libertarian politics more than study rebuttal...but he has many good points as it relates to Grain. Eat Your Grains And Obey Your Rulers.

deirdra Wed, Aug-22-18 13:15

Was it Kellogg, Post or Graham who promoted grains in his "health spas" to calm the libido, keeping people subdued and obedient?

Ms Arielle Wed, Aug-22-18 13:22

lol, im having visions of the Lotus Palace in one of the Percy Jackson adventures, where lotus flower snacks are freely served to keep all consumers at the Palace.

lisat23 Sat, Aug-25-18 11:14

I'm reading DANDR again, 15 years after I first read the book. I love Dr. Atkin's enthusiasm and the simplicity of the induction plan. This time around I intend to follow his advice for ongoing weight loss and maintenance. Hopefully I will keep the weight off permanently.

More recently I read Eat Rich and Live Long, by Ivor Cummins and Jeffrey Gerber. Their main focus is on prevention and reversal of heart disease with a low carb way of eating. This is the first low carb/keto book I've read that describes someone like me - overweight but insulin sensitive, which makes it harder to lose weight. It doesn't help that I'm over 50 and quite short but I am determined.

Ms Arielle Sat, Aug-25-18 11:29

dr mark hyman,md
Eat fat-get thin

ANyone read this??

khrussva Sat, Aug-25-18 12:31

Originally Posted by JEY100
You might also like Tom Naughton's take on the recent "low carb will kill you" study out of Harvard. I didn’t add it to that thread as it wandered into libertarian politics more than study rebuttal...but he has many good points as it relates to Grain. Eat Your Grains And Obey Your Rulers.

That was an interesting read. Thanks for posting this.

deirdra Sat, Aug-25-18 13:04

Originally Posted by Ms Arielle
dr mark hyman,md
Eat fat-get thin
ANyone read this??
Yes, but there was nothing new in it and he stole the title from Barry Groves' 2000 book which I prefer. Hyman's is full of testimonials and self-aggrandizement. Back in 2000 Hyman was pushing vegan diets and his old "ultra simple diet" website now redirects to his store website. He is a friend of Dr. Oz and also seems to change his mind with the breeze for a buck.

s93uv3h Thu, Aug-30-18 11:46

Reading Dr. Matthew P. Walker's Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams (2017). Fascinating, well written book on a subject that I (we) deal with every night.

Starts out with evolutionary sleep, and the animal kingdom. Did not know that birds can sleep with one half their brain hemisphere asleep, and the other awake, with that eye keeping a look out. So one species line up on a branch, with all the birds in between with both side of their brains asleep, and the ones on the ends with one side awake, with that eye keeping watch. They then awake, turn around, and the other side wakes up to keep watch.

from ch 1 2nd para:

Routinely sleeping less than six or seven hours a night demolishes your immune system, more than doubling your risk of cancer. Insufficient sleep is a key lifestyle factor in determining whether or not you will develop Alzheimer's disease. Inadequate sleep - even moderate reductions for just one week - disrupts blood sugar levels so profoundly that you will be classified as prediabetic.

DancinGurl Wed, Sep-12-18 11:54

Low Carb book recommendations from Dr. Ken Berry- 1st and foremost is Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes

LCer4Life Wed, Sep-12-18 15:56

Originally Posted by JEY100
You're right, that is the complete and accurate Duke clinic handout, one he still used in 2016 when he spoke at that on-line lipedema summit. There are so many versions of the diet with foods in limited amounts, aka "page 4", with all or only parts of the instructions floating around the Internet, but you found the exact one :thup:

Hi JEY100, While surfing the forum and different posts I found this and used the link to print the article/presentation material. Nice and pertinent info. Good for LC beginners. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks!

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