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Tacos Mom Mon, Oct-10-11 22:00

ME/CFS/Fibro diet
I'm a ME/CFS sufferer for 30 years. At my worst point I slept a lot, was exhausted al the time, couldn't work and had bad joint pain. Early on I realized that I functioned better when I didn't eat fruit and sugar or sweetner of any kind. (Of course everyone told me it was all in my head!) The past 10 years I lowered my carbs and felt near normal. Today I'm better than normal because I found two thing that did it for me, I went on a extremely low carb diet, under 30 carbs most days. I only eat meat, eggs and certain lactose free or low fat cheese, some nuts and green vegetables, a little squash and nut butters. No artificial sweetners either.My energy level is the best since my childhood. I work 9-10 hour days on my feet all day. I think better and do better at work. I was starting to have cognitive impairment, but now is improved, but not gone. I rarely have joint pain now because I eliminated potatoes and tomatoes from my diet. The second thing is the probiotic Streptococcus Thermophilus. I use FloraQ2 brand, its fantastic, but a little expensive. Maybe this diet could help others with similar issues. It only took a week to see great improvement. But one candy bar or bowl of fruit and it's all over. I'm back to square one!

Drgnhrt64 Tue, Oct-11-11 04:46

Fibromyalgia / Low Carb diet
I've had fibromyalgia for most of my life, and not until I started a low-carb diet, began walking and started taking supplements, did I see any improvement. I deal with daily pain, but not significant pain, I'm not disabled, I'm active again, and I recently went back to college to finish my degree. (P.S. I'm 40)

myrt4930 Sat, May-19-12 21:38

I'd like to see this thread be active again. I've had fibro since May of1979 which is 33 years. I take it in stride most days and have found that the swimming pool and the gym help me the most. I've stuck with fairly gently exercises or I get too much pain. Would love to hear from other fibros. myrt

ebeadss Mon, May-28-12 09:37

Hello everyone, I will chime in. I have no idea if I posted here long time ago. I did LC for a year in 2009 but then put it all back and after an especially rough time this last winter I really packed on a lot. I have to say I was at my lowest both physically and emotionally EVER. I have had fibro for over 30 years. SO I have been through all the doctors saying I am crazy or depressed or faking. Also have tried the meds but they hardly helped the pain , but made me a zombie.

SO I have just been back LC for a couple of weeks. I do not know where I got the strength to get back on. I had really given up. I lost the water weight the first week, the scale hasn't budged again , though. But just taking that off has made it easier for me to get around.

Some day when I am more clear headed I will go back and read the pages of posts. I am happy to meet you and I , too hope this thread can revive.


myrt4930 Tue, Jun-05-12 18:44

Well, ebeades, I just had a bad time last week. I've been in physical therapy a month for my right foot. By the end of my time at PT it just seemed like things were getting worse and worse until last Friday when I just broke down and cried in front of God and everybody. Saturday late I was getting my little pill pak for the next day and realized it had been about 10 days since I'd taken any prednisone. I started back on it and I'm fine now. I take it routinely every other day so tomorrow I'll go back to that as I'm feeling 100% better. I think too that my PT was pushing me a little too hard. He suggested I cut back on exercise from 6 days a week to 5 days/week which I've decided to do. Most of my exercise is done at the swim pool because it's easier on my joints.
Take care and keep coming back! myrt

Fauve Tue, Jun-05-12 19:50

want to read this.

ebeadss Wed, Jun-06-12 07:16

Myrt, I am sorry you are having a rough time of it. Glad you are getting back on meds that help.

I have been dealing with an awful lot of pain... I think this stalled weather front has something to do with it. The weekend is supposed to be nice , so am looking forward to that on so many levels. My mood is much better since being back on Low Carb so I am just being brave and carrying on.

Hi Fauve ... great nickname! nice to see you here, keep checking in!

myrt4930 Wed, Jun-06-12 12:08

Cathleen---Keep on being brave and do some very mild exercise-just walk a little more around the house or something easy.

I went to the gym and did 10 mins on recumbant bike and 10 mins on the treadmill. I set the incline on #15 going forward for 5 mins and then 5 mins sideways like I was going up a hill sideways. I did that at PT and liked it so that was my aerobic for this morning and I'll try to remember to do a little tonight.

Have a great day....Fauve--Pls let us kinow how you're doing and what's going on in your life. myrt

Fauve Wed, Jun-06-12 16:25

Hello all. Finally managed to get some time and read this thread. Very interesting.
I have been diagnosed with cfs and fm in 1993, gosh, almost 20 years now! I have tried so many different things, naturopathy, massages, lots and lots of vitamins and supplements - all with varying degrees of success.
I have learned to pace myself, avoid stress as much as possible, avoid exercise except walks by the water with my little dog. I lead a quiet life, in a quiet place, away from crowds and noise.
Low carb diet is key for me. I had to go very low carb and avoid dairy too(unfortunately, as I love cheese). When I follow this regimen, I feel rather good, though never completely pain-free. One indiscretion, and I can feel it all over.
Very nice to meet you all.

ebeadss Thu, Jun-07-12 09:55

That is basically how it is for me. I love cheese, too. It also slows down my weight loss . In the 30 years I have had CFS/Fibro whatever you want to call it I have tried every darn thing I could. Nothing really works, and like you I came to those conclusions about avoiding stress, eating clean, etc.

Best of luck to you, and again, we are glad you are here!


Fauve Thu, Jun-07-12 16:23

Thanks Cathleen!
Frustrating, isn't it?

myrt4930 Thu, Jun-07-12 17:35

Today I went with W to the VA and that was an all day deal. All my exercise was a flight of stairs 2 times and walking in the long hallways. Tomorrow I'm going swimming because that and the gym is what's helping my pain.

We may have to put down my poodle. He's 12 and has kidney disease. He ate 1/2 his kidney food Wed. and 1/2 Tues. and now the symptoms (peeing on the carpet this morning) are back. I doctored his food up tonight and he ate it. His medicine is in the special kidney food and I don't know how long I can take this. You know what this stress does to me! Take care, myrt

ebeadss Sat, Jun-09-12 00:59

Aww myrt that is so sad about your poodle. Our pets are our babies. I love my kitties to death. One of them is getting elderly and it is gonna kill me when she goes. I hope your doggie has a little more time with you, but if it his time to go, Bless his little heart for giving you so much love.

At the moment finances do not allow me to pay for a place to swim. I have the place picked out, they have two pools , one warmer than the other and also a whirlpool. I hope I can get there soon.

I am in sort of an odd state with the fibro these days. My pain level is pretty high , sleep is not so good, but I am functioning well during the day. My studio work is proceeding and I have pretty good focus. So I am living with one foot in each world. It is so odd. This darn fibro has its " seasons". Sometimes we are totally out of it, sometimes we function... have to say it is never a dull moment.

How are you all doing?

quietone Tue, Jun-12-12 12:16

For me, remaining gluten free is more important than low carb itself. I have huge changes for the bad when I eat something I shouldn't.

myrt4930 Wed, Jun-13-12 20:54

We got the dog back on track and my little poodle, Lucky, seems just as good as ever. I'm giving him straight canned food---no dry---and I doctor it with cheese, green beans, partially cooked egg, just whatever comes to mind and he's eaten every meal. Spot likes the changes on her food, too. So hopefully they're good for a few more years. Spot has started having seizures but she rolls over on her back, has the seizure and then gets up and plays like nothing has happened. Go figure.
I had that bout a couple of weeks ago where I had forgotten my prednisone for about a week and then had a general meltdown. The pain isn't so bad again but I'm not eating right---I'm eating too much of everything. The week I forgot the med. I had a nice weight loss and that was a week ago. Now I've gained 6#. I've just gotta pick myself up, dust myself off and start all over again. See you soon. myrt

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