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Benay Fri, Jun-03-22 06:31

Thanks all for your comments and suggestions
Following Dr, Davis' suggestions are like my first encounter with the Eades' Protein Power

A whole new way of thinking and a whole new grocery shopping experience

I am so grateful he wrote this detailed book explaining how and why.

And grateful to all of you for adding your suggestions and experiences

esw Sun, Jun-05-22 11:09

Interesting thread Benay.
IBS-d here.

Not low carb but some of this info might be of use:

For me dairy is a no no and trying to avoid gluten as much as possible.
Fructans definitely make things worse.

Following fodmap suggestions and currently trying to include more resistant starch. Don't know if you have researched resistant starch yet but it's worth a look.

Seeing improvement at the moment so hopefully i am getting on the right track.

Benay Mon, Jun-06-22 04:50

Originally Posted by esw
Interesting thread Benay.
IBS-d here.
Don't know if you have researched resistant starch yet but it's worth a look.

Seeing improvement at the moment so hopefully i am getting on the right track.

Following FOD MAP changed nothing for me

Following Dr, Davis is making a world of difference
As he says, why not attack the source of the problem rather than just avoid certain foods?

JLx Mon, Jun-06-22 06:35

Cultured Food Life just posted a detailed FAQ about L-reuteri yogurt.

Donna Schwenk mentions Dr. Davis and has done a podcast with him.

One thing needed: An appliance or yogurt maker that can maintain a constant temperature of 100° F for 36 hours.

Some Instant Pots have a yogurt setting but they may be too high in temp. She advises testing with a cup of water.

She certainly makes that yogurt sound appealing!

Nancy LC Mon, Jun-06-22 09:24

I have used the yogurt function on my instant pot and it worked great. Oh, maybe not for this particular culture. I'm going to try it!

cotonpal Mon, Jun-06-22 10:16

Originally Posted by Nancy LC
I have used the yogurt function on my instant pot and it worked great. Oh, maybe not for this particular culture. I'm going to try it!

According to Dr Davis different cultures ferment optimally at different temperatures and some are more sensitive to temperatures above or below optimal and others less so. Lots of people in Dr Davis's subscription site, the inner circle, use an instant pot to make yogurt. I don't have one so I have no personal experience to contribute here.

Benay Wed, Jun-08-22 08:00

Insta pot
One of them has 7 functions! I have a tiny kitchen
But if it will make Dr Davis yogurt and clear up my IBS-D
Or buy it as a gift for someone else if they will make me the yogurt?

So far all the fermented foods he suggests are helping
and apparently all the non-pharmaceutical capsules

There really is a difference in the dill pickles I bought
1 had clear liquid
the other was a milky liquid which Davis says means there are loads of bacteria swimming around

JLx Wed, Jun-08-22 08:36

I wouldn't buy an IP for this yogurt unless you know in advance that the temp is correct.

Word must be getting around, because both of the yogurt makers that Donna Schwenk said will work for this temp yogurt are unavailable on Amazon. One was there just a couple days ago as I put it on my Wishlist but now is "temporarily unavailable".

Nancy LC Wed, Jun-08-22 09:25

If you buy the instant pot for yogurt, just make sure you can return it if the temperature isn't right. There is a sous vide version of instant pot too. I'm not sure what the lowest temperature is. But I also have a sous vide immersion circulator by Anova so if I have to do it sous vide, I will use that. About the same price as an instant pot.

Between my air fryer and my instant pot, I rarely use my oven/range any longer.

JEY100 Wed, Jun-08-22 11:24

In my quest NOT to buy another single use appliance, I found this article on alternate methods to make yogurt.

I knew my crockpot was too hot even on low, though I had used it in the past for less fussy yogurts. I tried keeping my first batch in a thermos jug, that was a fail, but could have been for a number of reasons.

Yesterday I used a carry sized, soft-sided cooler, and a heating pad set at low. The yogurt is in a large mason jar, about 24 hours now, and it tests now exactly at 100 degrees. Pure luck! I warmed the 1/2 and 1/2 to 100 degrees before adding the heating pad and zipping the lid.

Add next morning, looks like yogurt 😆It is VERY Tart so I think this batch has worked.

Benay Thu, Jun-09-22 04:29

I looked up your source for making yogurt without a yogurt maker, Jey.
They give a list of a number of types of yogurt - Bavarian etc
I have never tasted any of them so have no idea which to choose
Good resource
Imagine using a crock pot to make yogurt!

Benay Thu, Jun-09-22 04:35

Yesterday I tried some dill pickles I have never tried before
They came in a glass container with murky fluid (Dr Davis says this is a good sign of huge amounts of bacteria)
To my surprise, the pickles were not as sour as all the other kosher dill pickles I have eaten
Since I hate sour foods, this is a plus
However, it did trigger an IBS-D episode
I will try again today. Hopefully, it won't happen again

JEY100 Thu, Jun-09-22 09:02

I didn't use their starters, but half and half, some L Reuteri capsules, a bit of Lifeway kefir and Fage yogurt.

Success with soft sided Cooler & Heating Pad:

JLx Thu, Jun-09-22 15:18

L Reuteri capsules - which brand did you use?

Benay Tue, Jun-14-22 09:40

I am so tired of having uncontrollable accidents no matter what I do
It gets embarrassing to have to call housekeeping to clean up my "messes" so often

The only thing I have been able to do to control it is a 24 hour fast befroe I have to be somewhere

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