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FrecklFluf Wed, Apr-14-04 15:37

Maybe it would help if you fully committed to CAD for two months, like Zuleikaa mentioned. Specifically, take your measurements ( is a great site) and weigh yourself to get a starting point. Obey all the rules, and, just for those two months, hide your scale. Better yet, have someone hide it for (from) you. Give the plan a chance to work. At the end of two months, measure and weigh yourself again. Also ask yourself, do I feel better? Do I have more energy? Do my clothes fit better? Am I satisfied with my meals?

One thing that really helps me and a lot of other people, too, is logging in here before you decide to "blow it." Tell us what you are thinking before you change plans ... or have McD's for what's supposed to be your CM ... or whatever. We can be much more helpful before the fact than after the fact.

You can do this.

willbthin Wed, Apr-14-04 20:23

hi and thank you. i do think it is time i put the scale away, i will measure myself tomorrow. wow, did you lose all that weight on cad?? how was it in the beginning?? how did you stick with it?? i really want this to work. when i feel like i cant do it anymore or i am going to blow it, i will take your advice and come here first. thanks again.

FrecklFluf Wed, Apr-14-04 20:57

Actually, I only changed to CAD last week. I was doing Atkins before that. (I changed because I thought CAD might be something my husband would be able to do.) But I know there are lots of people who HAVE lost weight on CAD, and I am sure that CAD would have worked for me as well.

Which parts of CAD are you having trouble "sticking with"? I mean specifically. Are any of the rules proving difficult to follow, or do you follow them just fine until you become afraid that it's not going to work?

willbthin Thu, Apr-15-04 06:20

hi, i get stuck eating the same foods for my cm meals, i do fine between breakfast and lunch but between lunch and dinner it is hard to wait for that reward meal. then at the reward meal i eat foods i really dont even want just because that is the only time i can eat them. i also over stuff at my reward meal and feel tired guilty and stuffed. so, these are some things i need to work on for me to make this a succesful plan for life.

steveed Thu, Apr-15-04 20:16

You don't have to wait

I used to have the same trouble the first time I did CAD. I waited until 4:00 p.m. for my RM. By 4:00 I was slightly crazed and "driven", all I could think about was the approaching RM. When I started the second time, I said...wait a minute, why don't I eat my RM earlier in the day. Now I eat my RM at noon and don't feel at all driven anymore. I can now have a sensible and enjoyable time. And to think, it was just a 4 hour timing problem! My schedule is, I have coffee for breakfast, my RM at noon, Dinner at 6 or 7 pm. Sometimes I have an egg or a piece of cheese later that evening. It seems to work for me, maybe this would solve your problems as well.

I know what you mean by being limited during your CM meals. Get the "Cheat Sheet", sit down and be creative. At least we can have good variety once a day!

Good Luck!

willbthin Fri, Apr-16-04 05:47

i think that is a great idea, since i work at a deli i could have the things i really want there instead of a salad or the insides of a hoagie or chicken salad. on the weekends though and special occasions i will have to save it for dinner, because i never know if hubby wants to go out or order out on the weekends and i want to eat what my family is eating for dinner. so today i will try that. before when i tried to eat my reward meal at lunch i still wanted to eat what my family did at dinner, but i will try not to do that today and see what happens. thanks for the reply. i appreciate any advice i can get. well , you know what?? today is friday and i may want to rent a movie with my daughter which means i want popcorn and it is the weekend. so maybe on monday i will start the lunch reward meal. the weekends i have to wait for the rm because i just dont know what we will be doing. maybe this will be the answer to how i can make this work. by swithing the reward meals on the weekdays . i know we arent supposed to do that but if i keep that same schedule my body will get used to when i need the reward meal.

willbthin Fri, Apr-16-04 12:33

guys, i am done. low carb just isnt for me, i was literally gagging on my ch salad today. there has got to be a way i can lose weight without lowcarbing. it does work cause i am not hungry, but i really dont enjoy eating my cm meals. thanks for welcoming me back and giving me support but i just dont want to do this. no need to respond, i am taking this website out of my favorites so i am not tempted to come back here, it cant work for me. thanks again. good luck to all.

FrecklFluf Fri, Apr-16-04 14:54

Does this depress anyone but me?

Galadriell Fri, Apr-16-04 16:05

FreckFluf, you are not alone...

I came here accidentally, started to read the thread, then kept reading. Since I have finished 15 minutes ago, I have been sitting here, speechless and motionless...

As a teacher and consumer advocate volunteer I meet very depressing cases day by day, but this one... Hm...

FrecklFluf Fri, Apr-16-04 16:21

Yeah, there's just something about it.

steveed Fri, Apr-16-04 17:01

...that was sudden. Like a door shutting.
Life carries on....

pre3teach Fri, Apr-16-04 17:28

I found that for myself I HAD to have the discipline to eat my reward meal ~ dinner. I had it for lunch yesterday as a planned meal and then had steak and salad for supper but I cannot do that often...I tend to want carbs at night too...For me it has worked to say this....I can have anything I want to for dinner...I eat it around 4or 5...that way I don't have to long to wait until supper. I have lc for lunch and breakfast...If I deviate from this I ALWAYS mess up...THIS is just me and it has been through trial and error that I have found this out. Also lots of water and no snacks helps me loss and stay on the plan...a lc snack will make me lazy and crave more usually.

YOU CAN DO THIS. What other weight loss plan can you lose wieght and eat ANYTHING you want for dinner (I literally had cupcakes etc. when I first started the plan that I brought home from preschool and then ate the salad and meat...)It worked sooooo well and my co-workers thought I was crazy... :rolleyes: I took every treat home and never ate it at work...THAT is what worked for me then and now when I am trying to get back on this program that is what usually messes me up...if I eat it at work...

Sorry to be sooooolong winded...It did work for me before for a year and it was great. It can and will work for us again!!!

SoftaSweet Fri, Apr-16-04 18:35


I seriously feel I am a carb addict. When I first started this WOE I really didn't think I could lose weight. I ate the whole hour.. I ate more than the four times (although low carb) because I felt like I was starving.. and little by little I got ok..

Now after some cheating I am serious again.. and having trouble with cravings.. but if I wait through them the plan will work for me again.

I hope you can be patient with yourself.. stay determined and give yourself at least two weeks.

Good luck, Kandi

Shirl 1 Sat, Apr-17-04 12:47

I wouod like to try cad. I haven't really given it a chance. Today I ate egg's and cheese for breakfast, My reward meal for lunch and going to have a salad with meat for dinner.

I will let you all know how I do. I also have type 2 diabetes, so I am hoping Just the one meal with carb's will keep my sugar in tow.


willbthin Tue, Apr-20-04 05:58

hi all, thanks for the responses and support. frecklfluf, i tried to pm you twice and it kept saying my text was to long, i erased half of what i wrote to you and it was still saying that. anyway, i want to thank you for your concern and support. i really appreciate it. it must me hard to support someone like me when all i do is keep quitting.

i have to stop thinking of lowcarbing as bacon eggs cheese and chicken, that is what i do. then i dont eat any salads or veggies, i just never ate them before, which is why i am overweight(well some of the reason) so i didnt want to start eating them now. but i know we have to eat healthy on cad and i wasnt doing that which i guess caused me to not feel well. i need to go to the recipe section and get different healthy things to eat. i picked cad cause i didnt want to have to think about food, all day, just three meals a day, two protien and veggies one i could enjoy what i really wanted and no snacks in between. i know i will never know if this will work if i keep quitting. i tried to do ww pts yesterday and i hated having to write little pt down. i did excercise for a 1/2 yesterday, a walk with my daughter. so i guess i will try again. i will totally understand if no one response to me cause you never know if i will just up and quit again. i really dont want to . i just thought everyone deserved to know what was going on with me. so i will start again today. i will check in often to let you know if i feel like i want to quit again and why i might be feeling like that. thanks guys.

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