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violettfem Sun, Nov-04-07 13:40

I was wondering if anyone had just CFS w/out fibro.

Sometimes my cfs symptoms get 100x's worse on LC and other times they are so so. I have never had the complete energy boost people talk about and I have been on LC twice before this for over a year.

I keep telling myself it is the induction flu, but I am on day 6 of Atkins now (from SB) and still sick and fatigued.


cindy_cfid Sun, Nov-04-07 17:37

I've been lowcarbing for 3.5 years, I haven't seen much of a difference in my symptoms but I know my doctor was much happier since I had lost weight, my cholesterol & triglycerides are now where he wants them. Although I haven't seen a huge difference in my health, I believe this is a healthier diet. I have managed the FMS pain with guaifenesin for about 5 years now.

bump Mon, Nov-05-07 10:00

To Violettfem

You can try omitting any fermented, aged or pickled types of food (cheddar cheese, saurkraut, vinegar, mushrooms, wine,) There is the belief among many that fibromyalgia is actually an overgrowth of yeast in the intestine because of over use of antibiotic, birthcontrol pills and other factors. What feeds yeast are sugars and fermented foods. I know it seems drastic to cut out even more food from your diet but if you try that and add acidophylis (sp?) you should start to feel better within the first week. Look up the word CANDIDA under google and start surfing around. You'll learn so much. Hope this helps!! It has cured me 99%!!!!!!

ruthla Thu, Nov-15-07 09:31

I felt better when I first started LC, but I haven't been doing well lately.

I'm now going gluten and bean free completely, to see if it helps. I've come to the conclusion that both beans and grains (individually) cause indigestion/gas/etc, but I haven't been able to avoid them completely long enough to really test it.

I'm going to be a lot more careful now about accidental gluten ingestion. I'll let you know in a few weeks or months if it makes a difference.

Lanny Mon, Dec-03-07 19:33

Hi, I read every posts and i have fibro too...i dont believe and this is MY OPINION that LC helps fibro...i did every diet thats out there...and ive been LC a good part of my life...maybe being italian and eating loads of veggies and fruits and good old extra virgin oils..anyhow...the only thing that helps me for my fibro is yoga...yes yoga...ive been taking vitamin C, E, D and Bcomplex for over 10-20yrs (depending on which vitamin)..magniseium is very good for helping you sleep at take it before bedtime...but yoga will do the helps you stretch places you thought you never could stretch, helps all your organs, builds muscles and helps your breathing...i do this 90mins (advance course) 4x a week but during the summer im never home and gone on our motorbike and trust me, i feel the pain more when i dont do my yoga...i even have asthma and i never use my for myself, yoga is the trick...

Sissi Mon, Dec-10-07 16:04

Hi, I'm new here and have FMS/CFS. I've been on low carb for six months and haven't seen any change in my pain or fatigue. I've lost weight so that's good.

puppetlady Fri, Jan-04-08 08:18

I have tried LC (atkins) a number of times in the past since 03.When I followed Atkins I would feel well at first and then go into a severe flare. (not knocking Atkins it just didn't work well with my fibro. I started following Paleo Dec 12th 07 with great results.

The key for me has been Fruit.I am eating small amounts of fruit throughout the day and am virtually pain free. I had a couple of days when I was low on fruit intake and I felt tired and had cravings coming back for the wrong carbs so I am careful to make sure I eat my fruit so I can stay on plan. I have never really figured out what my fruit carb intake is but I am also losing weight and have dropped 10 pounds since Dec 12. My energy is up and I only have slight pain in my feet now. I can walk again and that is amazing. Before I was just too tired and in too much pain.

I am grain and dairy free and this is working very well for me. Debbie

Nancy LC Fri, Jan-04-08 11:04

I'd definitely advise anyone with a chronic condition to try Paleo. I think we have a lot of food intolerances that we don't realize until we give them up. Also I take Vit. D3 (4000 iu a day) and I think that helps too.

Dairy products make my muscles spasm

ruthla Sun, Jan-06-08 09:56

Originally Posted by ruthla
I felt better when I first started LC, but I haven't been doing well lately.

I'm now going gluten and bean free completely, to see if it helps. I've come to the conclusion that both beans and grains (individually) cause indigestion/gas/etc, but I haven't been able to avoid them completely long enough to really test it.

I'm going to be a lot more careful now about accidental gluten ingestion. I'll let you know in a few weeks or months if it makes a difference.

I've now been GF for nearly 2 months now and it's definitely making a difference!

I can tell when I accidentally ingest something that doesnt' agree with me- and I've since cut out ALL legumes from my diet, even green beans. I even seem to react from touching gluten, even when I don't ingest it- or maybe there's cross contamination on the days that there's so much gluten in the kitchen I can't help but touch it.

In any case, I'm cutting out the foods that don't agree with me, and I'm ending up with something very close to a Paleo diet. I'm not strictly following Paleo "by the book"- I'm doing what my own body seems to need. Am I 100% better? Not even close! But by watching my diet carefully, I'm able to have more good days and fewer flares.

Nancy LC Sun, Jan-06-08 11:00

Excellent! Congratulations. :) It sure has helped me too.

cmcd1070 Fri, Feb-29-08 10:59

I was just about to post a new thread asking if anyone had FM and if LC'ing helped them and I found this forum and especially this thread EXTREMELY helpful!!

I was dx'd with FM several years ago and was in severe, chronic pain with extreme fatigue. I was put on tons of medication but nothing really seemed to help. I was afraid at one point that I would become totally disabled, which would have destroyed my life because I am totally self-reliant and my mortgage and bills would have been too much for anything disability would pay. My life depends on my ability to go to work everyday!

Then last August when I started Atkins, one of the first things I noticed after the first couple of weeks was my fatigue was gone. I had TONS of energy. And then one day I woke up and realized I couldn't remember the last time I had pain from FM.

Then entire time I stayed on plan, I was pain and fatigue free. But when I switched from induction after 5 months to OWL, I struggled with triggers and for the past month I have been binging on carbs (sugar, rice, pasta and a LOT of bread!). Since then I have been exhausted, my immune system cant seem to fight any cold or infection that blows my way and I am in constant pain.

I am beginning to wonder if it is all the wheat I have been eating, after finding this FM forum. I know before I tried to switch to OWL from induction I had completely eliminated all sugar and wheat from my diet and I felt great! I was 100% symptom free.

I am back on plan now for a couple of days but it took about 2 weeks for the symptoms to go away the first time, so I am looking forward to being pain and fatigue free in a couple of weeks!

ruthla Sun, Mar-02-08 09:53

I'd suggest sticking to induction levels for a few weeks after feeling better before trying to add in new foods- you don't know if the extra carbs are a trigger for you, or if i'ts something specific you put back in your diet.

BigWig Mon, Mar-03-08 08:36

Hi there, I've had CFS for six years -and have improved a lot, I did relapse over a year ago however, due to crazy stress. Have now significantly changed my lifestyle, and have started low carb. Have just completed induction, and os far so good - energy is better, but hard to tell this early on as also bipolar so often the two illnesses contradict each other. Feel positive though thanks to your comments. :wave:

kelly77 Wed, Mar-12-08 15:18

Does the weather affect your fibro? I read in a previous post that someone had been affected by the rainy weather. Can you all tell me what corrolation you have made btwn. fibro and weather conditions? Thanks! (oh sorry, this is off-topic isnt it. excuse the post)

ruthla Thu, Mar-13-08 07:43

Originally Posted by kelly77
Does the weather affect your fibro? I read in a previous post that someone had been affected by the rainy weather. Can you all tell me what corrolation you have made btwn. fibro and weather conditions? Thanks! (oh sorry, this is off-topic isnt it. excuse the post)

Oh, yeah, damp rainy weather makes me feel about a million times worse!

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