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Ruth Mon, Jun-18-01 11:22

Re: Hi, Deb!
Originally posted by r.mines

If eating yummy food, losing weight, and looking and feeling better is what it takes to be healthy .... well .... sometimes we just gotta pay the price, ya know? Gosh darn it all anyway! :D

Rachel [/B]

*LOL* Rachel, you're right. I'll gladly pay the price. Tonight I'm planning a cheesecake after dinner.

Ciao, Ruth

Losergirl Mon, Jun-18-01 14:27

I started on low carb two weeks ago. Why? Because my body is betraying me! For the last 6 years, I've continually gained weight, about 7.5 lbs per year. On reading low carb books, I recognized a woe that was quite similar to the diet I grew up on. I recognized that in the past few years, my diet had changed to include way more pasta, rice and bread type foods than I ever used to eat.

fiona Tue, Jun-19-01 00:42

Hi Ruth

31 lbs - wow! that's about all I need to lose to be back within my margin. Well done. How long did it take you?

The voting options didn't cover the reason I am on this diet. My main reason is mood control and the disasters that have dogged me because I simply refused to take anti-depressants but just could not find the right solution. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I've worked on addictions for years and the amazing, incredible thing is I got deeper and deeper into carb addiction - no expert had mentioned it anywhere.

Take care.

r.mines Tue, Jun-19-01 08:43

Re: Re: Hi, Deb!
Hi, Ruth, how goes it? And more important, how's the cheesecake??? Drool!


Originally posted by Ruth Koend

*LOL* Rachel, you're right. I'll gladly pay the price. Tonight I'm planning a cheesecake after dinner.

Ciao, Ruth

Ruth Tue, Jun-19-01 09:04

Hi ya Fiona,

The weight loss LC journey has been 12 weeks; if you look ~ my profile, you'll see that I've got a lot to lose. Weight loss ease/difficulty is so often relative to our starting point. :) Comparing yourself & your weight loss to others is so self destructive, DON'T DO IT! I sure wish I could say that I was only 30 lbs from goal :p :) However I'll be there one day (she says with hope).

About depression; I recently read the Heller's CAD book. It sounds like losing weight, improved insulin function etc will help with low serotonin levels. I sure hope so because I'd like to eventually get off the meds I use. I'm one of those truly chemical depressives. Miss one dose accidentally & I'm a weepy mess:( :eek: Of course it is many hours later before I realize why the weepies have struck. The med I'm on is a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor; it works by keeping serotonin in the blood longer. They don't make one high like the Valium of old. :eek:

Have you looked into SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) the lack of sunlight basically makes one depressed. Check out the several posts in the Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue/S.A.D. forum.
Doreen & Rachel in particular share about their experiences.

Since you are located in the UK, S.A.D. could be a possibility :eek:

Wishing you a great day, hope the sun shows up :) Ruth

Ruth Tue, Jun-19-01 09:10

Hi Rachel,

Life is pretty darn sweet. Had a great weekend, got out into the sun. Too bad it poured during our Saturday am coffee time.

Oh the cheesecake was wonderful. I got the recipe from another LC site, I might post it here when I remember to check the source. It tastes like orange creamsicle. I've managed to keep enough for dessert tonight - a friend is coming over to dinner. :p


fiona Tue, Jun-19-01 12:14

Hi Ruth ... and everyone else :) :D

Comparing yourself & your weight loss to others is so self destructive, DON'T DO IT!

I know. I've given out that advice myself a few times. Besides it is futile to compare me with you 'cos you and me are both unique, individual and special. The only true comparison is ME YESTERDAY and ME TODAY.

I do suffer from SAD. I've got this light box which I use in Winter. It gives full spectrum light and is the nearest equivalent to sunlight. It does help.

I now think if the Atkins diet works as well for me in Winter as it is now I'm going to be fine this Winter - that will be the real test.

<However I'll be there one day (she says with hope). >

Of course you will. You can do it - in fact ONLY you can do it.
Take care

annie_250 Tue, Jun-19-01 12:28

I had tryed and failed at everything from pills to starvation. I had had a hysterectomy and was put on HRT, have underactive thyroid and tried to quit smoking and had gained over 50 lbs in a year....I just wanted to was the one thing I hadn't tried.....


Ruth Tue, Jun-19-01 12:38


Checked your stats, great weight loss! Welcome to the board, the folks here are helpful, knowledgable & have a great sense of humour too. Ruth

annie_250 Tue, Jun-19-01 12:48

Thanks for the welcome Ruth!! Most of my loss was in the first 6 months, I since have been experimenting and learning a whole lot about stallers and intollerance foods, and triggers for cravings........but back on track and gung ho to reach goal!!


DebDaCajun Tue, Jun-19-01 15:10

Originally posted by Ruth Koend
Miss one dose accidentally & I'm a weepy mess:( :eek: Of course it is many hours later before I realize why the weepies have struck. The med I'm on is a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor; it works by keeping serotonin in the blood longer.

Yeah me too! I ran low last week and it was not a pretty sight! :eek: I take mine for the depression that comes as part of my PTSD. (I know, too much information.) I don't have SAD though, unless they have a variant that makes you more depressed the MORE the sun is out! Summer just melts my synapses! :rolleyes:

Ruth Tue, Jun-19-01 15:16

Ah, Deb,

Just a wee thought here. Maybe you should move to Vancouver BC. Not much danger of melting synapses here, although rumour has it that we have reached a balmy 24 C (78 F) which is getting warm for the West (Wet) Coast. Keep your :cool:


doreen T Wed, Jun-20-01 12:10

Originally posted by DebDaCajun
I don't have SAD though, unless they have a variant that makes you more depressed the MORE the sun is out! Summer just melts my synapses! :rolleyes:
hi Deb,

As a matter of fact, there IS a summer SAD. I'm having difficulty locating any meaningful information online ... there's a book though, "Don't be SAD", by Celeste Peters, well-written and a whole chapter devoted to the spring/summer depressive pattern. Your library might have a copy to borrow.

It seems the summer variant is mediated more by a thermal dysregulation ... ie, it's the heat and humidity .. more than lack or excess of available sunlight. As with all areas of our mental well-being though, no studies conclusive ... and most theories are just that .. theories. One theory suggests the heat factor affects the sleep patterns, hence you become lethargic, lack energy and just generally blah. The bright light therapy, so helpful for winter SAD (I use a lightbox myself, it makes all the difference in the world ... but I digress :rolleyes: ....) is less effective for summer SAD. Cooler climate, getting sleep patterns regulated, and dietary control (in particular carbs, go figure :D) ... plus SSRI medications appear to be more helpful.

Here are some links to web articles about SAD, with a brief mention given to summer symptoms in each.Doreen

DebDaCajun Wed, Jun-20-01 14:40

Originally posted by doreen T
[B]hi Deb,

As a matter of fact, there IS a summer SAD.

I KNEW IT! :D I've always told people there must be! Thanks for the info, Doreen! And Ruth, I would LOVE to move to Vancouver -- maybe one day! Of course I'd have to move back south for the winter cuz my roommate has the winter SAD -- I swear in January she sounds just like Emily Dickenson (who I am POSITIVE had SAD, from the sound of some of her poems).

I will be checking out those links -- thanks Doreen!

fiona Wed, Jun-20-01 22:12

Hi All

I'm worrying about "excluding" by addressing it to one person - that's me :) ;)

Vancouver is beauuuuuutifulllllll. I spent the most wonderful six weeks there many years ago and still dream about the Indian tomahawks - fantastic pieces of art.

What with Summer SAD (I'd never heard of it but it certainly explains why I've spent beautiful sunny summer days in bed feeling disgusted with my "excuses" for "laziness", Hayfever, PMS and the dreaded big M coming up looks like my whole adult life is doomed ! (thought I'd cheer y'all up :eek: :rolleyes: since I'm up at this hour 'cos of runny nose and eyes)

I finally got round to doing it - been thinking about it for a few weeks - and checked out what my books on SAD recommended. They do ask you to asses your own reactions to food but one book recommends carbs for breakfast, proteins for lunch and carbs for supper, and the other carbs all day and protein for supper! As most SAD sufferers know in their "better" moments they are just incapable of assessing anything whilst they are struggling to get through the day. It should be interesting what happens to me this winter.

Take care all

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