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kitsens Wed, Aug-07-19 08:02

08/02 - 228.4
08/03 - 227.6
08/06 - 229.4
08/07 - 229.0

Not perfect yesterday but better. I ate a lot in an attempt to avoid carbs including an hwc fat bomb and a smaller than usual cheat. Gonna try for a cheat free day again today. :blush:

Ang - I haven’t tried to import any photos yet. Hang in there with your foot. Treat it right and I’m sure it will eventually get better. You may want to try a non weight-bearing exercise in the meantime like cycling or rowing. I know when I get injured or sick I always feel like I’ll never be better but it always improves eventually. Low carb and weight loss will definitely help as well. :bhug:

LCAng Wed, Aug-07-19 16:06

This weight loss is not about vanity. Its about health and having quality of life as I age. That's why my goal weight is 195. I know that when I am there i should be able to maintain. After I hit that, perhaps I'll go down more to about 170. As an adult, the lowest I've ever been was 145 the year I started college and I felt good. The next time I felt good I was 170-175 and I was feeling good too. I was 27yo. I'm 5'5" so I'm "supposed to be" 125.

Gary I hope you are feeling better!

Aug 1 289.2
Aug 2 289.7
Aug 3 289.3
Aug 4 298.0
Aug 5 291.2
Aug 6 291.5
Aug 7 290.6

Well that's a little better! Fasted through lunch today. I'm wanting some comfort food SO BAD today! I'm not sure if I will be able to resist.

CaCO3Girl Wed, Aug-07-19 20:48

Hey all, sorry work was crazy! I’m back in Atlanta now. I was 1.5 hours east of Dallas and it was a total train wreck! I guess what they say about fresh eyes is true, I saw stuff that they have just ignored for years and I may have accidentally opened up several cans of worms but they needed to be opened. Im going to work from home Tomorrow to try and sort this stuff’s pretty crazy. And I don’t even want to See the scale!!!! I wasn’t horrible, but I wasn’t good while I was gone.

Little Me Wed, Aug-07-19 22:45

Originally Posted by LCAng
I'm wanting some comfort food SO BAD today! I'm not sure if I will be able to resist.

Hang in there, LCAng, it gets easier once you get the sugar out of your system. Don’t give in, It will be worth it!

sosumi Thu, Aug-08-19 06:03

Kit – This is a daily struggle. I am not sure if it ever gets easier. Although, I know I feel stronger and have better resolve when I am deep in ketosis and actively losing. The power of feeling like I am shrinking to a healthier me boosts my mood tremendously and it feeds my strength. That is what pushes me forward, to get to that feeling again.

It isn’t a matter of cheating. Think of it more as not making the best choices. Strive to make better choices. Saying it is cheating makes it seem like the person is bad and has done something shameful, when actually, the choices were bad. It is a subtle difference in thought, but it makes a huge difference to the psyche.

There is no need to beat ourselves up when we don’t make the best choices. Coming here and commiserating with others who understand helps me feel not alone. I know when I stay away from this kind of support, I lose the strength to make better choices. By coming here and being candid about our struggles helps not only us, individually, but others that participate.

– Sorry to hear you are dealing with these foot issues. I have flat feet, always have, and over time that continues to cause all kinds of foot, ankle, knee, and hip issues. I’ve done various custom orthotics, braces, boots, casts, etc. I totally sympathize with your plight.

CaCO – that sounds exciting, exhausting, and frustrating that you found all kinds of things to fix. The nerd in me loves uncovering a mess at work that I can then fix. There is nothing better than diving into a process to straighten it out and making it work right or designing a new process. Recently, I spent more than a year on a project at work to comply with new rules; something totally new and never done. Had to reach out to all different staffs and departments to get my arms around the data and design a new process.

Hi Little Me – welcome to our little group! Thanks for the encouragement!

Sorry I’ve not been posting; still a bit busy at work. It is a bit better now. I am an accountant and an attorney. My job involves both, so I have month end and quarter end responsibilities. The nickname came when I was in law school – “So sue me.”

I had an error on my weight chart. Fixed it. Slowly getting back to better choices!

01-Aug-19 248.5 -
02-Aug-19 249.5 1.0
03-Aug-19 249.5 1.0
04-Aug-19 249.5 1.0
05-Aug-19 251.0 2.5
06-Aug-19 251.0 2.5
07-Aug-19 250.5 2.0
08-Aug-19 249.5 1.0

kitsens Thu, Aug-08-19 08:09

08/02 - 228.4
08/03 - 227.6
08/06 - 229.4
08/07 - 229.0
08/08 - 228.4

Progress not perfection.

kitsens Thu, Aug-08-19 08:37

Originally Posted by sosumi
Kit l

Sorry I’ve not been posting; still a bit busy at work. It is a bit better now. I am an accountant and an attorney. My job involves both, so I have month end and quarter end responsibilities. The nickname came when I was in law school – “So sue me.”

Very cool. That’s how I first interpreted Sosumi but then I read this which I guess is basically the same thing:

“Sosumi is an alert sound introduced in Apple Inc.'s Macintosh System 7 operating system in 1991, created by Jim Reekes. The name is derived from "so sue me" due to a long running court battle with Apple Corps, the similarly named music company, over the use of music in Apple Inc.'s computer products.”

Thanks for all of the advice and encouragement!

kitsens Thu, Aug-08-19 09:36

Little Me - Wow!! Your quilts are beautiful and amazing. Glad you shared your link. Ladies - you should take a look.

CaCO3Girl Thu, Aug-08-19 19:50

Okay, I did weigh today but my eyes about fell out of my head at the number, then I remembered I was on a plane yesterday for two hours and I’ve decided I’ll post the number tomorrow after some of the swelling has gone down because holy cow I hope that isn’t my real number!!!

My job is regulatory and compliance so I have basically been trying to create a rule book from scratch for the company. It’s a huge undertaking compounded by the plant is in TX and management is in GA. Some things are just weird! Some are just not right, and some have been done totally correct but haven’t been documented which means they didn’t happen. SIGH It’s an uphill battle but I’m up for the challenge! I just have to ease people into this completely new way of doing just about everything, lol!!!

LCAng Thu, Aug-08-19 22:47

Aug 1 289.2
Aug 2 289.7
Aug 3 289.3
Aug 4 298.0
Aug 5 291.2
Aug 6 291.5
Aug 7 290.6
Aug 8 290.1

Going the right direction now....

I had a great time today. I presented two professional development sessions at our Technology conference. Doing what I :heart: to do.

kitsens Fri, Aug-09-19 08:48

08/02 - 228.4
08/03 - 227.6
08/06 - 229.4
08/07 - 229.0
08/08 - 228.4
08/09 - 228.0

Ang - Glad you had a good day and enjoyed giving your presentations.

Caco - nice work getting that plant all straightened out.

Sosumi - Glad your choices are getting better. I think I’m getting there too.

CaCO3Girl Fri, Aug-09-19 11:25

8/1/19 = 229.4
8/2/19 = 229.8
8/3/19 = 230.2
8/4-8/8 = OOT
8/9/19 = 232.6

Okay, I'm willing to report that weight...not great, but considering how far out of my normal schedule and access to food differences I'll take it as a victory! I was up at 5am, had to eat the hotel least they had sugar free syrup, but not much else LC. Then lunch was on the run, as was dinner most nights, up until 11pm trying to sort stuff out so I could get things accomplished the next day at the plant, and then back up at 5am. I averaged around 5-6 hours of sleep a night and boy am I tired! Maybe when I get some decent sleep I'll see more of a drop, but in either case it wasn't that bad, so I'll own it.

We had the softball draft last night, so I now have 11 girls that I'm responsible for...wish me luck!

Hope y'all are well!

HeidiHoopi Fri, Aug-09-19 15:06

Hi gals! :wave: Kit told me y’all were here, hope I’m welcome here.

kitsens Fri, Aug-09-19 18:23

Originally Posted by HeidiHoopi
Hi gals! :wave: Kit told me y’all were here, hope I’m welcome here.

Yay Heidi! So glad you found us and checked in. I for one welcome you big time. :wave: How are you doing?

CaCO3Girl Fri, Aug-09-19 18:44

Yay Heidi!!!! So glad to see you! How have you been?

Ang, hows the foot today?

Kit, how’s the kitty?

Sosumi, car still working out? Out of months end chaos yet?

I’m still finding my way around my new job. I started in late April and I’m still trying to figure my boss out. I usually read people really well, like super easy, but his behavior defies logic! Maybe that’s where I’m going trying to make logical conclusions out of illogical actions. I guess you have to be a bit quirky to own a company. Normal people just don’t rise to that level of success....think Steve Jobs plus Henry Ford and you have my boss. Not a bad guy, brilliant businessman, but quirky and I am the one with all the bad news so perhaps he’s not liking that, but oh well, can’t be helped. I’ve never been a “yes man” type
Of employee, I just lay it all out there. Oh well, I have the weekend to recoup :-)

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