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Trainerdan Wed, Jul-24-02 20:57

Anyone can use it, as long as weight training and cardio work are done with intensity.

DD wrotes his way because that was his style ... in your face, and pro-bodybuilder. He created a market for BodyOpus with the bodybuilding community, since that was what he was a part of.

The principles will work for anyone looking to lose bodyfat while maintaining muscle and workout intensity.

jane anne Fri, Aug-02-02 17:49

personal info first: have been lc ing since april. at the same time i started a workout program at the 'y'. i work out mon. wed. and fri. early am and take weekend off. i work thurs. noon til sunday 8 pm (caring for elderly, challenged gentleman) fri.'s my adult daughter will stay with him will go to gym.
i work 15 reps 3 X's with 1 min. rest between. work abs, thighs (inside and out) legs, gluts, shoulders, chest, arms using machines plus this week started 15 min. on rowing machine. hate excercise but am menopausal (52), have hypothyroid, want to stay healthy.
weighed 208 when started (april) lost 8# initially, stalled at 200 until this week down 1# more. took measurements june 9 took again today.... lost .5"off waist, 1" off hips, .5 " off each foot! ....gained 2" on breasts & thighs, 1.5 on calves, .75 on biseps.
found this site today.

questions: what's happening? and how can i improve given my limitations?
hope you can help.
thanks anyway,

Zeus Tue, Aug-06-02 18:46

[I] gained 2" on breasts- questions: how can i improve given my limitations?

-Looks like you already have. :cool:

jane anne Tue, Aug-06-02 21:40

thanks, but i see no help from the peanut gallery :D i'm not exactly trying to put inches on! i am trying to reduce my size.......all over!

Zeus Tue, Aug-06-02 22:07

Just a little positive reinforcement on my part. :roll:

jane anne Wed, Aug-07-02 05:09

thank you, after all you are the only response i've had...... and positive is good. :)

Zeus Wed, Aug-07-02 06:57

Ok, all joking aside... I'll see if I can't help you out for the time being until Dan gets to it:

i work 15 reps 3 X's with 1 min. rest between. work abs, thighs (inside and out) legs, gluts, shoulders, chest, arms using machines plus this week started 15 min. on rowing machine. hate excercise but am menopausal (52), have hypothyroid, want to stay healthy.

-Hmm, your workout routine looks sound.

weighed 208 when started (april) lost 8# initially, stalled at 200 until this week down 1# more. took measurements june 9 took again today.... lost .5"off waist, 1" off hips, .5 " off each foot! ....gained 2" on breasts & thighs, 1.5 on calves, .75 on biseps.

-It seems like you're encountering a rather annoying 'plateau'. I'm not too sure of what you're getting at with your post. Do you want to try the 'CKD' ... or... do you just want some advice as to how to continue on 'Atkins' while losing more fat- efficiently. In any case... I would recommend that you try the 'CKD' (as it will allow you to 'carb-up' on weekends- thus, breaking through rather disheartening plateau's- caused by metabolic slow down and such). Give yourself a very good understanding of it (looking around on this board for information is a good place to start). Buy 'BODYOPUS' (by Dan Duchaine) or 'The Ketogenic Diet' (by Lyle McDonald). Of course, you'll have to work out around your already (what seems to be) busy schedule. A 'CKD' requires one to workout (within the 6-8 rep range... so you'll have to bump up the weight) Monday and Tuesday. Then, you'll have to perform a circuit-training type workout- called the 'depletion workout' on Friday. If I haven't answered your question(s)... please tell me what answers it is that you are looking for.

jane anne Wed, Aug-07-02 08:53

i spent an entire evening trying to glean infor off this site about weight training but find it very confusing.......may have something to do with being dyslexic, but can't seem to make any sense of it. so what i'm looking for is advice. i can't figure out why i'd be gaining inches when i'm working out and on the atkins diet. surely my mass would be getting smaller..... muscle being more dense and all. i understand that muscle weighs more than fat so my weight may not change but if muscle burns fat, theoretically i should still be getting smaller. or am i way out to lunch? :confused:

itsjoyful Wed, Aug-07-02 09:53

Hi there Jane Anne~ I'm no expert, and have yet to complete Lyle's book, but I do have a thought or two about your plight.

Regarding the inches gained...
First of all, it is possible that maybe you mis-measured on the first one? Just a thought.
Could it have to with water retention?
You could be building an upperbody faster than the rest, too. Muscle weights the same as fat, just takes up less space, but if you are building muscle, then that 'could' be it.

IMHO, if you are working all these muscles 3X a week with only 1 day rest in between, you may be doing yourself a dis-service. The muscles need to rest a lot longer to recover.

Good luck to you, and I can't wait to see what others have to say on the subject.


P.S.~ Just on the side to anyone long exactly does it take to start "gaining" muscle from your first work out?

jaluka99 Fri, Aug-09-02 19:07

Plateaus and Carb-Types
Two questions (one is actually almost a statement, sorry)

re: Plateaus - being an ex-college athlete my experience with plateaus is to take a break. My guess is that if you reach a plateau, switch up for a week or two. Take a break and go low-fat (it won't kill you either) for a week, gradually work back into Ketosis w/o a carb load for a week or two before you start working out again. This always helped me.

re: Carb-Types (this is a question)
I assume that it is better to consume LowGI carbs on the weekend carb-up to avoid insulin spikes. I imagine I should eat a lot of Complex carbs, but still take it easy on the sugars (ie: no gallons of soda/Gatorade).
Is this right, or does it matter.


jane anne Fri, Aug-09-02 20:34

hey jaluka:
i'm not sure how to respond. first are you saying to take a break from the work out or take a break from lowcarbing..... or both. i have heard that carbing up on the weekends is supposed to help break a plateau but i've been afraid to try it.
and second what is low gi carbing. it's the gi i don't get.
if you are going to carb up for the weekend, i would not eat anything refined. no sugar, no flour. and increase fibre as well.when low carbing, the key is to stay away from carbs that contain sugars... even natural sugars. ie. green beens instead of carrots. broccolli instead of winter squash. and very little fruit. there is a list of foods and their carb counts on this site somewhere. i'll try to find it for you. read lables and stay between 20 and 30 g. of carbs per day......unless you are carbing up .
hope this makes some sense.

Zeus Fri, Aug-09-02 20:40

if you are going to carb up for the weekend, i would not eat anything refined. no sugar, no flour. and increase fibre as well.

-Ok, no offense but- could you be more wrong? (*says in Matthew Perry voice*). During the first 24 hours of the 'carb-load' ... we want high G/I carbohydrates (to take advantage of insulin sensitivity). The things you listed as 'bad' ... are actually ideal 'carb-up' ingredients/foods (during the first 24 hours at least). ALSO, you say to increase fiber... well, lets see... fiber will slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and blunt insulin sensitivity... not good.

jane anne Fri, Aug-09-02 21:11

i'm doing atkins. it's pretty obvious that i don't know anything about weight training but i do know what is really bad for the body...... anything refined! it is poison to your body. and so i could be more wrong. having spent 4 years fighting the effects of refined foods on my body i can in good conscience say "no refined foods".
i would still like to know what a low gi carb is.
i also apologize for suggesting high fibre but in atkins the fibre can be subtracted from the carb count. so it made sense to me.

jaluka99 Sat, Aug-10-02 07:56

LoGI vs. HiGI
LoGI(low glycemic index) v HiGI(high glycemic index) simply refers to the glycemic index of the carbohydrate - ie: the amount of insulin that is stimulated and the speed of release (someone correct me if that is wrong, I know it is close though) and the burn rate of the carbohydrate for energy.
LoGI would be wheat bread, HiGI would be refined sugar.

I actually have to agree with Zeus that you prefer refined sugar at the begining of the carb up to trigger the insulin response and guarantee sensititivity for the rest of the carb-up, making sure that you switch to LoGI carbs for the remainder of the day on Saturday to ensure that you have "cleaned out" your insulin by the time you start eating "high fat" on Sunday morning.

Makes sense

ps - I did refer to taking a break from both lifting and lo-carbing


jane anne Sat, Aug-10-02 08:17

okay jeff..... but what if you can't eat sugar. i have battled ulcerative colitis and sugar really is poison to me. too much grain or flour can cause another attack. i eat potatoes, squash, carrots, red and yellow peppers, and lots of fruit, pineapple, melons, and berries.......but no sugar or flour. by the way they really are some of the worst things to put into your body. that and hydrogenated fats can cause cancer to the bowel.
thanks for the info on low and hi gi carbs. it does help.

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