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smokey Tue, Jun-17-03 10:10

When I was in Wt. Watchers there was something called the Wendi Plan that involved some higher point days alternating with very low point ones. A lot of people said that worked to get them off a plateau.

I would be afraid of feeling sick if I had a high carb blowout, but I will probably try it at some point in a social setting. I like the idea of just doing it for one meal rather than all day.

I would be very frustrated if I stalled for more than a month or two and would be quite tempted to try doing some high carb days to try to break the stall.

Shelley J Tue, Jun-17-03 10:53

Well, for me
Whenever I cheat, I get awful stomach pains.

I haven't lost in a while--- (I drink beer) :rolleyes:

But I've heard of this--where you try to shock your bod into losing by blasting it with carbs..

donno if it works

LadyBelle Tue, Jun-17-03 11:40

You said "He". Remember alot of the time men have a much easier time losing then women because of the estrogen. Or bodies like to have that extra warm padding and nutrician stores for little ones. What may work for one person can completely sabatoge another.

LadyBelle Tue, Jun-17-03 11:42

If you are also male ignore my last post :) Aaron can be a name that goes either way :) read the link on the side "Which low-carb plan is right for me?" it will explain the different diets.

triatrim Tue, Jun-17-03 11:54

Look under the "exercise" forum within this LC forum and look under the heading "CKD/Body Opus." They do the carb loading once every few weeks in order to reset the body and build muscle (similar to your friend), and it's primarily done by active exercisers and bodybuilders, and it's so strict and binding that I've never thought of doing this, but it seems to work well, not to mention giving you something to look forward to.

As for myself, I give myself permission to eat a tiny bit of carbs if I am eating out and something is extraordinarily good--this past weekend I allowed myself a half of a freshly baked roll with fresh butter, and even if I did gain weight from it (which I didn't), I wouldn't regret it.

I AM too scared to do a whole day of carb loading, but perhaps a meal or two every once in a while is harmless, even beneficial.

ch1angel Tue, Jun-17-03 13:30

Originally posted by Brandon
is that the south beach diet Jake?

Not the South Beach diet -- I have that book. They are pretty close to Atkins but with allowances for 'good carbs' but no hog-outs are mentioned throughout the entire book.

melody 1 Tue, Jun-17-03 13:58

"Teenage abstinence" , know what you mean
I agree that the lack of hunger, the never full never empty feeling, is extremely beguiling!! Have never experienced that before. Too good to be true, maybe thats why it feels naughty! Hope that feeling lasts.

I tend to blow things at the weekends through booze, but have not had a major carb blowout. I am stuck above this 1/2 stone mark and am amazed I have stuck it this far. The other benefits have helped me to I suppose. I had an icecream at the beach on my 6th day, and fell asleep in the car immediately afterwards. That journey was 1hr, then I came home to nap for another hour, it was like sleeping sickness and only 6.30 on a Saturday night. I woke up the next day!! Gutted that I had missed my night out. Have never thought about the effects of sugar before and yet was so addicted to chocolate and sweet things. I am afraid that my carb blowout would be a sweet blowout. Would that not matter?

LCBarbara Wed, Jun-18-03 08:22

I did eat higher carbs last Sunday than I normally do (50 vs. normal 30), mostly in the form of soy and almond flour in dessert crust and fish breading. Was greeted with a 2lb. loss this morning. Maybe it helps to shake up things! Could also be TOM whoosh, so who knows. I'm just happy either way!!!

sheas31 Fri, Jun-20-03 13:07

Well I dont know but I was stuck and I ate hardees chicken breading and all but the rest of my meals that day were low carb...I got unstuck a couple of days later & lost 2lbs Maybe it does work.

babeez1 Fri, Jun-20-03 13:29

I've done it
hey guys...I've done the carb day thing...however the info I was given (take with grain of salt, but it makes sense)...the idea is to eat only high glycemic carbs for the day...becasue carbs cause insuling and insulin stores fat, you should avoid having fats that day also. It's like a 180. Anyway, you eat things like bread with jelly instead of bread with butter or Peanut butter. Ceareal with low fat milk... you can eat the sugary candies...just not chocolates cream is a no no on this idea...sorry. but anyway, I tried this only becasue I had a stall for 6 weeks (NOTE: I know this tactic is not in teh atkins book). Anyway, it shocked my system and I imediately started losing weight. It could be becasue I was on a stall and my body caught up...who knows, but I haven't stalled since. I have consistently lost about 2 lbs sometimes more a week since then with no stalls. I'm trying to limit them though becasue it takes time to get back into ketosis. I think I will only do this when I stop losing again. The other info I was given was that this also helps resor leptin...a hormone that lets you body let go of fat stores...anyway, please look into this further before you take my word for all of this...this is just info I was given and my experience. :daze: :daze:

Frederick Fri, Jun-20-03 13:58

I don't necessarily plan on preordained "cheat" days, but they inexorably happen irrespectively anyway. So, I just sort of accept that the inevitable will occur, and try to keep a tabulation of how it affects me.

So far, I haven’t stalled nor has the extra carbs caused me to gain any weight. If anything, on my last cheat, the influx of carbs had the unintended consequence of lowering my weight. And I mean, that was a cheat! Full sugar Coke, double cheese burger on fresh sourdough baguette, café mocha with whipped cream, and a large piece of full sugared cheesecake.

In my view, planned cheat days aren’t all bad, if they’re planned, controlled, and engaged in both occasionally and sporadically. I mean, anyone seriously believe that abstaining from chocolate cake, ice cream, or apple pie for the rest of your life is realistically feasible?

I think the cheats will temper one’s urges before they become overwhelming precipitating that feared uncontrollable binge. As per the Wilde adage, “the only way to rid temptation is to yield to it.” In moderation, I think that will keep us on the straight and narrow for eating regimen we’ve chosen.

Just my view,


LadyBelle Fri, Jun-20-03 16:16

“the only way to rid temptation is to yield to it.” In moderation,

Some people can't do moderation after one little taste. Kind of like the Lays commercial "You can't eat just one." I havn't had a problem, but I know some severly carb addicted people where a cookie shuts off the part of the brain that says full and instead sends a hungry message.

I don't know if I could have a carb blowout day. I really don't want things with refined sugar or flour, they don't even look good anymore. I have trouble reaching 20 carbs net, and think about the only way I could really go over is with a lot of fruit.

dcbrowne Fri, Jun-20-03 17:12

CAD-Carb feast anything for an hour-This is so wrong. Firstly our 2 low carb meals are stricter than Atkins, no snacks, no gum, no mints, no frankenfoods. Our reward meal starts with 2 cups of salad, followed by a meal 1/3 carbs, 1/3 vegies, 1/3 protien. If you need more correct information about CAD, read "What low carb plan is right for you?"

Shelley J Fri, Jun-20-03 17:30

Do you think having a couple of light beers a few nights a week count?? :rolleyes: :doah:

lkonzelman Fri, Jun-20-03 17:36

Do you think having a couple of light beers a few nights a week count??

That is more a choice to possibly slow your loss not so much a "carb blowout".

You seem to be doing ok though.

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