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sexym2 Mon, Sep-06-10 16:41

I ended up falling hard last nigh(stress got me) and havn't got back on yet. I am planning on it starting with supper tonight though.

Vel Tue, Sep-07-10 05:57

Hello everyone.
Weight today: 312, weekly average 313.5
Yesterday's food:
CM: 2 egg omelet with 1 hotdog and cheddar cheese
CM: 1 cheese slice, coffee
RM: 2 chicken/veggie wraps from Timmies, one large napoleon square, 4 squares of chocolate.

Today is the day my son heads off for Wales. It is also the day I have laser surgery on my eye, so.... going to be a hard one. But sticking to CAD makes hard things easier for me, in a way. My son tends to be a bit underweight and I have been very concerned about how he will eat over there, so we had a talk and decided to make a deal that we will both do our very best. Me, to stick to CAD, him to eat (somewhat) healthily and make sure he gets some protein in.
Anyway, on to face the day.

Janepine Tue, Sep-07-10 06:04

hi Everyone, Audrey, so sorry, for all your troubles. I will say some prayers for your family. I am okay, I had some things happen over the weekend. Someone was very mean and nasty, to me, about being overweight. I haven't had this happen to me, since I was in grammar school. It threw me, a lot. He is the maintenance man, at my church. He has been very rude to me, in the past, but, nothing that mean. I have to use the handicapped lift, when I go over there. Lot's of times, the lift doesn't work right and it is a pain in the neck, to everyone. He is the one, who runs it for us and it is annoying to all of us, but, that is no reason, to be nasty to me, about it. Anyway, he referred to me, as a Fat A** and said it directly to me. I was asking him, what time, I should meet him, tomorrow, in front of the church, so that he can take me downstairs, to my meeting. I was trying to arrange a time, with him, that would be convenient. Meeting is at 1:oopm. I was tryiing to consider him and his other work, in the church. He said: "Oh, here we go again." Just get your Fat A** over there, and be done with it. Another neighbor came along, (I was flabbergasted) and he said to her: "Here sit down next to Jane, if you want to get chubby" I told him: "If my Husband Don were here, you wouldn't dare speak to me, like this" He knew my Husband, well. Besides being the sexton, at our church, he also lives in my Apt. complex and I have known him, many years. I am so upset. At first, I wasn't going to go to the meeting, and avoid him, but why should I be the loser. I don't want to report him, to the Pastor because I am pretty sure, he would get fired. I don't want to be responsible, for him losing his job. I know him a long time.
Well, I'm sorry, just had to let it out.
Thanks Jane

sexym2 Tue, Sep-07-10 11:01

Jane, a jerk like that shouldn't be running a church. I wouldn't think if you brought it up, that, that would be the only reason he would be fired or repremanded. He is probably a jerk to a lot of people, and you shouldnt have to take his crap, Hubby there or not. I would mention it to the others on the board and see how they want to procede.

Enomarb Tue, Sep-07-10 17:33

Tracy, I hope your day was a good one. Your son going to Wales is part of him growing up- you are being a good mom to support him in going there. I also hope your eye procedure went well.

Jane, I am so sorry about the rude and nasty comments that were made to you. ANyone who would say that has a problem- and that problem is NOT you or your weight.

I had a nice dinner with DS. I took the last 2 of the frozen stuffed chicken breasts and made them into chicken parm with sauce and cheese. I am soooo not into processed food now that even thought DS said these were good, they tasted too salty and processed to me.

so rm tonight:
salad, chicken parm, broccoli, cereal with H&H and dried cherries, water, 1 bite of fresh cookie DS baked.

cm today was leftover salmon and cucumbers.

Tomorrow will be crazy. I will have my usual am CM of 2 eggs and turkey bacon and coffee. Lunch?.
Dinner RM will be Rosh Ha Shana dinner with 12 people.

I am serving bread, apples, honey, wine, coleslaw, spinach and broccoli bake, brisket, roasted potato, sweet noodle kugel, and 2 cakes and 2 kinds of cookies for dessert. No one will eat fruit if I serve it- too many apples!

I will eat everything and skip dessert. I had the taste of cookie and I don't really like the cakes that my sister is bringing. I can always have a slice another day. I will have an excellent RM and be very satisfied. I am in a phase where I just don't want sweets- thus the cereal for tonight's carb.

Happy Jewish New Year to you and your families!

Vel Wed, Sep-08-10 04:16

wow Jane, I have to say, I would be having a talk with the pastor about that maintenance man. If he has been friendly and nice before, it almost sounds like he is having some issues of his own and needs some help. That's how I would present it to the pastor, that you are concerned about the way he is behaving. It is totally inappropriate for him to talk to you like that, and I'd bet his behaviour is out of line with others as well.

Well, I survived yesterday ok, in spite of lots of tears. I'm down half a pound, maybe that's why! :) And my eye thing was ok too. Back to work today.

Thanks for the support everybody.
Yesterday's food:
CM: 4 slices of peameal bacon, green tea
CM: tuna, mayo, romaine lettuce
RM: large dinner salad with chicken, bowl of cereal, 1/2 a chocolate bar.

sexym2 Wed, Sep-08-10 07:44

Morning Everyone! :wave: I stayed on plan yesterday, I was hungry a lot of the day and had cravings late in the evening, but I made it through. I'm hoping today will be easier.

Yesterdays meals

*3 eggs scrambled
*3 oz chicken breast, LC bar-b q sause, 1/2 C mashed potatoes, 1 C green beans
*2 oz colby cheese
*3 oz chicken breast, LC bar-b-q sause, 2 oopsie rolls

Besides being constapated and bloated in the belly(from going off plan), I feel fine. I wont be walking this week, I'm spending all my time fixing those saddles so I can try to sell them in the next 2 weekends. My fingers are sore!! :wave: :wave:

Vel Wed, Sep-08-10 08:40

ok, I have to ask...what is an oopsie roll?

sexym2 Wed, Sep-08-10 15:25

They are a low carb substitution for bread. I found them in Karens Corner.

Vel Thu, Sep-09-10 04:00

Wow, interesting recipe. It reminds me of one called "mock-danish" that I tried last time I was on CAD (just the ingredients, I realize the finished product is different). Unfortunately, I had trouble with mock danish, they made me crave, big time. So I'll play it cautious and stay away from oopsie rolls for now. I think it must be the cream cheese that affects me, since I eat eggs all the time.

Well...I got excited at this morning's weigh-in. Down another 2.5 lbs! But....I have to fess doctor added a half-dose of a diuretic to my blood pressure med, and today is the third day on it, so I know that has a lot to do with this great loss, but I'm happy to take it anyway. :)

Yesterday's food:
CM: 3 chicken weiners with mustard
CM: 1 cup raw broccoli, 2 oz hard cheese
RM: 2 cups cooked broccoli (time to go shopping for different veggies), about 4 oz chicken, pineapple Source yogurt, small bowl of cereal, Crunchie bar.

I'm staying home from work today because my eye is bothering me a bit, so I'm going to go and pick out paint to do our living/dining rooms. It needs it's been painted hospital green for way too many years now! :)

Janepine Thu, Sep-09-10 05:25

Hi everyone, Thanks for all the good words, about my being insulted by the guy at church. I think it got taken care of, since one of the parishioners overheard and they called him down, for it. Between, my answer to him and that person, he got the message. Yesterday, I went to a meeting there and he was 100% better. He seemed embarrassed, but, he should have been. Let's hope this is the end of it, otherwise, I will have to take it further, but so far, so good.
Hope you had a Happy Holiday, Eno.
SexyM , I hope you were able to get back, on track. Hi to everyone and thanks for all your support.

Gaspesiene Thu, Sep-09-10 05:36

good news Jane...
Vel, congrats on the loss and your resolve to stay away from food you think will make you crave...yea!\
SexyM, I won't even look at the recipe for oopsie rolls ....until next week ;)
Eno, hope you had a great time with your family and friends.

not sure about RM today..but have to get back into having salads at the RM...been a little slack and up 3 pounds...not good. Vel, I need to follow your example :)

have a great day everyone.

sexym2 Thu, Sep-09-10 07:42

Vel, I don't like the Ooopsie rolls with cream cheese in it. I use mayo instead and they don't give me cravings, I just like to eat them :lol: --------All they are, are eggs and mayo really. They work great when I want a sandwich. I use a muffin top pan to make them too, and I get 9 rolls out of a batch, the recipe gets 6.

Yesterday went well

*3 eggs
*3 oz hamburger, 11 fries, small salad
*small salad and 3 hot dogs(not fond of them but they were the only meat that wasn't eggs)

My weight is almost back to my ticker weight. I am constipated though and I think thats my problem. I am taking Metalax with my meals to get things moving.

I walked 2x yesterday with a total of 3 1/2 mls.

Enomarb Thu, Sep-09-10 12:06

dinner last night was great, and it was so easy to skip dessert. I made a fresh pot of decaf coffee and had a cup of that. I was not that interested in the desserts, and enjoyed the small potato and bread and glass of wine I had instead.

Just had CM lunch- a can of tuna in olive oil, salad and water.

For dinner I'll have leftovers!

I am still on the emptying the freezer project- by Monday I think we will be down to 4 boxes of spinach, 2 bags of brussel sprouts, 1 bag of broccoli, 1 bag of green beans, a loaf of sandwich bread, a tray of bake -it-yourself rolls, 3 bags of chicken tenderloins, 4 packs of steak and 1 london broil!, and finally 3 semi-empty cartons of icecream that I am tossing on Sunday night if DS and DH don't finish them by then.

I am going to use all of the chicken, the rolls and 2 bags of veggies for Tuesday's dinner (i am making dinner for us and a neighbor), so it is time to make a shopping list!

DS cleaned out my pantry, and put all the cans back in chronological order from expiration dates. So I'm in good shape there.

Does anyone else do this? I just find that if I don't periodically clean out the freezer I find stuff that has been in there too long! I also freeze so much meat, chicken and fish that I got a small vacuum thing and put the date on the plastic bags instead of freezing the stuff in the supermarket wrapping.

sexym2 Thu, Sep-09-10 17:59

Enomarb, I clean out and make lists of everything in the freezer and pantry every few months. I try to work meals around the lists and only buy the necessities that week. The last time I only spent $50 in groceries for 2 weeks because we were eating out of the freezer. Hb doesn't like his meal choices some times, but you got to eat it sometime.

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