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galatia Mon, Jan-10-05 06:33

Monday morning chatter....
Hi. Good work-out. Glad you liked the side curls. I feel like I get a better contraction with them. I don't know enough about kinetics to determine if they have any ill effects on the joints being incorporated, but I've been doing them for awhile with no problems.
Do you go ATF?
On the ones that say "full squat" I do. Back years ago when I was lifting, I was doing 135 x 10-16 full squats as a typical work-out. I had my knees wrapped and always wore my lifting belt for them. We were told back then that it did cause too much stress on the knees. Everything I read now says that is only true if your heels leave the floor during the lift. Anyway, I only started back full squats, well it's been several months now I guess, but.....I am almost 50 and everything is harder it seems. Lame excuse, but the best one I can come up with this early in the morning ;) . I am happy to report, my legs are a little sore this morning :) . I was reading about specializations on the net last night. I'm thinking of doing some of that. I was trying to find information on Metabolic Surge. I think you might have to buy the book to know what to do with that. That's it for to you later. Oh.....thanks for noticing the broccoli :cool: .

I found my old work-out journal for 1991 this morning. I wasn't squatting as many reps. as I thought with 135. But, you know the old saying, "The older I get-- the better I was." :lol: Anyway, I changed what I had posted earlier. :)

dane Tue, Jan-11-05 02:59

I didn't do any cardio yesterday, as my head is going to explode. But I will soldier on today with my weights. :)

Also, I a feeling fatigue in my upper arms/shoulders/upper back, so something from yesterday was working! I'm pretty sure it was the side curls, along with the seated row. Took them both nice and slow, which makes for a good intensity. :agree:

My calves are still sore.....I feel crippled when I first get out of bed. I don't like feeling THAT sore...insert wimpy smilie here. But the best cure for this is to stretch them out with another session, so here goes:

ATF squats, BW only 3x10 not too bad, but I still dislike them. :baby:

SLDL's, 28lbs, 1x10 I think I will cut these for awhile...I'm having a hard time maintaining proper form, thanks to my big lower back is not a happy camper
ss w/individ. standing calf raises, BW only 3x10 not too bad, actually

Step box Press w/10lbDB 3x10 good
ss w/
Leg ext 3plates (30lbs) 3x10 jelly legs again

Alternating standing leg curls, 2plates, 3x10

galatia Tue, Jan-11-05 06:13

ideas- peanuts- and headaches
Good morning-- what is the time difference between there and here? While I was looking up information on Metabolic Surge, I read about Triple Add sets. Basicly: light weight 20-30 reps. to muscle burn / no rest-next set heavier 6-8 reps. / no rest-next set heavier 1-3 reps. Suppose to incorporate all the different muscle fibers. I'll give it shot. I've done sets like this before, but not with a clear pattern in mind. You really have to have the book for MS to do it correctly, mostly because of the diet portion, but the work-out part is basicly- 40 secs. of cardio incorporated into the lifting, so there is constant movement. Cardio-set-cardio-set....each set having 6-8 reps./4-6 sets--45 mins. total. Also the exercises you do are like upper body one work-out, lower body next. I may try that too, but not until after next week, (TOM)-- I seem to not be making any progress lately, so I'd like to be able to up my iron weights, and lower my body weight.
I know that if I do things slow and steady, then any ill effects are minimized
Agreed. I don't have a problem with slow and steady. I've always pretty much trained that way. I love slow negatives, and try to use heavy enough weight that moving fast on the positive isn't possible.

Now a word about peanuts-- :help: . I don't seem to be able to have a peaceful co-exsistance with peanuts in any form. I always overeat. But it's such a yummy quick snack. And I really, really like them . It's an ongoing battle for me, and apparently I'm not ready to give in, or give up. It's my own little hell :rolleyes: .
Hope your headache is gone for good. They certainly can ruin your day. I nursed both my children, I know you really hate to take anything that might effect your baby. Sometimes if my headache isn't too bad, I do this yoga thing where you close off one nostril and inhale through the open one, then close it off- and open the other one and exhale, inhale through the one you just exhaled through and go back and forth.... Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Do several. You might want to try it and see. It's pretty relaxing. I don't know why it helps-- but it has helped me a lot. Well, I'm gettin' out of your gym log to you later. :)

dane Wed, Jan-12-05 03:59

Rest Day, maybe Cardio
Yesterday evening, I managed to squeeze in some pre-dinner cardio on the exercise bike......

31 minutes, 308 calories burned, at an easy Level 2. I need to bump up the intensity, but since I'm still under the weather a bit, I'm taking it light.

Today is an official Rest Day, but I might walk with the DS's to the park. If I do, I'm going to use the front pack for the baby, to burn more calories. Baby prefers it, and carrying the extra 15lbs does help.

Galatia, the time difference is +6hours from the Eastern time zone. Really weird for me to have my day mostly over when you all are just starting, :lol:

BTW, I really enjoy having you post here, as well as the journal. Reading Gym Logs that just have postings of basic routines gets tedious after awhile...I like it when there's commentary from others mixed in. That's how I learn and get ideas. :)

galatia Wed, Jan-12-05 06:22

Books, plans, and problems....
Hi there. I like hearing from you too! My gym log has sat pretty uneventful until now. It's much nicer to have some feedback :) . My stepson has the Arnold encyclopedia too, I should borrow it. I love hearing about women who have been successful with natural bodybuilding. When I first started out lifting, I "studied" Rachel McLish's book. Remember that was in 1986. She doesn't look so great now, women's bodybuilding has come a long way. I had a few other books that were always in easy reach. Just recently I dug them out of storage. I really would like to surpass what I accomplished back then. There is nothing keeping me from it, except possibly age and self-control, not having a spotter,..... :rolleyes: . But, I enjoy experimenting and doing what I can. My dh asked me yesterday, what my ideal hobby would be. I said bodybuilding. There's a lot of things I'd love to be able to do.....but, I really enjoy bodybuilding. Even though I do get side-tracked ever now and then. :o
Speaking of dh, he's leaving today for a couple of weeks. I feel like half my heart is missing when he's not with me . But I hope to take this time to really eat right, and exercise, get my books out and get really motivated to succeed. Maybe I'll stay so busy, the time won't seem so long.
I've had my son hide my peanuts..... he's not very creative when it comes to hiding stuff :rolleyes: . The BIG question is, why do I keep buying them.....therein lies the answer to my problem.....I think .
I bought a book at the thrift store yesterday on Creatine. I decided several months ago to start taking it, but in the loading phase I gained over 5 pounds, and it made me feel.... not so great. I'm sure I'll read this book and go back to using it. I have a couple of containers of it, I should. Also at the thrift store I bought a NordicTrack Pro Plus. I should have looked at it must have come out of a gym or something.....I think it may be too worn out. I'll clean it up today and see what I think. I liked it because it has rails to hold on to. (So you don't have to lay all over the thing :rolleyes:. ) I don't think it's possible to get replacement parts for them now, so if it's trashed....I just wasted $25.00. I'll let you know the verdict.
Yesterday dh and I spent the morning at the coast again.....yep, chinese food and later on an embarrassing about of chocolate....that's why there was no food or exercise listed in my journal. We had a great day! But my weight was back up to 156 and I'd probably have to have my ring cut off. Water, water, water.....I'll be sure to drink my 8 cups today!!
Alright....I'm moving on. Talk to you later. :)

galatia Wed, Jan-12-05 18:20

Update on worn-out NordicTrack Pro Plus-- It's worn-out :rolleyes: . My only hope now, is :idea: that I can figure out some way of taking the top part off of it, and attach it to my good one. I was so excited about the design of this one-- I hope that this CAN be done.

dane Thu, Jan-13-05 05:28

PM cardio last night..31 min on the exercise bike, level 2, 301 calories

BB flat bench 33lbs 3x10, wooo these are hard, esp last few reps.....amazing that a few pounds added makes that big a difference
alt w/assorted ab crunches 3x20

DB incl flye 7.5kg (16.5 lbs) 2x10 slooooooow really hard
ss w/DB incl press 16.5lbs 1x10, 1x5 I tried to squeeze out an extra rep, but not gonna happen. I'm stopping here, as I want to be able to carry the baby tomorrow! ;)

Had to increase heavy; not enough 1kg them on my shopping list, tho.

side lats 8lb 3x10
ss w/seated row, 6plates (60lbs) 3x10 both good

arnies 10lbs 3x10
ss w/upright rows 10lbs 3x10
I could barely finish these w/good form. Was going to blame it on inc weights from chest work, but just realized I grabbed the 10's rather than the 8's :doah:
tri kb's 8lb 3x10
ss w/side curls 8lbs 3x10 ouch :)

galatia Thu, Jan-13-05 10:05

creating a monster, being a wimp, and dreams...
Yes....if dh can manage to weld those two ski machines together into what I want, it should look like some weird Frankenstein thing. Oh....I definately still get a good work-out on it. Endurance is not a strong point for me. So anything I do out of the ordinary pretty much gives me out. I use to be an aerobics instructor, so yesterday after being so disgusted with the worn out ski thing, I decide to do some of my old aerobic class stuff-- I felt like I had 50 lb weights tied to each leg-- I'm use to using the rebounder I guess. Anyway, I decided I was done for the day, after one more disappointment . Today so far is good. Still have breakfast in my future and all I have to work today is arms.....and some cardio, and abs, maybe 5 mins. on the heavy bag. Started my book on Creatine, but just barely, so nothing to talk about yet. You know years ago I thought maybe I could work hard enough to be in a contest....but not anymore-- I just don't have the discipline. But I hope you are able to, if that is something you'd like to experience. I like challenging work-outs. I do want to become the best I can be. And I do love the experience of shaping this body into something much nicer. :)

dane Fri, Jan-14-05 04:01

yesterday's cardio
Managed to get in some time on the exercise bike last night....31min, 308cal, level2. Worked up a good sweat. I'll be back later to post my LBWO; woke up late and threw off my morning routine, so I am hoping to squeeze it in this afternoon. heh hehe hehehe Galatia on the FrankenTrak :)

galatia Fri, Jan-14-05 07:56

I instructed high impact, but if there were any newbies there I'd always show the low impact modification. I was in really great shape then, which I have come to realize now when I try to do some of the stuff I did then :rolleyes: . Step classes came into vogue shortly after I stopped instructing. Well, those tri-sets have my arms feeling great. I'll definately be doing those regularly. Today it's shoulders and probably rebounder again. No abs, so maybe the bag. Hope you were able to get your work-out in. Good work on the bike....whew!!

dane Fri, Jan-14-05 08:38

Feeling a good soreness in my pecs today, but not enough that I can't hold the I did it just right! :)

ATF squats, BW only 3x10
ss w/
individ. standing calf raises, BW only 3x10
I will keep these BW only until either I stop hating them, or I feel they're of no use, then I'll add weights.

Step box Press w/10lbDB 3x10 good, maybe bump next time
ss w/
Leg ext 3plates (30lbs) 2x10, upped it to 40lbs, 1x10

Alternating standing leg curls, 2plates, 3x10 ahhhhh feel the burn :lol:

good workout, considering it's the afternoon, and the :baby: is up. Kinda fun exercising with him in the walker right here, laughing at me. :)

I'm going to be on the exercise bike tonight, I'm sure, watching my buddies cook. Hope it's someone/something good!

dane Sat, Jan-15-05 04:42

cardio days
Got in my exercise bike time last night.....31min, 300 cals, level 2. Really work up a sweat. I should probably bump it up a level, we'll see.

Not sure what's on the menu for today, but it's so sunny and nice out, I need to get outside. :agree:

galatia Sat, Jan-15-05 07:29

Protein and speed....
Hello. Looks like you're doing really good. You know it never occurs to me that some days I don't get enough protein. It seems that all I ever eat is fat and protein, but I'll make sure to get enough now that you've brought it to my attention. I keep track of my food, most of the time, only to watch the calories and carbs. I'll have to watch the rest a little closer now. Thanks :) .
You really do alot of sets! Have you ever investigated "super slow"? If so, what are your impressions?
I do a lot of sets because right now all I do is one bodypart a day, so I can work that part intensely. When I do two a day, I don't do that many sets. I do go slow now, but not "super slow." I do a lot of "holds"-- which is getting the weight to the place that stresses the muscle the most and hold for several secs. or as long as I can. I have a feeling I work for, somedays I get it, somedays I don't. I've been keeping up with "next day soreness" (or next 2 days) to determine if the work-out was productive or not. I know I haven't been working out as hard as I should be. And, yes...that broccoli was very good! I'll be having some more today. :)

galatia Sun, Jan-16-05 07:23

Tortilla soup...
Hi. I think next shoulder work-out, I'm going to give the "super slow" a try. There was no real soreness this time. That's always disappointing. The tortilla soup was:

32 0zs. chicken broth
1/2 Cup onion
1/2 teaspoon cumin
some salt
2 tablespoons butter
4 oz. cream cheese
2 Cups shredded chicken
some left over broccoli
1/4 Cup sliced jalapeņo peppers
1/2 Cup shredded Colby cheese
1 low carb tortilla

Sautee' onions and cumin in melted butter. Add broth and chicken, cream cheese, broccoli and peppers. Bake (or microwave) a low carb tortilla. Crumble some of the tortilla in a bowl with some colby cheese and pour in soup and eat.

It was pretty good. :)

dane Mon, Jan-17-05 05:08

UBWO, weekend cardio
Hey G,yes, I know what you mean about lack of soreness being disappointing! Have copied soup recipe to my Word file......mmmmmmm and thanks!

No formal exercise on Sat, other than some intense detail cleaning on the house. But FitDay says that's worth about 350 cals, so I'm good with that!

Sun we went for a stroll around the neighborhood. 1 and a half hours, with me carrying the baby in a front pack. An extra 15lbs of weight, to up my cals burned! :)

Today is upper body, and should get in some exercise bike cardio tonight.

BB flat bench 33lbs(7kg+bar) 3x10, last 4 reps of last set hard
alt w/assorted ab crunches 3x20

DB incl flye 7.5kg (bar+2-2.5kg;16.5 lbs) 2x10 slooooooow really hard, AGAIN. 10lbsx1x12 too easy.
ss w/DB incl press 16.5lbs 1x10, 1x6 [I tried to rest 2 minutes between ss, but still can't finish 2nd set of incl. Can't decide if I should continue, or reduce the weight. I think I'll do another set w/10lbs.] 10lbsx1x12 too easy. I really need some sm plates.

side lats 8lb 3x10
ss w/seated row, 6plates (60lbs) 3x10 both still challenging

arnies 10lbs 2x10; 8x1x10
ss w/upright rows 10lbs 2x10; 8x1x10

tri kb's 8lb 3x10
ss w/side curls 8lbs 3x10 good

Good and out of breath, haha. Got the :baby: in his walker in here; fun to play with him inbetween sets. :)

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