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Eliza_Jazz Thu, Feb-26-09 18:56

I agree with all of you
This thread has made me quite teary. I could be writing these other posts .. I am not alone in my world filled with fat frustration.

Add to that:

I hate when people at my work think that I am lazy because I am fat. I work harder and better than all of them. I know they somehow think me less capable because of the way I look.

They must be thinking the fat has gone to my brain ;) .. But wait, the brain IS made out of fatty tissue!

Life as an overweight person is uncomfortable... from dragging my 150-lb. fat backpack 24/7 and trying to manage life with great effort and feeling depressed to people looking down on me, not a fun place to be.

I wish everyone continued success in losing weight permanently. Not just because we need to look FABULOUS (which we already are) but so we can love and accept ourselves more and be healthy and happy to live and enjoy our lives.

I guess I am too emotional today, so please excuse me when I say I love you all :rheart: and wish you all the best. If any one deserves it, it is all of us who have struggled for so long.

Chymene Thu, Mar-12-09 14:08

When I was 17 I reached my all-time peak weight of +/- 250 (wearing a sz 22).

I then lost it and maintained at more or less 170 until very recently.

That episode left me with :

- Horribly sagging breasts /w stretch marks at the armpits when they deflated.
- Stretch marks around tummy area, stretch marks on biceps
- Sagging cellulite on my ass
- Darker skin where my thighs rubbed against one another

Since I ballooned back up to 215, I've noticed :

- Breasts got bigger but did not go back up. Now they're just sagging lower.
- NEW stretch marks criss crossing the old ones. Sexy as hell.
- I'm out of breath when I climb up to my 3rd story apartment.
- I'm crazy uncomfortable in intimate relationships with boyfriend.
- I have fat rolls from where my back fat rolls over my bra strap. Also sexy.
- I have less energy and I'm generally in a shitty mood.
- My belly restricts me from bending over to tie my shoes, resulting in me having to spread my legs to accomodate it. That's unacceptable.
- My face is swollen to the point that old acquaintances didn't recognize me.
- I was asked if I was pregnant.
- Shorts ride up between my thighs in an awkward and uncomfortable way.
- I get worse service now than I did at 170.

Being fat sucks.

great_dane Fri, Mar-12-10 06:37


I hate because I haven’t heard those sweet „I Love You” words in years.

I hate because people are so curious to find why I gained weight and how much.

I hate to go to classes because all the other students are thin and able to wear sexy clothes and I’m not. I hate that my family thinks the reason I don’t go often to school and this year was a bad one for my exams is just that I’m a fat and lazy person. I hate that makes me feel stupid and now idiocy is another thing I worry about, among my high weight and money problems.

I hate this depression and these death thoughts I am struggling every single moment. I hate to wake up in the morning. I can’t find a single reason to live another miserable day.

Again, I hate me because I can’t wear great clothes and I’m crying watching the ones from when I was thin and beautiful.

I hate my skin because is very dry and has red marks.

I hate my hair.

I hate my smile so I make an effort not to smile in public. Also, I hate my sad face.

I hate that I don’t have one lovable thing in myself.

I hate 101 more things that are in connection with my person. But most of all I hate that now I'm such a gloomy and covered in fear person when once I was a shinny, funny, beautiful, caring person.

addict1000 Wed, Apr-14-10 06:29

great dane,

Are you still here on the board?

I am so sorry that no one has responded to you yet.

One thing that we all have to remember is that we are not our bodies. We are defined by our souls. That is what is lovable about us. You are lovable. You have been created by the most High God. You are wrong to think that because you are not happy with parts of your body that you are worthless.

If you can't believe that then that is a sign that you need to find some help for your depression and death thoughts.

Sometimes we make choices that lead to a body that we are not happy with, so we make different choices. Learn to take care of your skin and hair and work with what you are given.

Some of us frankly did not win the genetic lottery, but you are not your skin, or your hair, or your fat rolls. You could have been born with a painful disease, or a mental disability or you could have to live with disfigured skin from a fire.

Being fat is not fun, but we can do something about it. We have to keep perspective. Life is to short to hate yourself.

great_dane Sat, Apr-17-10 07:46

Originally Posted by addict1000
great dane,

Are you still here on the board?

I am so sorry that no one has responded to you yet.

One thing that we all have to remember is that we are not our bodies. We are defined by our souls. That is what is lovable about us. You are lovable. You have been created by the most High God. You are wrong to think that because you are not happy with parts of your body that you are worthless.

If you can't believe that then that is a sign that you need to find some help for your depression and death thoughts.

Sometimes we make choices that lead to a body that we are not happy with, so we make different choices. Learn to take care of your skin and hair and work with what you are given.

Some of us frankly did not win the genetic lottery, but you are not your skin, or your hair, or your fat rolls. You could have been born with a painful disease, or a mental disability or you could have to live with disfigured skin from a fire.

Being fat is not fun, but we can do something about it. We have to keep perspective. Life is to short to hate yourself.

Hello addict1000 :wave: !
Thank you for your message :rose:. You are so nice!
Actually I didn't expect a message. This is just a thread where I can write with confidence my thoughts because nobody knows me :p.

starchile Sat, Apr-17-10 13:26

Great Dane:

I agree!! It's great to be able to just be free and write your TRUE a type of THERAPY almost.

But yeah, just beware that there are people out here who CARE and have been through a LOT of difficult things themselves and so just naturally want to help when they see someone crying out.

:rheart: :rheart: :rheart:

addict1000 Mon, Apr-19-10 06:18

Oh good,

I have been worried. Sometimes we all need to just say things and then we have it off of our chest. You never know though. You hear stories all the time of people who fall through the cracks and nobody took the things they said seriously.

I am a firm believer in the power of thought. What we think, we create. Self hate (while easy sometimes) can throw us off track...

anyway back to the thread. Why it sucks to be fat.

You know what I hate about being fat. I hate that you can diet and workout for along time....and still be fat! Thin people get rewarded for their efforts by being thin. Fat people can lose significant amounts of weight and still be considered fat!

joel381 Mon, Apr-19-10 19:53

Fat people can lose significant amounts of weight and still be considered fat!
I remember going from like 250 to 200 looking in the mirror thinking that easily another 25 needed to go and just gave up at that point, headed back to 238 in very little time.

rpavich Wed, Apr-21-10 08:43

This whole thread made me cry for two reasons...
1.) I'm 85 lbs over weight and I can relate to a lot of it...
2.) My wife has to be the most beautiful woman in the world, but inside and out and I can feel her pain in this thread...she's never told me any of these things; though I know they must exist for her.

My heart breaks for her...and being a husband, I'm guilty of not telling her how special and beautiful she is often enough...

great_dane Thu, Apr-22-10 11:39

Originally Posted by rpavich
This whole thread made me cry for two reasons...
1.) I'm 85 lbs over weight and I can relate to a lot of it...
2.) My wife has to be the most beautiful woman in the world, but inside and out and I can feel her pain in this thread...she's never told me any of these things; though I know they must exist for her.

My heart breaks for her...and being a husband, I'm guilty of not telling her how special and beautiful she is often enough...

Well, it's not too late. You can always start to brighten her day ;)

GoddessLit Fri, May-14-10 07:14

Love This Thread
It's so freeing....
  1. avoiding weddings and parties because I don't look/feel good
  2. stretchmarks on top of stretchmarks
  3. chub rub
  4. shorts
  5. the nagging complaint of being fat and not changing it
  6. knowing what so many people think of fat people
  7. always feeling like a burden/in the way
  8. SHOES!!
geeze I could go on forever...oh wait
Listening to my skinny friend talk about how fat she is, and then thinking that I haven't been her weight since fifth grade, and may never be that weight!

great_dane Sat, May-15-10 05:23

Originally Posted by GoddessLit
Listening to my skinny friend talk about how fat she is, and then thinking that I haven't been her weight since fifth grade, and may never be that weight!

Listening to my skinny friend about how I should lose weight and asking me if I'm gonna make that bypass gastric surgery. Also listening to her how we should order some pizza and watch a movie.

NubCake Sat, Jul-31-10 12:42

Allright, here we go.

1. Not being able to buy clothes that fit and look good. I live in Greece and trust me the market is too limited comparing to the USA. Biggest jeans size I can find here is 40.
2. I am on foot for like 10 hours per day and I have back and feet pains. Totally sucks, I feel like I am 50 instead of 22.
3. Low energy... Sometimes I think that if I did not have to work or study I would spend several hours sleeping instead of having fun.
4. Feeling terrified as I grow up. Been obese my whole life I have missed all those amazing simple things like swimining with friends (Greece is awsome right now with the beaches and stuff but I dont feel like puting a swimsuit on...), going to parties, putting on that sexy black dress...
5. Unable to put on a pair of jeans and a nice shirt and feel OK(well almost achieved that last year when I got down to 187 pounds.)
6. My dear bf and I have decided to go on vacation (first time for me) and I have to do research in order to pick an island that is awsome but without many people. Yeh try that in August in greece.(I ll have to be drunk to appear with swimsuit in a crowded beach)
7. Being in a place where summer lasts almost 5 months might be a blessing for most but a hell for me. Summer clothes do not cover much and sweating sucks.
8. One word. Discrimination. (lol, hope I spelled that correctly)
9. Avoiding to go home. My parents leave in this small traditional village that has a population of 400 people during the winter. Everyone knows me , many are relatives and they comment on my weight everytime they see me. That is so uncomfortable.
10. Finding a job is hard. Allthough I have plenty of experience and I am a very hard working person(the kind of person that will stay overtime and help without asking for more money) I know I have been rejected many times because of my weight.
11. My fathers' worries. He is an awsome person, I adore him. But one of his best friends died years ago from a heart attack. She was mordibly obese and that had a huge effect on him. Even when i was like 14 he was worried that I would get more and more weight and get sick.
12. My family members are so thin. My father who is 46 is in great shape, he actually looks 38 or so. My mother and brother are of those lucky people that can eat anything and stay skinny.

I have more, Ill be back :P
P.S Sorry for my bad english.

Syrah Wed, Aug-04-10 19:23

Your English is amazing! :thup: As I read your post, I thought "what's a young English girl doing living in Greece?" You sure had me fooled!

And yes, I think most of us here can relate to what you say. :agree:

NubCake Sat, Aug-07-10 02:42

Thank you very much SyraH. Best of luck with your journey!

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