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kirkor Mon, Apr-11-16 22:18

Originally Posted by bluesinger
I've been doing 20/4 and am finding it impossible to eat enough calories. Suggestions?

For the first time I'm using myfitnesspal, trying to get to 1000 calories. My body temp is 95-97 F. If I go off LCHF I gain. It's not a fun dilemma.

Either lengthen your feeding window or eat more calorically-dense food.

JEY100 Tue, Apr-12-16 05:14

Dr Mark Mattson talks about the benefits of IF. Dom D'Agostino the interviewer.

Great talk. Protein around 30 min mark. For long term muscle retention, lower protein is better (vs ST body builders) Mattson himself fasts until afternoon, then exercises fasted, then eat something and a dinner later.

His 2014 TedTalk:

NEMarvin Tue, Apr-12-16 10:39

Originally Posted by bluesinger
I'm doing it every day since April 4. Prior to that I was just doing LCHF back to an n=1 which I ended March 27.

The objective of my n=1 was to raise my body temp, but it stayed in the same range for the month I was doing it. Refeeding only made me sick and I gained weight. That's why I returned to LCHF and then on to the IF 20/4.

I don't mind so much if I don't lose any more weight, I just don't want to gain and be sick.

I'm not an expert, but I would reduce the amount of days per week you do IF. Maybe 2 meals the other days in an 8 hour window? Again, in my situation I was doing IF 3 days a week (ADF) and I was definitely feeling cold.

NEMarvin Tue, Apr-12-16 10:44

Changing the direction, but I'm wondering how many of us drink bone broth (and how much) while IF. Ive seen Esmee make pretty strong comments about bone broth being antiketogenic as "fact," but it looks pretty much like her findings are based on n=1.

While I was successful in lowering my fasting blood glucose and increasing my fasting blood ketones, the changes were only moderate. I was now in nutritional ketosis, but at a very low level.Then, I decided to skip the bone broth for a few days, and the effect on both my glucose and ketones was quite dramatic. After only one day without bone broth, my fasting blood glucose decreased from 85-95 mg/dL to 65-75 mg/dL, and my fasting blood ketones increased from 0.9-2.4 mmol/L to 4.8-6.5 mmol/L.

Bone broth contains high amounts of the amino acid glutamine and, apparently, glutamine can easily be converted into glucose.It is for this reason that Dr. Thomas Seyfried, author of Cancer as a Metabolic Disease, recommends limiting glutamine, as well as carbohydrates, to people following a Ketogenic diet for cancer management. Cancer cells can use glutamine for fuel just as easily as they can use glucose from carbohydrates.

I'm curious because I was probably drinking a quart of broth while IF, and I was losing more slowly than I have been since dropping that. I still IF a random day here and there, but have not been drinking broth when I do.

I know that the main reason (according to Dr. Fung) to do IF is for stop the secretion of insulin, not necessarily weight loss, but wouldn't being in a ketogenic state be necessary to stop insulin?

WereBear Tue, Apr-12-16 13:20

I have found that my collagen tea (gelatin dissolved with hearty dollop of coconut oil) is as good as breakfast. Maybe because it is?

MickiSue Tue, Apr-12-16 18:55

Marvin, there are varying levels of ketosis. Even mild ketosis can allow the fat cells to release their contents.

As for Glenda's 4 hour window IF, that is actually a fairly common one, as is an 8 hour window. I use a 12/12, because that works best for my life right now.

IF is not only taking an entire day off from eating. It's limiting the number of hours that we take in food, during the day.

For MANY people, they start eating when they get up in the morning, and eat more or less constantly till they go to bed, roughly 16 to 17 hours later.

Of course, they're eating high carb foods, so their insulin levels are constantly elevated.

bluesinger Tue, Apr-12-16 19:35

I watched this wonderful video today. Since I'm eye-minded, Dr. Fung's illustrations always help me get his concepts. The video was recorded this year at Vail.

Therapeutic Fasting- Solving the Two-Compartment Problem

teaser Wed, Apr-13-16 05:10

Originally Posted by NEMarvin

I know that the main reason (according to Dr. Fung) to do IF is for stop the secretion of insulin, not necessarily weight loss, but wouldn't being in a ketogenic state be necessary to stop insulin?

Sort of the other way around. Low insulin makes for the depletion of glycogen and elevation of free fatty acids through lipolysis, this sets the stage for ketosis. Also what makes a diet ketogenic isn't what it contains, but what it doesn't contain--it's the absence of carbohydrate and to some extent protein, not the high fat nature of the diet that makes it ketogenic. I guess "minimally antiketogenic" would be a more techically correct term than ketogenic, but that would be a pain in the butt to say all the time.

katmeyster Wed, Apr-13-16 12:36

I am finding IF very convenient -- I work from home every day except Tuesdays and Thursdays. On those days who wants to worry about eating when you have to get ready and leave? And then, when I'm there, who wants to figure out what to make and bring for lunch? And who wants to pay to eat out? So I just don't eat until dinner and I've saved myself a whole bunch of hassle. And really too busy to get hungry -- I've been in ketosis for awhile now, so hunger really isn't an issue anyway.

triplemom Thu, Apr-14-16 08:01

This week was my first attempt at IF. I chose to test the waters and picked Monday and Wednesday as my 2 days. I'm an auditor in a very stressful job and usually Monday-Wednesday are my horrible days. I also tend to stress eat during those days (Classic Lays are no longer allowed in my house). After I stress eat Lays all day, and whatever else I can shovel in, I feel awful, brain fog, grumpy, more stressed, etc. I "generally" eat low carb most of the time and have for years.

Monday, as usual, was very stressful. I woke up to a million emails, all demanding something. I also work from home, which makes it so much easier to stress eat all day! I chose to have 2 meals totaling 500ish calories. At 10:00, I had 2 deviled eggs. At around 4:00, I had some grilled chicken breast with coconut oil. It was actually not difficult. The amazing thing was my mental clarity!!! Instead of my Lays-fueled brain fog, I stayed very much on task and accomplished a lot at work. Nice! I did get very hungry around 8:00 that evening, but chose to read and go to bed. I did have some insomnia that night, but nothing horrible. Tuesday, I ate probably a little more than normal, but I didn't go Lays crazy or anything like that. Yesterday was a repeat of Monday at the same times, and once again I noticed the mental clarity. Hunger was not so bad. This morning, I decided to wait a little while to eat something and had 2 poached eggs at around 9:00. I just want to eat "normally" (whatever that is) today. My weight is down a little, but I chart my weight on Saturday so will see what that says. I'm not overly obsessed with the number, though. I've been slowly trending downward for a few years. I would like it to be faster, but I'm not disappointed in my progress.

Will just see how this IF thing goes! I have started the Jason Fung book, and hope to finish it this weekend.

leemack Thu, Apr-14-16 08:36

As I've posted before, I already naturally eat IF, one meal a day, but it really hasn't been helping me - I'm very, very insulin resistant which I believe has been contributing to huge fluid retention issues, so as well as cutting out dairy and lowering protein, I've decided to do a 48 hour fast once a week. I'm 44 hours into my second 48 hour fast and it's been pretty easy so far. The only things I take in during the fast are water, losalt, apple cider vinegar and two lots of psyllium husk in unsweetened almond milk (can't take it in water, and need it for digestive issues) 600ml total.

Weighed this morning and had my first NL (new low) since November and fluid retention is also at a recent low.

I didn't really have much in the way of hunger issues, and feel pretty energetic today.

JEY100 Thu, Apr-14-16 09:11

Three good stories, Kat, Rhonda and Lee. May IF continue to help your issues.

Must mention Lee's tip from another thread...mix the ACV in seltzer (or whatever you call fizzy water) While I would't go so far as to say it is just like cider ;) is way better than in plain water. I use Trader Joe's flavored sparkling waters, so tried it in orange. A bigger glass than usual, no sweetener, tolerable.
then decided to also take some acacia fiber...that will be "lunch" today.

triplemom Thu, Apr-14-16 10:45

I forgot to mention this! I'm also a type 2 diabetic, not controlled with medication. I've been able to stay off meds by keeping my A1c generally in the 6 range...which I attribute to my general low-carb lifestyle and SOME exercise (I much room for improvement there). My A1c had trended up to 6.7 the last time. It was measured about 3 months after starting the most stressful job I've ever had in my life. I had made a lot of bad choices during those months and have gotten myself mostly under control. During my first fast on Monday, I had a real shocker. Before my 2nd meal, which was about 6 hours after my first meal, I checked my blood sugar and it was 88! I was blown away! I hadn't seen a number like that in a very, very long time. Maybe there is something to this insulin thing ;)

JEY100 Thu, Apr-14-16 13:52

More great news, Rhonda. And don't forget the vinegar and fiber.
I don't remember ever measuring BG with only those two add-ons before, but have a new meter and have been comparing new to old. One hour after taking fiber and vinegar, BG was 12 points lower. There might be something to that vinegar and fiber thing too ;)

katmeyster Thu, Apr-14-16 14:00

Originally Posted by bluesinger
I watched this wonderful video today. Since I'm eye-minded, Dr. Fung's illustrations always help me get his concepts. The video was recorded this year at Vail.

Therapeutic Fasting- Solving the Two-Compartment Problem

Thanks for the link. I just watched the entire video and was impressed with how easy it was to understand -- I sent the link to others who don't understand why I want to fast.

So I'm understanding now that my main problem is getting at the fat in the freezer. Obviously insulin resistant, I somehow need to turn that insulin down and use my own fat for fuel. (I saw another video by Butter Bob that obese and insulin resistant people always start out with higher insulin, and it even remains higher over time -- and Dr. Fung didn't address that).

I had a huge whoosh when I first went into ketosis, but I now believe that was mostly water, and that Dr. Atkins chart indicating that I am not insulin resistant was wrong (at least for me).

I hadn't lost more than a pound in the last few weeks at under 20 grams of carbs and in large ketosis every day. So the freezer was just completely closed to me, and obviously insulin is still too high. I am hypothyroid, but now have a good physician who will help get me into optimal levels with free T3 and free T4 along with TSH (and let's me use Armour Thyroid). I don't know if there is any issue with IF and hypothyroidism.

But, maybe, just maybe, the IF will work. I've now done 3 days in the last two weeks of 18-24 hour fasts, and I was down another pound this morning. I will continue with the IF and let everybody know how it works.

Thanks again for the video. Kat

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