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  #1081   ^
Old Sat, Jan-27-18, 05:22
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Good Saturday morning!'re looking at 12 houses today??? Sorry your realtor is not really working for you. Maybe look into a different agency? Can't wait to hear about the houses you see today.

Trig...I'm sure working on your RV will give you the itch to pack it up and head out! Won't be long!

Nic...have fun in Annapolis! I love that city. One of the first trips DH & I took together was a long weekend in Annapolis. I remember we stayed at the Loew's Hotel and it was lovely. We toured the Naval Academy and just loved every minute.

KMom...sounds like you will have a busy weekend! I'm sure the kids will have a great time. Sorry your car got damaged, but glad it is all fixed now.

Blue...thinking of you and hoping all is well. When does DH get home? Hope you haven't had any more blizzards!

As for me, I'm not doing anything special today. Haven't really thought about it. I should get out for a walk/run since I think it's supposed to be quite nice out. I think DH is going to some outdoors show with a friend, so I'll be left to my own devices. Yeah right, like I'm going to get into any trouble! HA!
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  #1082   ^
Old Sat, Jan-27-18, 08:35
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KMom, have fun with the SD! Can they see Star Wars and you see the Greatest Showman if they are playing at similar times at the theater?

Sorry the scale is slow/ non responsive but the good news is that changes with LC are not always visible on the scale. Keep that in mind as you go along, that good things are happening in your body!

Jaz- 40 to 50 women at once? Oh my gosh, I would not fare well there! I am sure the gossip and just general ick is high. It makes me sad, how many women are with other women.

Have you changed your price point with looking at SFH vs townhomes/condos? Seems like you would have to, since surely SFH are more expensive? And I wonder if you would possibly need to adjust your price point anyway, since you are finding that you aren't really liking the quality of what you are seeing.. I don't know. Very curious about how things go and hopeful for you. I would love to see any links or addresses that you would like to share!

Sorry you aren't feeling great about this realtor. She does seem like she got impatient awfully quickly!

We are getting our first Sprouts, like in the whole state I think, opening soon in our area. So they have hot foods also, as well as the typical grocery store stuff? I did not know this! I have no point of reference for what a Sprouts is at all.

Lori- I love Annapolis also. Sadly I won't be walking around or hanging out there much this time- just meeting up for dinner. We had a great time around there when DS was doing his sleepover visits at the Naval Academy, and we have also rented a townhouse in the historic downtown and spent the weekend there before. Lovely town! My ILs just told us over Xmas that they plan to sell their house in the next year or so (in VA) and move to MD and likely around the Annapolis area, so that is cool.

How is your trapezius muscle doing? Does it feel recovered?


I did get to the Y yesterday so I made my 3x/week goal this past week. Go me.

Okay, unloading here and working through some stuff..

I am wrestling with some feelings regarding my DD22's future MIL. She is a very nice woman, friendly, perhaps more friendly with me than I am with her but that's okay. Well, I don't really like talking about weight with people IRL in general- it's not a focus of my life (well, it is here, but you know what I mean) and I just like to generally avoid looks-focused things and instead focus on other stuff. She texted me last night and it said "132 yesterday morning. Trying to get to 125-130! Was 146 a year ago."

This bugged me all night because this is just not a conversation I want to have, you know? She has commented about my weight before (in a nice way, I guess, like 'looks like you are doing a good job keeping it off' type stuff) but I don't want to know her weight. I don't want to discuss my weight with her either. I have been trying to examine why I feel that way. I think because I always sense some sort of competitive edge there, and I really like to avoid that/not engage in that with other women, but then again, I don't know that it is there or if I am just putting it there. I mean, her comment was very innocuous and really had nothing to do with me, and she doesn't necessarily strike me as that way.

So then I think maybe it is my own insecurity coming out and *I* am the one being competitive.. I mean, 146 is a good weight and now she is heading toward 130 and I am in no way going to be 130, and now maybe I will look fat. Now obviously I am not going to look fat because I am not fat, but that is where my mind is likely trying to go. You know? In some stupid way, it makes me feel upset with myself and sort of defeated and that is so stupid and annoying!

All the comments come roaring back that I have heard in the past- that my Mom was 100 pounds when she got married, when she was in the hospital and commenting about her weight being so high (it was in the 140s) or her pants size, my Mom worrying about me when I was in early high school because I hit 130 pounds (at 5'4") and she was worried I was developing a weight problem etc etc. All these comments (plus now this woman commenting like 146 is a high weight she is trying to avoid) just get in my head and mess with me. I try to feel good about weighing in the 140s (which is not current, but not far off) and then all these things rattle around in my head and I feel sort of crappy.

So, it has been helpful talking all this out. I think that text made me feel uncomfortable in several ways- first because I think weight is very personal and not something I like to talk about with people (IRL), and certainly not in number form. It is something that I deal with a lot of insecurity and shame about and I don't want that in my IRL relationships. Second, it felt like a boundary violation.. I mean, it is not like I even know her all that well. I think she is somewhat lonely and really wants to be buddies and I need time to let that percolate and see if I want to develop that more or not.

I need to get comfortable with myself and take her comments for what they are, about her and not about me. She did well and is proud of herself (and by the way, after a while and thinking about it, I simply texted back "Wow! That's great!" because it is, and I didn't mention anything about myself or my weight at all.)

I'm sure she will be wanting to discuss this at dinner tonight and I'll just try to manage myself and my emotions about it the best that I can. I'll do me and let her do her. KWIM?

Wow, I feel like I was just my own therapist!
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  #1083   ^
Old Sat, Jan-27-18, 18:59
Blue52 Blue52 is offline
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Missing you gals!

Trigger---Got my hubby an I Pot last Xmas. He loves it. Plus we got rid of three other appliances, old pressure cooker, crock pot and rice cooker because this thing does it all and faster. I think you'd love it with as often as you'd use it. A treat for a ZC gal for sure.

Lori---Hope your neck is better. Nice you haven't had to work for some days here and have had some time to chill a bit after that fierce holiday schedule you'd been working.

Jaz---Eager to hear about your house hunting day, although bet you're wiped out after seeing all those houses. At your price point you might have to look for the house with the smallest "turkey" that can be made into a swan, so to speak.

If you get the neighborhood you want and the house has decent bones, it's worth putting some work into it over time. Carpet, flooring and paint can be done less expensively and makes a huge difference. You could start by just taking on one room at a time. Fresh paint, new carpet or flooring. Make that one room just the way you want it, and then move on to the next, all in good time.

Are there no one floor condos to be had in the area? I know they're hard to find here, particularly the newer ones, because it's cheaper to build up than out. Still, maybe you could give the realtor a specific request to ferret out what exists on one floor. Know you hate the HOAs, but some cover things like water, and trash and even heat, that you're going to have to pay for anyway. So be sure to ask what the HOA entails.

Nic---So interesting to read along as you walked yourself thru your dilemma...and you did a fine job of it! I could empathize w/so much you said.

I really liked the way you considered both sides of it. I think there is a possibility she's just trying to bond w/you, knowing you've committed to a certain woe? OTOH, I know that vibe of a competitive edge...I like to compete w/myself, not so much w/others.

Lastly, y'know, we are who we are. And you have nothing to apologize for who you are in that you don't want to share this part of your life w/this person at this point. Think you handled it very well---threw her a compliment and didn't further engage. She'll get the point eventually. If you guys are going to be friends/family best to find the areas it works for you and her, and leave the rest behind.

My SIL is fiercely competitive and it took me awhile to find the common ground that worked for us. i.e. she will talk about her weight successes but NEVER ask about mine, nor comment on it. When I lost almost 60 pounds she never said one word, never acknowledged it. That takes effort! She's pretty allergic to giving a compliment in all ways. But that and other things over the years I've had to let go of. Let her be her, and me be me, and set the dials accordingly.

K-mom---So sweet the kids want to see Star Wars together! Fun for them for you to leave them to it by themselves, and just pop in when they really need you. Also, maybe a few hours for you to do your own thing.

Not going to do the water thing as I've missed some days. Suffice to say it's my usual 3/3, which has become a habit. One in the morning when I first get up, one at my desk over the afternoon, and one before I go to bed. WOULD like to amp that up by just one glass. Will start up again Monday.


SIGH. Well my week turned out to be busy and very tough, and I just ran out of zip to do one thing I didn't have to do, including posting here.

It is very difficult to work for big client now as I am treated very differently than I used to be. My input has been cut to a nub, no longer in the meetings, no longer even presenting my own work. It feels like being dismissed and pushed down and out, and after so many years of being such a vital part of the team, that is painful. But I have been trying so hard to adjust.

However, to boot, the company is on the verge of huge re-org---which is French for a big cut in workers, and a change in positions. I'm picking up some signals that soon even these few projects I am getting will be gone and after 18 years there, I'll be gone. So I'll suck it up and take what I can get till then. It all comes down at the end of Feb and we'll see if I'm right. Sure would like to be wrong on this one.

This has just really flattened me to the road this week. It's like cutting off a dog's tail an inch at a time. Wow gals, this is a challenging time for me.

Good things---last night I had dinner w/a pal who lives in the apartments I would like to move to. They are spacious and cozy, still in our neighborhood basically,---although 2 miles away still ain't the same old neighborhood I've loved for 28 years, but close enough. And as I sat there, I began to imagine a life there. So I am trying to "move" into the future in my mind and see the silver linings.

I'm pretty darned amazed I remain on plan thru most of this. Couple of small treats here and there, but nothing that's tempting the scale to punish me, in fact, maintaining my 3 pounds down.

Hubby comes back this Tuesday. Week went really fast, but still, I miss him. I'm over getting away with doing all the things that would irritate him in the house, and ready to have him back and tow the line again.

Last edited by Blue52 : Sat, Jan-27-18 at 19:06.
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  #1084   ^
Old Sat, Jan-27-18, 20:39
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Ok- ladies- OMG I just don't know where to start-

So it will be with you LEEANN- did/ have you spoken to this woman about your amazing weight loss?????? IF you had I find that other women are not really interested in where YOU are but want sorta of an affirmation they are doing ok from you!
I know this because have had several ladies in my work do the same for me. They KNOW I have lost alot of weight before. Could care a less about me and my weight- just want my intel on how what I know could be useful for them

IF you haven't shared your weight loss and or WOE with her, I would think like you are. Is she competing, and intimidated by you?
That would be my thing!!!!!!

You however are playing OLD TAPES FROM THE PAST THAT need to go! My dear you have done so well. You may have gain a few pound of late- you said 10- (I think)- but OMG really!!!!!!!
Hold your head high and get RID of the TAPES form past. You are no longer the fat girl.
Hell I am am at the weight you were when you started. And you know what I would waltz in there in bling and high heels and flick my hair and be the most gorgeous gal in the entire dam room heavy or not. It starts in the head. But you know that!

So my thing is SHE is insecure- blow it off and just say- "oh great"- looks like you are in the right path and not give it anymore thought or comment. DON"T talk about it.

You are beautiful inside and out- and I have know you know 3 years and I know this to be true. So my friend. Hold up that chin- pt on some lipstick (chapstick in your case)- and blow her off.
At some point you gotta let the fat you go- have you done that?
"heart" You

Blue - so nice to see you post! Missed you bunches. I feel ya honey on what you going through! (((((((((hugs and more HUGS))))))
It is not easy. This I know - been there done that. Have lost it all and had to rebuild more than once. Twice actually - just know getting feet on ground.

YOU stop with the agisem! You are a powerful women in your own right- enough of that! You are just in a new place. Maybe one that takes you and your hubby to a new level. Life is short ya know- just maybe this is your time while you are healthy and free spirit to go explore and just be together and do what you always dreamed of. Expand your dreams my friend.

Lori- hope your day went well. Tell us all about your day!

Kmom- I know you are up with the "kids". They never are to old to be your kids!

Trig- you got the traveling bug yet?
Today was a solid MESS from the start to finish. I am not going to go into detail as it will get me So upset-
so I will just bullet it for you:

System crash on computer from attempted hack last night. Hours and Hours and Hours last night and most of day to get systems up and running I am only half as still half of my sites Are blocked- still working with Apple

I gave my realtor 14 properties to tour - we saw 2. I fired her and interviewed another this afternoon- high hope- but STILL A TIME SUCK- to start all over

Still unable to get into half the stuff I ned for school. 2 MAJOR papers due this week- having anxiety far beyond I can even express- cried most of day over this- I am so stressed over the papers- then my fuckin system in down- I am just beyond words. I can't fail

Packing and stressed-

Not sleeping and stress dreams

School, school, school,

TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK - I am a MESS- in a nut shell.
Add the kids calling me all day for their needs. Mom this and mom that........... what advice, mom, mom, mom mom , OMG MOMOM....
sorry- stressful day.
I am on the clock and that is just something I have a hard time with- when nothing goes right- with my computers.

WOE - right on plan!!!!!!! YES' MA'AM!!!!!!
I feel good in the land of the flu bug! OMG that shit is going around. I need to go to a conference this Wed. and I and scared. Dang people are dying over this crap.


I m going to say tis in closing- It took me all day to get back on THIS site!
And so happy to be here among friends!
I feel good. And still believe it or not I know that thought all this barriers I know that KARMA has a way. It will happen and it will be ok. Just the getting there is tough.

Ok- feel good- going t bed early- hitting it hard tomorrow! Not going anywhere. Here.

Be back in better attitude!
Just honest

TO TIRED TO EDIT THE misspelled words- roll with it
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  #1085   ^
Old Sun, Jan-28-18, 05:07
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Good Morning!

I'm up way too early for a Sunday morning. I woke up and my feet were cold...can't sleep with cold feet. I'll have to start wearing socks to bed every night again. When will Winter be over?

Nic...hope your dinner with the future in-laws went well and that the conversation did not veer into territory where you are not comfortable. I know we all have those voices in our heads from the past when comments were made about our weight. I hope she was not being competitive or catty with her comments and just trying to find common ground with you. sounds like things are going to come to a head with your work. I liked your analogy of cutting off a dogs tail one inch at a time. That is hard....I would much rather just have it over and done with instead of hanging over my head. It's nice that you have a friend who lives in the apartments you are considering. I love my sister's apartment when I go to visit her. I know it will be very hard to give up your home, but at least you will be in the same, familiar area that you love. Glad hubby is coming home soon.

Jaz.....I simply don't know how you do it. You have so much going on, and you get smacked with disappointment and problems at every turn. I so admire how you pull yourself up and just get on with life. I hope your computer woes get resolved today so you can catch up on your school work. As for the house hunt, what a waste of a day! I hope your new realtor works better for you.

I'm fasting until Noon today. Making those yummy pork chops for dinner tonight. Hope I can find my recipe! If not, I may have to look back thru this thread.

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  #1086   ^
Old Sun, Jan-28-18, 09:09
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Good morning team! We are team LOW CARB OUR WAY!!!!!!!!

Blue- I read over my post you this morning. I hope I did not come across as flippant to your situation. Trust me- pain and loss and feeling rejected hurts matter who you are. It's awful!
But I know the woman in you. At SOME POINT, you will brush yourself off and reinvent your life to be whatever you want it to be. Or at least whatever you can live with. THE plus, you are strong, healthy, have the hubs as support, tons of dear friends, and you are not alone!
That's all I wanted to say- I just know when your ready you will come out swinging. You just might need the grieving time first. Then watch the hell out!

Leeann- I too, was thinking of my response to to. I met ever word I said. Especially the part where ya loos all the weight and people see the outside and know know the transition it takes on the inside as well. That is the part nobody ever talks about when they have lost a great deal of weight. The commercials make it seem, oh loss the weight and your life is rainbows and butterflies. No you stuff have the "self" to deal with too. You are the SAME person.

Case in point I worked at a large company in Ohio when I hit my heist weight ever. I stopped looking at 225. It could have been higher. Anyway, I worked on the 11th floor of this building. So when you got off the elevators there was this glass door you have to walk through to get to the offices. I raid the elevator up with this nice looking guy almost every morning. He NEVER saw me fat. I mean NEVER.
Once I dropped the weight, boy howdy I was on his radar. He smiled at me every morning and held the door. - PRICK! Nothing changed really except I could breathe when I walked, my legs didn't "make the grasshopper sound"- and I could wear anything I wanted.
Ya those were the days......... Sorry digressed on your personal part!!!!-
All that to say- take it with a grain of salt.

How is the Y going? Are you taking classes or using the treadmill?

Lori- I am making port chops too. But I think I am making mine in the IP, with green beans. Bella likes green beans and I might eat a few. I don't really season them if I am going to give her some. She can't do the salt!

No boot camp today? IS that a M-R gig?

Kmom- Enjoy your SD time. What movie did they see. Where did they go for dinner?
I know you are having fun watching that develop! How very sweet!

Trig- I know you are socked in like me with the rain today! I am loving it because I can get stuff done!
What on the menu this week? Do you ever make sloppy Joe? I have a craving for that, no bun of course. But would miss the cheese. still sounds good.
So I have my computer up and working at 80%. But the 20% not working = more time on the phone with Apple! None of my cookies are saving and the Adobe flash isn't working. I need it for my school videos. Frustrating isn't the word.

THIS close to buying another PC , just for school. I just can't put the time into trying to understand a system I just don't get!
I have a co-worker selling her HP- brand-new last year. Came with Windows 10. She hates it and bought a MAC! Wants to sell it- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH- it's a match. Thing of course is price.

I am going to inquire- if it works out I am also going to get a a 20-22 inch monitor and keyboard and have a real working office rather than pecking away on screens these old eyes can't see anymore.

I have fresh pork chops, and beans for flavor I might toss into the IP. I have a Chicken carcass with just a bit of meat left on it I plan to toss into the slot cooker to make broth doe soup. Gives a lovely flavor. It was an organic chicken- very nice.
Also Planning on turkey and sausage meatballs in Marina sauce to package up for the rest of the week.
Sunday is my cooking day - I get usually got to Thur. and then Friday I usually pick up a rotisserie chicken as my "treat"- Then sat is leftovers and so the process the continues. But it is a good routine for me.

Lunches is almost always the same- either tuna, or shredded chicken / mayo/ if chicken squirt of mustard!
Deviled egg.
Basic and simple and planned!!!!! That is key. HAven't made Crack slaw in a while. Not in the mood for tons of veggies. I go though periods. I want low as I can get right now.
Even though I am tossing in green beans to the pork chops it's mostly for flavor. They were frozen anyway at .50Cents. no loss- Bella likes then.

Not getting outta pajama's today. Paper/ cooking/ paper/ cooking / packing a box..........

I have come to the conclusion my life is on HIGH gear- until I am on the other side of this mood and can settle into a a work/ school routine. Right now my routine is shot to hell and I don't like it a bit. But I know it can't last forever. There will be another side. Just not sure what that looks like and the process is rough.

But I am giving my self the same talk as Blue- once I get there I can settle into a a new normal, and adjust. School is a huge undertaking. I was clueless.
Ya time to whip out that first post right! It didn't even take 6 months. But I am not a quitter. I just have to many balls in the air- and so tight is the time factor that I have no room to drop one= IR computer issue, lazy Realtor.

And so it goes.
I am FEELING good physically. Got some decent sleep last night. Woke up with a slight sore that. Not enough I feel sick, but the kinda where you have talked all day and it's rough the next day-
OR been to a Jimmy Buffett concert singing at the top of your drunking lungs- Not that I would know.

Off to hamburger in paradice! Or as they say- 5'oclock somewhere!
NAH- paper writing and wine don't mix. did it once- dear was it so funny. Ok enough fun for one day!

F- false
E- expectations
A- appearing
R- real

My new realtor wrote that out for me yesterday! To say we hit it off is an understatement.
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  #1087   ^
Old Sun, Jan-28-18, 09:33
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Hi all-

Blue- Good to hear from you, dear heart!

I'm sorry things are on a fade and the thing that bothered me the most was that you aren't even presenting your own work. What is that about? I don't like that one bit. And I'm sure you don't either! Big hugs to you, dear friend.

But! I love that you like that apartment your friend is in, and your mind is starting to imagine the future and the possibilities! There will be pleasure and enjoyment in what is to come, I am certain of it.

And yes! That you are staying on plan is absolutely grand and wonderful! So happy for you (and awed, as well!)

Jaz- thank you sweetie for your kind words (all of you, actually!)

First- is it your personal MacBook that had an issue? If so, I am sort of stunned! I have never heard of that happening with a Mac and I've been using them forever, as have all my kids. I am so sorry about that!

And WHAT THE HECK with the realtor?? Why did she only come up with two? I had a bad feeling about her when you said she was getting impatient and she had only taken you out once or twice. It takes time to choose a home!! I hope you are able to find a better match for you.

When are you supposed to be out of your condo again?

Reminder- Keep airbnb or vrbo in your back pocket. Better that than to rush into a purchase that you will regret.

Hugs hugs and more hugs to you. A LOT of stress on your end and the schooling stuff definitely adding to the list of stressors.

Lori- Yeah the cold is coming back! Not a super deep freeze though at least not around here. Snow showers this week but nothing big. I am the opposite of you and cannot sleep in socks! We do have these amazing plush sheets though that are incredible and warm.

Lori, when you talk about fasting until lunch, do you count coffee in that? I am also waiting until lunch to eat today, but I am having a cup of coffee with cream and stevia in it. I still count that as fasting but I know some do not bc of the fat in the cream. Just curious!

Trig- Big hugs, sweetheart.

Kmom- Hope your weekend with SD is going well!


Things are going fine over here.

Went to the dinner last night in Annapolis and it went well for the most part. We were to meet at 5 and got there a little early and there was a wait from hell- about an hour. At 5!! We would have been happy going elsewhere but they wanted to stay and so we did. By the time we got seated at 6, I was starving (no lunch bc early dinner) and hence didn't make the world's best choices. BUT I did not overeat, kept good portions and didn't let it become a binge, so it could definitely have been far worse. Up one pound so moving on and back on track.

I rolled gently with whatever comments came about weight and realized pretty quickly that this is just one of the topics the future-MIL likes to discuss. DD22 and I went over together and talked about it on the way, and she said that F-MIL talks about this topic relatively often.. including to my daughter about my daughter! This was somewhat irritating bc as her mother this is not something I would like F-MIL to do, but DD is a big girl now and can handle herself.

After the dinner, I came home to check in on DS16 and his buddy (who was sleeping over) and then went to my nephew's lacrosse playoff game. Got home about 10:30, checked in on the boys again and went to bed!

DD and Fi will be stopping over again today as he left his car here last night, but otherwise a quiet day is planned. I may or may not go to the gym today; we'll see. Last week I did M-W-F and my loose goal is 3 times a week. We'll see. I think I'll get restless just hanging around here all day. Plus I do need to leave the house get some Drano for the sink- plugged up one side of it putting some pasta down the disposal.

DH comes back from Dallas tonight.

I want to go to a Book Group tomorrow as they are discussing the book I recommended, Trevor Noah's- Born A Crime, but it depends on if he will be in DC or not since DS has music lessons at 7:30 PM and the BG meets at 7.

That's about it!
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  #1088   ^
Old Sun, Jan-28-18, 11:49
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Nic...I do not count fat as breaking my fast. I will have coffee with heavy cream, MCT oil powder & butter during my fasting window. My first cup of coffee(or 2) is always black and then I'll have a cup of bullet proof. When I was really doing a lot of the IF back in June and had such success, I would often have a splash of organic lemon juice in a glass of water and that would really help me keep going with the fasting.
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  #1089   ^
Old Sun, Jan-28-18, 18:32
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Thanks for your input, Lori. I am not concentrating on fasting but there are so many opinions about what actually constitutes fasting at all. I am always curious about what others do.

Quiet around here tonight! So far no Blue and no Jaz either.

I have been Youtubing it up the past couple of days. I've been watching some videos by Keto Connect but what I *really* have been enjoying are videos by a guy with a channel called Hifalutin' Low Carb. Oh my gosh, he is just what Blue would call a Pip. At least I think that would be the correct application. I just love him and have been so entertained by him.

Catch ya tomorrow!
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  #1090   ^
Old Sun, Jan-28-18, 18:36
Blue52 Blue52 is offline
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Hi all,

Jaz---Oh girl, I'm so sorry about the stress storm that you're going thru. Glad you got rid of the lazy realtor. My dad was a realtor, and an amazing one, and his skill had to do with his affinity for people, and his empathy for them in trying to find the right home at the right price for them. Those kind of realtors ARE out there, and I hope you find one soon.

As for the tech stuff, so frustrating. Like Nic I'm wondering if this is a Mac issue, or an issue with the way the school you are attending handles their technology?

AND, sometimes unless they're in real trouble, we have to tell our children that we need a minute to handle our own lives, and will be right back atcha with love, care and concern, as soon as we pick ourselves up off the floor.

Nic---So of course, I had to go right to Amazon and look up "Born A Crime." Wow. 5 solid stars and hundreds and hundreds of reviews. You don't see that often. I ordered it for my kindle immediately! So thanx for that. Please, share any book you think is worth my looking at. I'm always hungry for a really fab one, and often have to wait too long for it as I read "good enough" books.

I'm glad you heard from your daughter that her guy's mom is just that way. Forewarned is forearmed. Now you can just smile and congratulate her on her weight goals, and then change the subject. Oh, and I'd be jungle mama too if someone was talking to my child about their weight in unasked for ways.

Lori---I too don't count my bullet proof coffee as a break in fast, nor my iced coffee w/cream, nor really, my protein shakes, in the way that drinking and eating are different. Hard to do a hog wilder or have portion issues with BPC or a protein shake. I DO find that once I eat in the day, I want to eat more. Not true with what I drink. I know there are many definitions of IF, but for me, it's about one meal a day.

K-mom---looking forward to hearing how SD's movie date worked out!


Lazy Sunday for me. Was going to go to a movie w/my SIL, till we both decided we didn't want to get out of our nests and get out there.

Started a new book. Watched some "Scandal." Was going to pack a few boxes of the many things we need to get rid of, but my heart just wasn't in it. I'll get there.

Hubby comes back in 2 days, can't wait to get my arms around him.
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  #1091   ^
Old Sun, Jan-28-18, 18:38
Blue52 Blue52 is offline
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Nic---we cross posted, and NOW, I'm off to check out "Hi-falutin' Low carb. Just sounds fun!

See my answer to Lori. Most of all, I just think the less I "chew" the better I do.
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  #1092   ^
Old Sun, Jan-28-18, 18:43
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Hey, all...

Just going to do a post based on what I remember. Too tired tonight to look back, but wanted to say a few things.

Nic, I never talk about my weight and do not necessarily get motivated by someone else's weight loss. Oh, I feel good for them, but it does not do anything to help me lose myself. In fact, sometimes quite the opposite. I had one teacher friend that would come into the office dancing and prancing announcing her new weight loss. That was right after my husband had died, and weight loss was not a priority. Breathing and taking a step forward were all I could do. I felt she was not being sensitive. I do not want to do that if and when I get to my goal. I want to be sensitive to people around me that are struggling and let them KNOW I KNOW how hard it is. I want to affirm them for trying.

So, I would feel the same as you do. I would not like it. I would barely be able to tolerate it. I am not sure what I would do. It would actually make me sick to my stomach. So I am not really being much help to you other than to say I understand your feelings, because those would be my feelings also.

Jaz, I am glad you got a new realtor. You need one that has some passion and can work hard for you. Still hoping something comes up that you love. I like Nic's suggestions about AirBnB. I think when things settle down, the school work will not seem as monumental. Oh, it will still require a lot of work, but other things will be more stable in your life. I think you will actually enjoy the school work. glad your hubby will be coming home on Tuesday. I felt bad he left right after the decision was made and then we got pummeled with a ton of snow! And like Nic, I hate what is happening with your big client. It just really sucks.

Lori and Trig, hope you had a great weekend.

Me: Will share more tomorrow. As always, a good tired. Smiling as I think about my SD and her boyfriend. They are so precious!

K-Mom 10x4
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  #1093   ^
Old Mon, Jan-29-18, 03:48
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Good Morning!

Just a quick post before I head for boot camp. I have a busy day today after far too many lazy days. I have to work from 8:45 - 4 today and then 8:45 - 5:15 tomorrow. That's a long day standing behind the register!

The weather is not cooperating for my running training to begin this week. I guess I'll have to resort to the treadmill as I just HAVE to start running! If it was just a bit cold outside, I could do it, but we are to have snow/ice several days this week. I don't run outside when the footing is not good.

Blue, l am going to take a page from your book and start having a protein shake for 1 meal a day. I have been eating too much volume and need to cut back on consumption. I bought a blender bottle that has the wire ball inside to help mix the ingredients. I haven't tried it yet, but will take a shake along to work today.

Nic...I have bookmarked that YouTube channel and will check him out. I love YouTube so I hope all of you will share any good ones that you find, and I'll do the same. I go. Have a good Monday!
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  #1094   ^
Old Mon, Jan-29-18, 05:55
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Good Monday morning Ladies!

Leeann- YES IS WAS MY MAC AIRBOOK...... Let me tell you what happened. It was Saturday. I spent most of the day on Zillow/ and Realtor. Well mid afternoon this page popped up stated I had been compromised, my bank accounts could be in jeopardy, and all my passwords as well. It had a huge Apple logo and offered a 1-844- number. Plus it had a box to "log in for confirmation"-

Well I turned it off. Then rebooted it. It came up right away. So I left it up and called the correct Apple number. They screen shared with me and said there IS a malware going around and it IS hitting Apple. He was able to get rid of it. But his fingers flew so fast I was unable to follow what he was doing. In the process he wiped out all my cookies, then added some sort of blocker. I wonder if he didn't take out my adobe flash as well. I spent some time with the APPLE support team again yesterday.

So long story short on that- I need to take it in this week end and have it looked at. I was able to get the bone of my 15 page paper done. I have about another 3 hours to go on it. It needs proof read, edited , abstract page and references. Then I need to submit it to a program to make sure I didn't "cheat"- then I get it back for actual submission. It is long enough to be an actual article.

It felt pretty awesome to get the bones done. However it took me close to 9 hours of not moving, sitting and just being so focused on writing. This "baby" is due Sunday.
I also have another short- discussion post due Wed.

So- another thing. I have a co-worker that has a DELL laptop she bout with a 17 inch screen, office program, and touchscreen, 8 gig, and never used. She bought it 2 years ago and is selling it for 150.00. I gave her a call yesterday to see if she still had it. She did, and I got it. Well I will today. It is a steal. I know her and she only buys top notch. She didn't like that fact it has Windows 10. So she never used it. She has kept a current virus protector on it and was taking it to have it wiped clean for me today.
I love the idea of a back up. I may just use that one for school. I like the office program better on a PC vs. Mac. So there ya have it.

One little question Leeann- sparked that. Yes Mac can get hit- but unlike DELL, if they do- they contain it and get rid of it. If the DELL gets infected I am only out 150. I am also going to buy a flash drive and keep everything on it. So going forward I SHOULD never have the issue I had to go through this weekend.

Oh your dinner- I can't go until 6 pm if I have skipped lunch. I would also be grumpy! At least you didn't go hog wilder- and it was in the scope of things it was one meal- blow it off! Today is a new day.

Blue- You said your dad was a Realtor. knowing that I'm sure will give you a slight edge as you start your looking for your new property. Not only that- you will know the right person to pick!
Any updates on that? A box here and a box there and it adds up!
I know you will be one happy lady when the hubby comes home! I forgot where he went?

I love that you and Leeann- are such book worms and share what your are reading. Every now and again I crash your "book party" and pick up what you are reading as well.
I love my lazy Sundays! I am already planning to have one next Sunday. I will stay in jammies all day. this week is so busy- I am having to plan relax time and pencil it in. - But I could also be house hunting too. Whew......
One more day until the sweetie comes home. Are you going to slip into something more "comfortable" like perfume???

Trig- I know you are taking care of the family. Any updates? HUGSSSSSSSSS

Lori/ Kmom- You are next on my catch up list- BRB- not done
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  #1095   ^
Old Mon, Jan-29-18, 12:15
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Jaz, I just realized that I had missed a post of yours- it must have cross posted with mine yesterday. I wondered why you had been so quiet!

The 150$ PC sounds like a good deal and since you are very familiar with using PCs it will probably be helpful for you with papers and such. I'm sure Macs aren't for everyone anyway, you know? DD's Fi is a PC person and he programs for a living. DS16 uses both- the PC for music based programs.

I do know the type of pop up you have experienced.. I have seen those before as well. It hasn't reappeared after shutting down though. Very sorry you had that happen.

You should probably clear cookies out from time to time anyway. Your bookmarks and Favorite Places etc are still there, right? So it is just a matter of having to sign in again to different sites with your passwords? Or is it that you can't access sites because the computer isn't accepting cookies? I'm still confused. Anyway, very sorry for you.

BUT!! Good job on getting so much of your paper done! Can you feel your brain growing?

Blue- Book recs: always happy to share them! I read a huge variance of types of books, although less so epic, sweeping, history based books. Right now I am reading The Promise Between Us by Barbara Claypole White as a galley review book, and it's okay. I just finished Lisa Genova's Every Note Played as a galley review book also, and it was good but not great. Probably a four star. I love her as an author though- she wrote Still Alice which I highly recommend- as well as Inside the O'Briens, among others. Her books deal with a medical issue, usually neurological in nature, and its effects on the family dynamic and personal relationships. Her latest one deals with ALS.

Is today the day that Hubster comes back? I know you will be ready to hug on him!!

KMom- Yep, weight is just such a loaded topic in so many ways. My Houston Bestie and I will talk about it, I touch on it with my DD from time to time, very lightly, but other than that, not so much. In passing comments or whatever yes but not on a deep and personal level otherwise with others. My DH and I will talk about it loosely- he shares numbers and I do not.

Glad the weekend went well with SD and the boyfriend. Rest up now and take care of you!

Lori, you are about to be very busy working! I would think that would burn some calories, both with being up and active and also because you can't munch on stuff when you are working! We have some mild snow activity coming Tuesday but I don't think it is much to speak of.


I'm enjoying a lazy-ish Monday. My local good friend called me and we caught up for over an hour.. that just shows how much I love her because I am NOT a phone talker, like ever, but we'd been missing each other since before Xmas and there was much to catch up on. By the time I got off the phone with her it was nearing ten AM.

I've done three loads of laundry so all the clothes are finished. Dishwasher is running and floors are vacuumed. Now I'm doing some computer catch up. I was thinking I would make it to the gym (I did not yesterday) but will either make it today or save it til tomorrow. Either/or. I might go and then pick up DS straight from the gym.

Facetimed with DS19 for the first time since he went to college last week, and he was able to tell me his initial impressions of his classes and about other things he has been up to. His GF is going through Rush so we talked about that as well. It was good to catch up.

DH got home last night around 8:30 or so and we had some catching up to do also.. Gosh, now that I think about it, there was a lot of talking going on yesterday and this morning. Between that and socializing this weekend, no wonder I am freaking talked out!

Tonight I am indeed going to book club bc DH can take DS to his lessons, so that's good. Blue, curious to hear what you think of the book after you read it. I've been filling my Kindle for upcoming vacation at the end of February.

This week's menu includes Crack Slaw, Korean Meatballs, and a white fish done parmesan style. I'm moving away from Tilapia because I keep hearing it is a total garbage fish, so I'm thinking maybe haddock or cod?

Guess that is about it around here. On plan and doing fine.
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