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  #2221   ^
Old Thu, Jun-28-18, 04:46
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Good morning-
Today is a new day! I am struggling for the gitty up to go to work today. I just want to lay around with my dogger and do nothing today- if truth be told!

Blue- I know you are right about my bi-polar boss. I know I want to ask the WHY- don't the higher ups see what she is????? Why is it I have to leave? I love my team! I like the company too. I like everything but her. I am feeling jilted. I am going through the WHY's.
I maybe don't wanted pushed out. Maybe I want to push her out. I know though it doesn't work that way, anymore than of one of my employees trying to push me out. It wouldn't happen. Not that anyone would. But I get it.

You wrote a lovely post- but didn't post anything about your day! I do hope however you can come to terms with the fact that those Beauty Rest Black / (or Sealy) Black series- really are the best. Nothing beats good nights sleep. I get however you feel some resentment that the brick and mortar is going by the wayside.

I will tell you it is. Did you hear that Toys R Us - are gone? Do you shop online? Most of us buy the majority of what we want in our pajamas, sipping coffee. I love to shop online. Love those little packages showing up on my door! Christmas year round!
It just is the way - retail is going.

With that- I think maybe you could too. Marketing however is still alive and well. It's just different. I am thinking a dynamite web presence would give you that edge!!!! It is almost a necessity for business owners- large or small. Just a thought. I had a website, via GO Daddy, for awhile when I was doing consultations for weight loss. (yea I did). I actually got a few clients that way- from the website. I also used it as a platform to blog.

At some point I want to get back to doing that again. I don't think it would be around weight loss- maybe just a healthy living something. I am still deciding what I want to be when I grow up!!!!

Lori- I agree with Blue- don't wait until you FEEL LIKE IT!!!! I will let you know when I get my fit bit. I am thinking this next paycheck! I know I will be getting my steps in when the son arrives. He is super active. Almost to the point of annoyance.
Are you working over the 4th? Do you get a discount for fit bits where you work? Do they have a nice selection?

Sorry about your sister. I know it is true she will feel alot better!!!! Those surgeries work more than it doesn't. Also the side effects are low. The biggest thing is just the anesthesia- ginger water helps. I had some when I woke up- it helped more than meds.
Just straight up ginger- in some room temp water- and sip it. It REALLY does work, to reduce nausea. Other than that- she will be so happy she did it!

TRIG- STATUS????? You back yet????

NIC- You too?????? DETAILS!!!!!!!

Kmom- drop in please.
On my 2nd cup of coffee. I am telling ya the weather here sucks. It isn't so much the heat- but the humidity. It is just oppressive. I see that much is not going to change next week. It is hot and humid and rains every afternoon- putting more steam into the air.
Feels like Florida, not in a good way.

So glad I was able to put the halts on the WTF- attitude with the WOE. So glad. This place does that! I however did not get on the scale today. Nope!!!!!

I am going to get I think a Fitbit. I think it would be a help for me. I will keep you posted Lori!! - Are you getting a new one too?
I think to put a bug in your ears on this. Very optional of course.More for me to get off the couch more than anything!

Ok ladies have a great day!
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  #2222   ^
Old Thu, Jun-28-18, 05:38
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Good Morning! proud of you for kicking that pizza craving to the curb with a LC option! YAY! Good on you! What Fitbit are you thinking of getting? There are several different options, depending on whether you want a heart rate monitor or GPS etc. I'm hoping I don't have to invest in a new gadget. I charged my smart watch and then got it to respond so I could shut it off. When I turn it back on today, I'm hoping it is back to normal. This is the first time it has given me any trouble.

I'm feeling my workout from yesterday. The muscles in my torso are giving me what for! These are exactly the muscles I'm trying to tone up, so I know the workout will work. I saw something on Facebook yesterday that tickled me. It was something like "Why is it that one day I feel skinny and the next day I feel like a busted can of biscuits?" That is me to a tee! I usually say I feel like I have an inner tube around my waist, but I like the busted can of biscuits analogy too!

I'm going to have an easy day today. I work tonight 4-10. That's it until next Tuesday when I have a 3 day in a row stretch. Then I'm off for over a week for our trip to Myrtle Beach SC.

I plan to go for an outdoor run in the morning and then another workout from my "Strength for Runners" book. I think tomorrow's workout is mostly body weight exercises so I can just do them here on my living room floor instead of going to the gym.

Missing Trig & Nic & KMom......hope all is well with everyone. ((Hugs))
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  #2223   ^
Old Thu, Jun-28-18, 06:30
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Hi everyone! I'm back and sooo behind with you all. I couldn't even do much reading of the site while I was gone. Once the Littles arrived things got pretty busy!

I tell ya, that 11 mile, 24+K walk day was a huge mistake. HUGE. That was on Monday and I am still feeling beat up, although less so with each passing day. The day after (Tuesday) I had a four hour walking/standing tour re: Frank Lloyd Wright, and oh my, I was so wishing I hadn't been such a raging idiot the day before. The other days I averaged 16-11K very gimpy, sad, limpy steps.

I had a great time with my SIL; she took the boys to Lincoln Park Zoo while I was on the tour. We did breakfast together each day (Dh was able to join us on Wednesday) and dinner, and she joined Dh and I for the dessert reception and Second City show on Tuesday night. She had to drive back to IA for the boys' swim meet on Wednesday night and apparently they made it with ten minutes to spare.

DH and I landed at 8 PM last night and got the dogs picked up by 9 PM. I plan to do NOTHING today except laundry and MAYBE going to see the Mr Rogers movie in Baltimore, or maybe I'll just save that for tomorrow. I am WORN OUT.

Please forgive me for not doing personals today- maybe I'll swing back and do them in a while, or maybe just start from here. I am seriously thinking I might be back in bed taking a nap today!
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  #2224   ^
Old Thu, Jun-28-18, 13:27
Kauaimom Kauaimom is offline
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Checking in...

Love hearing how you are slowly not only accepting, but kinda looking forward to your "light and airy" new place. You have a great attitude overall and have accepted this change little by little....always being honest along the way.

Trig: l
Loved hearing about your camping trip AND seeing the pics.

Hope that works out for you to stay there and not your sister's daughter. That might be a tough one. But your sister deserves to decide. ]

Loved that video of the place you stayed. Glad you are home and can rest up now. Not so good of a decision that first day and you paid for it. Sorry.

Man, your days are full of boss issues. And you love your team and like your job. Imagine if there weren't all those issues with your boss!

Very maxed. Thought I would have a down day today but DIL just texted that she wants to come with kids and spend four or five hours as they wait to pick up my son from the airport. They are going camping with her side of the family. Like I said, this summer has evolved into a very maxed summer, but all is good. I am hopeful that I indeed will be able to wear my LLBean capris and new JJill shirts (that did not fit a month ago!) We'll see. I will keep you posted.

K-Mom 10x4
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  #2225   ^
Old Thu, Jun-28-18, 16:57
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Yea!!!! So nice to see Kmom, and Nic, back!

I bet Trig is finding her way back!!!!!!! - will be awesome to have a full house again.

This is a quickie as I had a full post this morning! Just wanted to check in. Lori- still looking at all my options for a "Fitbit" type of something.

I do apologize for talking too much about work and my boss. I am going to curb that. It isn't good on any level.

The rain and heat- geeze! I told my kid that there is no agenda on vacay. I am not cooking every night. I have done that in the past. I want t break too! I might make that kid cook for me!!!!

Tonight was a not feel like cooking night either. I picked up a rotisserie chicken and a jar of gravy and called it a day! Yum-

Who is doing what the 4th??????

Time to toss in some laundry, and prop up my feet- was up too late last night!

Have a great night
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  #2226   ^
Old Thu, Jun-28-18, 17:41
Blue52 Blue52 is offline
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Hi all,

Welcome back Nic---Sounds like you had a lot of fun but it was tiring. I always find Chicago and New York fun but tiring. There's just an activity level in the air itself there...the rush and babble and noise. So cool your in laws were able to join you.

Was it your shins that felt so abused after that long walk? That's usually it for me, that and the back of my calves too---no matter how supportive the shoes. BTW, been meaning to mention to you for awhile now that I too have a pair of All Birds and I love 'em to pieces meeses. They are so comfy and they breathe, I have the gray ones. I even love the way they look, so unusual for most active shoes that tend to look like they were made to walk on the moon.

Great to hear from you too K-mom---Wow, you really have had a ton going on this summer! But then it really does fly by so good get those visits in when it's so easy. I'm betting those capris are going to fit! Sounds like you've been moving a lot, whether you planned on it or not.

Jaz---I hear you on that humidity. Can't stand it myself, unless I'm laying right next to a pool I can roll into. Thing is, when it gets like that it's like winter, everyone stays inside in the air conditioning with their windows closed. Except for our Trig of course.

Don't worry about talking about your boss too much here, at least not for my sake. Sometimes you just need a place to rant and writing out your feelings can often be helpful. OTOH, when you leave her behind for the day, it's nice to leave her behind in every way, right? When I had a schnook of a boss like that hubby would say to me when I walked in at night, OK, take 15 minutes and gripe loud and proud, and then let's forget about her till tomorrow. That really worked for me. Piped up on the times I'd had to bite my lip that day, said what I would have liked to say, and then shut 'er down for the night. Bad bosses can be systemic, and it's good to find a way to cut off their air supply in your life.

Lori---Sounds like you and Nic hit it hard on the old bods. But I used to kind of like those next day aches and pains, felt like I'd hit the right spots. These days I've got the aches and pains whether I exercise or not. The place we are hoping to move to has a work out room---nothing fancy but all the basics. So hoping when it's THAT EASY, I'll get myself going a bit.


Kind of hot and humid here too, supposed to get worse tomorrow. If things get too steamy I might just jump in the jalopy and head over to the neighborhood pool. It's fun to go and just chill in the water and watch all the kids cavort---brings back so many memories. We were at the neighborhood pool every sunny day when we were growing up, flipping and flopping around till we were shriveled like mummies and our lips were purple. Just the smell of Coppertone makes me happy to this day.

Jaz---What gravies do you buy? Any brand you love? I find some of them so salty. What do you use on your rotisserie chicken? I like to dip mine in Ranch dressing, but would be nice to have an alt.

Hubby's chicken wings for dinner tonight, w/his homemade chunky blue cheese dipping sauce. So freaking delishmo. Pretty good day on the woe, going to try to keep it up for till Monday when our pals w/the salt water pool have invited us over for the afternoon and dinner. YAY.

Worked my butt off today, and yesterday. Everything that was taken a part must be put back now that the painting is done. I am styling/staging each room as I go, and packing up stuff we don't need to put out again, or getting rid of it. Man-arino, this is all A LOT OF WORK! I know I keep saying that, but I just can't get over it. We do SO MUCH, and then look around and there's still SO MUCH to do. We are just starting to see a difference, empty spaces, our new favorite thing.
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  #2227   ^
Old Fri, Jun-29-18, 04:25
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Good Morning!

Long day, short night! Up too early and a short night's sleep. I went to bed about 11 after a busy night at work. Up at 6 because the "boys" were up stomping around. By boys I mean DH & his brother who is here for the weekend. They just left to go get breakfast and then they are playing golf. At least I have the morning to myself while they are out. Maybe I'll take a nap. good to see you stop in. You are one busy gal! Lots of good family time, but your summer is jam packed! Make sure to take some time for yourself.

Jaz...don't worry about talking about work here. This place is a good sounding board for whatever is on your mind. It's life, you know? We share all kinds of stuff here. I was looking on Amazon at some Fitbits etc, but my smart watch seems to have come back to life(for now), so I won't have to buy something else...thank goodness. Really didn't want to spend $$ on a new one.

Yes Blue, I enjoy feeling the muscles that I have worked too, but this is painful. I cringe when I sneeze as my abs are SO sore! I hope I can swing the golf club tomorrow as I'm playing in a tournament. Oh my, the heat & humidity! Today we begin a 5 or 6 day stretch of temps in the mid to high 90's with humidity. ACK!! I'm trying to remember how cold I was all winter and how much I wished for warm weather.

Nic...hope you are feeling better after your rest day yesterday. WOW! You did some impressive walking!! Sorry it was a bit miserable after the first day. I hope you didn't get blisters too.....that is the worst! Sounds like you had a good time despite the tired "hooves".

Trig....missing you girl! I'm thinking you are home by now? Hope all is well and that you are getting back in the home groove. It's probably a bit of a downer coming home to regular life after having such a great vacation.

Tonight we're getting together with some friends for pizza. Yes, I will be that person peeling the cheese and toppings off and leaving the crust behind. I'm sure that will cause many a raised eyebrow and some comments. Bring it on! I know that one of the gals who will be there is a Type 2 Diabetic and has piled weight on since having her gastric band removed. Maybe I can lead by example?

Ok.....make it a great Friday!
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  #2228   ^
Old Fri, Jun-29-18, 04:40
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Good Friday MORNING!!!!!! TGIF!!! SERIOUS!

Blue- just know that you don't have to do all that much!!!! You are right about it being a sellers market. A coat of paint and some MINOR changes- you are still going to sell your house for top dollar. I think those showing SPACE is the most important. Because whoever comes in after you, they are going to change it up anyway. I wouldn't dump a ton of money into it. Clearing it out yes.

YES it is a ton of work! That is why I am hopeful this is my last move for a minute!

I use a basic Kroger brand chicken gravy. 1 carb. It does give meat a good juicy flavor. I don't have much trouble with the sodium on those. It's the packets that I watch!!!! These are pretty low.
Rotisserie chicken is a go to of mine who I need a quick something. I always have leftovers too, for chicken salad the next day!

I love your idea of "DEBRIEF" time- then shut it down and enjoy the day! I might need to sit and vent type- not here. But it would be therapeutic!

Nic- did you get your Rest yesterday? I find sometimes it takes a few days of rest - after vacay! Travel does wear ya out!
Are you doing anything for the 4th? Kids over?

Kmom- what about you, plans for the 4th? It is in a weird spot- Wed. Middle of the week. I know you have had a super busy summer so far!

Lori- glad you got some time off. I would imagine that the holiday would be a super busy time for retail! Good on you for hitting up the gym!!!! I have got to get my stuff together and DO SOMETHING!

Last day- actually just a 1/2 day. I am getting my mid year review and then coming home at lunch time and working the rest of the day from home. Then I will be off a week. I am NOT going to take my computer with me (work computer). I am truly going to leave it at the door. I need it! Mental health week! Pool time!

I know that my review will not be as good as my last one. I would be shocked if it was. It depends on when she wrote it. Was she on her MEDS??????? -

The son blows in tomorrow evening. Driving in from Ohio. Then we will rest up and leave early Sunday. Will be in St. Simon until Thurs. Then I will be home Thurs after noon, son will go to SC to see his sister. I did agree to see my mother on Friday night- home Sat.
Sun- will start a new 10 week school quarter. So busy and fun week.

I need to try on my swimsuits to see if they even still fit?!?! This vacay- I have waited until the last minute to prepare. There isn't much to do- toss some clothes in the car and off I go!

Bought a new floaty! Got the kind I had last year. The one with a seat in it! Love me just floating in a pool. -

OMG- watching the news- anyone ever heard of FRIED RICE SYNDROME??????? - google it! Bad food- one more reason to not eat Chinese.

ok- off I go! -
Today is going to be a Fitbit buy, WOE on track, and prep for the kid coming- ie.... SWEEP.
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  #2229   ^
Old Fri, Jun-29-18, 04:42
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Lori- we were cross posting!

Do you like your SMARTWATCH? - I am looking.........
I peel the topping off pizza too!!!!!! GOOD FOR YOU!
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  #2230   ^
Old Fri, Jun-29-18, 06:37
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Nicco glad you are home and doing ok and your trip was great The suite video was a hoot to watch~
You are walking so much lately it is crazy LOL but it is good to keep on moving to keep the old blood flowing, but geez gal you are becoming a expert on going overboard a bit. You take care of yourself!!

KM glad you are doing ok and it sure sounds like you are running ragged keeping up with all the summer busy in your life! Be sure to find some down time for yourself and relax a bit

Lori, yea I do scrap off pizza still. I haven't eaten crust in years now and ya know what, don't miss it anymore. I see that crust as a huge pile of NO in the body. The body just doesn't want or need that dough at all and one feels SO much better not eating it...can easily get that pizza taste without it. I usually order wings at our pizza place and scrape off a piece of kiddo's pizza for the cheese/sauce fine for me.

Jazz, eh, forget that crazy boss, if ya can LOL Her time is limited. When she goes your life will get better real fast HAHA

We are going to be super hot today here. You getting this tough heat? I love it tho

You leave sunday for your trip and home Thurs! Very cool, can't wait to hear how you love St. Simon. I know you will have a blast and a much needed fun rest/relax and enjoy trip!

Blue, so glad all your home stuff is getting handled and you are getting your ducks in a row!! It was wonderful to read you are SEEing the future now of your new home and getting excited about that. You had a lot of up and down emotions I am sure on this big change, but you can see more of the future and now getting excited in a new direction...I love that for ya!!

Home and working on getting stuff out of the rv. A lot of laundry, those darn beach towels are so big I hate washing them LOL

Very very hot here. I love it!! Will be vacuuming pool and stuff today and get more out of rv. My next trips are shorty ones. 4 days at a SC lake, 4 days at another SC lake, 4 days at a Tennessee lake when we go see The Lost Sea which is an underwater lake in a monster cavern. So no long trips and that means I can get a lot of the beach things and more out of the camper til we leave in August for our 8 days at Myrtle Beach State Park.

I have so much to handle. Bro Rich is here so off on Sat. for visit at the lake and will bring kayaks to goof, kiddo to dentist appt later, the dog to his dental cleaning on some date, gotta check that and not miss it (hate the price on this LOL but hey what can ya do), have to take mom to her Dr appt to get her little blood pressure pill renewed....then trips all thru that mess, have to handle some financial stuff like getting hubbys 401K over to USAA out of Vanguard and stupid stuff like that. All run here, do this and that and well....I guess it ALL INVOLVES too much thinking HA HA. You know when ya don't want to think or do anymore? That is where I am at LOL I don't want appts, or have to do this or that at appt times, have to get that done...but it is life darn it and ya gotta be doing it I guess

ugh, tired, can ya tell? HA HA takes 3 days to get over my vacations and that is 3 days of cleaning the rv also...bleck.

oh well, off in a bit to deal with the pool which is sparkly perfect after vacay, little vacuuming and I can float around in the pool and have fun the rest of this day. Not doing much at all unless forced, I am pooped

great day all
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  #2231   ^
Old Fri, Jun-29-18, 17:35
Blue52 Blue52 is offline
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Hi all,

Welcome home Trig!---You've got quite the to do list there. I hate all that errand running, but I do like checking off my list as I go. I should probably get myself some stickers, they'd make me even happier. It's all about getting it over with!

Sounds like you've got a bunch of fun small trips and then a biggie coming up. You lucky dog!!! Again, I just love being able to picture your set up now. Would love to see your next site and the one after that, and, and...

Lori---We've got the super hot humid weather here too. 99 today, due to humidity charts tell us it "feels like" 109. Do we need all this info? Swear, I could not play golf in this weather, it just slows me down to barely moving. It's supposed to break and rain tomorrow, which is great news to me.

Jaz---I googled St. Simon so I could imagine where you're going to be. What an interesting and beautiful little island. Do you know about the tree spirits and the ghost walks? Right up my alley, as well as some pretty fun and funky looking art shops, and not to mention that GORGEOUS BEACH. You are going to have such a fab time---total get away and w/your beloved son. I love traveling w/my son, he's a blast, keeps his dad and I goin'! The three of us went to Spain a couple years ago, and then to Cartagena for a wedding and we just had the best time EVAH. Hoping for a trip to Italy w/him next year.

Yeah, we're not doing much decoratively on the house except the interior painting we just finished and that HAD to be done. Don't care who changes what after they buy it, but it will look so clean and crisp and neutral for showings. Unfortunately we have functional things that must be addressed. Had the chimney fixed this week. Need to tear down our fence, replace a few windows, power wash siding, and yada yada yada, it goes on and on.

Totally agree it's all about showing off the space within from an aspirational POV, and this is a truly lovely home in that regard, with high ceilings and large rooms. As I stage one room at a time, I'm packing away stuff, keeping it very sleek but w/enough pretty to show what it can look like. Empty rooms are as bad as rooms too full in a house. They look larger w/furniture and some decor, which is counter intuitive but true.


Thing is, it's not just house "to do list." It's finding work "to do list." Today in my continuing quest to network I had the best lunch with a former colleague, who is now back at the Guthrie Theater, where I did projects for her before. She is just one of those people who you can not see for years, and then meet up with and feel you just left the conversation off yesterday. She is so inspiring in so many ways. Her spirit is just infectious and I would challenge anyone in a bad mood not to walk away from her in a very good mood. She's just that kind of gal. Loved it! Plus we ate at a very groovy restaurant where I stayed on plan with an excellent chicken salad.

Then I came home w/visions of doing more work around the house, and didn't do a dang thing. Got on the sofa w/my new book, and fell into a nice little nap. TOO HOT to do anything buy lay under the fan.

Tonight I'll be joining you other pizza scraping gals. Too hot to make anything too, so getting our fave pizza, with fab LC toppings, no crust necessary.
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  #2232   ^
Old Fri, Jun-29-18, 18:47
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What what!! The GANG is ALL HERE! EVERYONE checked in! As Jaz would say, it has been 'a minute' since that has happened. Cheers, everyone!

KMom- Fingers and toes crossed that your clothing items will fit. You have had one busy summer so far!

Jaz- I echo the rest about you being able to feel free to vent here, unless it is getting you upset all over again. It's a fine line and is dependent on what helps you. I really like Blue's comment about her DH saying to take 15 minutes to get it all out and then leave it behind. That is useful advice for all of us about any number of things we might get upset about.

Blue- No, not my shins. It was really all my feet. Mostly the balls and arches of my feet, which I was thankful for because I live in fear of plantar fasciitis. I took myself to the Walking Store yesterday and picked out two pair of shoes for walking. I don't want to do this again!

I have the gray Allbirds too and I love them. I like the way they look also. I did learn that they are not for marathon walking though and in fact the website makes that clear.

Girl, I am so glad that things are moving along, getting back into place, and you are enjoying the look of the staging and more importantly the empty spaces. I think you are going to LOVE the empty spaces. There is something so completely cleansing about having less stuff.

Lori- Hopefully you enjoyed your down time this morning. I have definitely been one to peel pizza off the crust (but not the Chicago deep dish.. YUM!)

Jaz- Yay for a half day today. You need one! And now you are getting ready to go on your trip! I am happy for you.

Trig- Welcome home! I know you will be glad to get unloaded etc and into your pool. I will be getting in mine today and over the next few days as it will be hotter than hell here. I do NOT enjoy this level of heat.. you can have it!


Well, things are okay here but a little stressful.

The good news- I went yesterday and got some new shoes from the Walking Store. Not cheap but I will be doing a lot of walking this summer and I need to protect my feet. I learned something in Chicago!

The not-so-good news- It appears that the engagement/relationship my Mom was in is imploding. Better this way than married FOR SURE of course, but still. So I will cancel DD's flight to ATL and I will probably still go and see what's what. PLUS I found out from talking to my brother today that my Mom fell AGAIN yesterday and hurt her right shoulder. That is three falls in about three months.

Ok update again. I have been writing this post since this morning and it is now 8:43 PM. I may never get it finished.

So for now I am holding my ticket to ATL for two days to see what happens and then I'll decide. If he is there, I won't go. If he is not and she needs me, then I will. All I will say is that this is complicated and not pretty. I don't trust him at all.

So, DS19 is here. He got here this afternoon. I am pretty tired and peopled out, but he's easy so I think it will be fine. His GF is here tonight and it is really good to see her. I miss her now that they are both at college! She's a doll. I think DD and Fi will be over this weekend as well at some point. It is definitely hot enough for the pool, that is for sure!

I will say one thing, during all this crap going on with my Mom, I have leaned on DH pretty heavily. He is my rock and I am so lucky to have found him at such a young age and essentially grown up with him.
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  #2233   ^
Old Fri, Jun-29-18, 19:55
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I'm as happy as a lark the gang is all here! I so tired though ladies. Will do my usual long poster in the morning when I am fresh- sucking down my coffee! Just wanted to say welcome back travelers- and all! The BUNCH IS BACK!!!!!!!
Warms the heart!

I will have lots to say in am - you all have had stuff to tell and talk about!!!! indeed!

But - Hey NIC- This is so so so dam I am at a loss for words for you. Mom s ARE so complicated. At least ours are. So hey- you do what you need to do- self preservation at best!
As to why your mom is falling is well I would see that she gets booked with a Neuro ASAP- just saying. Is she close to Emory? You can email me-Gwinette hospital is also coming up stellar here in Atlanta. I know she is a bit out from me. But again Emory might be ok- depends on the insurance. But for sure she needs seen. no joke.

TRIG- SO GLAD your back GF!!!!!!! And you had a grand time!!!!!!

BLUE- so cool you took a minute to look up where I am going!!!!! So very sweet! I do that too!!!!! Never heard of spirit trees. I know however they are trapped in heavy mossy hanging beauty. However I have heard the term hanging trees here in the south and I hope to goodness they aren not the same thing. I am going to google it.

Lori- I will have something very very soon- you and I will be buds- and anyone else can join too! Step challenge.

So - one last thing, before I collapse in my chair. I had my mid year review. I already had my game plan for my sucking review. I was going to call for a meeting with M and her boss to go over all I have done and what I am doing. I was READY-

I got stellar / 4-5 star review. almost perfect. SERIOUSLY???????
She thanked me for ll I do and told me she could not do her job without me.
Then she said I was a bit "soft hearted"- and should work on that. She said it was obvious that I love and take people to heart. Then she continued to say- a perfect compliment to her. Everything she is not.
My only real "fault"- better detail on spread sheets, excel, and small little details I can sometimes over look. That was no surprise. That is true. that is not my strong suit. SHOCKED-
Then she said- BUT BUT BUT - I feel things aren't exactly where they need to be with us. SOMETHING I CAN'T PUT MY FINGER ON. Then she said you want to talk about it?

I said ..... really?..... I am not sure what you mean. Let me think about that. - I am going low and letting her think - I already know. But I am no about to just toss the cards just yet on the table. I don't trust her.
So I just dummied up- and let HER talk. It was like like watching a train reck in slow motion. yet my review was stellar????????
I have no words for that......... unless HER boss intervened. Again I am getting quiet to see how this plays out. VERY interesting.

Anyhow- I am tired- lots to do tomorrow. I need to find a new insurance company tomorrow. Another long issue- long story short- I am getting hammered from the bumper fender bender, to they don't do gap coverage- to they are jacking up my insure to 300 a month- LATER on them! Dam that is a car payment- not having it.

Nite ladies
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  #2234   ^
Old Sat, Jun-30-18, 04:13
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Good Morning!

Up at 5:30 to have my coffee before getting ready for the golf tournament. My friend is coming here at 7:15 and we will make the 1/2 hour or so drive to the course. It is not my favorite course and I always struggle playing it, but hoping for the best today. It is going to be hot, hot, hot! Creeping up near 100. Yikes!

I did fine with the pizza last night, just ate the tops off 3 slices. Then I came home and ate 1 of my pnut butter fudge protein bars. Just felt like having something sweet-ish.

Jaz...glad you got the review you deserved, but I know it is confusing coming from your boss(Dr Jekyll & Mrs Hyde)! You are wise to just listen and wait.....hard to trust the boss and you have to wonder about her "angle".

Will be thinking of you and your wonderful trip to St Simon's Island. Can't wait to hear all about it. It sounds like just the kind of place I would love. Safe travels!

Trig...just as I come home and reality crashes down and you have all the "stuff" to do. Happens every time, right? Sounds like you have several more little trips to look forward to....awesome!

Nic....what a mess with your Mom and her beau. Better to find out now for sure. I hope she is ok...both with that situation and the falling. It is stressful for you being so far away with all that going on. Special hugs to you.

Blue...A day under a fan with a good book.....perfect! I'm glad you took time out for you after all the stress of the painting etc.

Ok, now I have to go look at these shoes you and Nic are talking about. Allbirds? You have me curious!

The boys just left for breakfast. Busy day around here as it's our town's annual big Veteran's parade/fireworks etc etc. To be honest, I'm glad to be going out of town for the day. I'm not a big parade person and it is always the same.'s too long! Just the parade takes over 2 hours! The band concert and fireworks will be tonight.....I'll hear the fireworks, but will not be going to watch. I'm sure I'll be cursing them as I'll be dead tired and wanting to sleep after a day on the golf course.

Ok...gotta get moving. Have good days!
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  #2235   ^
Old Sat, Jun-30-18, 07:20
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Lori good luck on the tournament

fast one guys, busy busy
loading kayaks into truck and off in a bit to go to the lake house, bro Rich flew down. gonna goof at the lake today and do nothing mostly but have fun!

hot as heck here, I am in my sun drenched glory to the max!.....nothing much more, will chat up later....everyone have a fab day!
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