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Old Sat, Apr-03-10, 15:16
Citruskiss Citruskiss is offline
I've decided
Posts: 16,864
Plan: LC
Stats: 235/137.6/130 Female 5' 5"
BF:haven't a clue
Progress: 93%

I had something like this happen to me on standard Atkins. I ditched dairy, and that helped. Bumped up my veggie intake, that also helped. Later on, discovered I was gluten-sensitive, so had to root that out of my menus as well. You wouldn't think there'd be too much in the way of gluten in a low-carb eating plan, but it was lurking in my salad dressing, in soy sauce and stuff like that.

This is not to say that this is what's happening to you - just sharing my experience here. Meanwhile, your intake looks like flawless Protein Power Life Plan - you've worked hard at this! Must be a bit frustrating to be feeling stalled.

I looked at your menus, and the only thing I can suggest is that you might want to go a bit more "Paleo-ish" or rather, to "Purist" version of PPLP for a little while, and see if that makes a difference. If you were to try this, you could eliminate peanut butter and and any peanuts or other legumes. You'd also maybe consider eliminating dairy foods for awhile, or sticking to just butter for a bit. I'd also suggest dill relish instead of sweet relish. Avoid anything 'sweet' that isn't from produce, if you can.

One last recommendation? I noticed something funny on vacation awhile back - eating berries for breakfast wasn't ideal for me. Not to say you wouldn't eat berries, but you might be better off with a more typical "Atkins-style" breakfast - such as eggs and sausage or something along those lines. This fits in with a very good article Demi posted:

Also - what's your Faux Malt-o-Meal made out of?

Finally - the exercise could be interfering with the scale. You might be losing fat, but it's not showing up on the scale, due to the resistance training. When I took up weight training, the scale almost seemed to stop, and "weight loss" slowed down. I dropped sizes though, but it took several weeks for that to start happening. It took me more than three months to lose about ten pounds (and I was trying really hard on the food front!), but I did drop a bunch of sizes in there too, so I was happy with that.

Hmm...I'm wondering if it's the weight training, and that maybe you don't really need to tinker with the food. Maybe give this one more month like it is? See if you drop another pants size or something in there.

Question - the last few times you've done PPLP, were you also doing weight training?

Hang in there - looks like you're really working at this.
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