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Old Sun, Sep-12-04, 17:39
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tortoise tortoise is offline
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I've always taken the approach that this is something I will do forever, and though I've given up many things, there are some things that I would just feel TOO deprived if I thought "I will never be able to eat this again". Most of it I find that over time "I've lost that lovin' feeling" for. For example, every summer we visit my family in Vermont, and I would usually allow myself a couple of servings of Ben and Jerry's. But this year, I didn't really even want it.

OTOH, every other month or so, I have either sushi or dim sum. I love them, and I'm not going to say "no sushi, ever again". Also, we have Thai food maybe once or twice a month and I'm sure there's sugar in the sauces, but I'm not going to obsess over it. I wouldn't eat the rice, though. And when I cook Asian food at home, of course, I make it without sugar.

For a very special occasion (my 50th birthday, our 15th wedding anniversary), I will have a small dessert when we go out, like creme brule'.

That's about it. I do cook low-carb treats, though.
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