Thread: LC Our Way #3
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Old Sun, Sep-30-18, 08:11
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Jaz66 Jaz66 is offline
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Nothing like buzzed posting! HAHAHA- I went back and read my post and everyone else as well. Ya I am one of THOSE people that just LOVE's everyone and everything. HAHAHAHAH- I don't like sloppy drinking, but a little pick me up here and there! Bring it! LC of course!
I almost didn't send those pic's because you know it's funny, I don't FEEL as big as I am. I think I have the OPPOSITE of anorexia. I see myself as thin and perky- then comes along a picture. I am not saying this to elicit anything other than I wonder if other feel the same way. I do feel pretty. So that is not the point I am trying to make. But I remember that is was a picture that made me lost the 100+ pounds.

It was around Thanksgiving and I was hanging out with the kids in the park and Mike took a pic of me and the kids playing around. we got them "developed" (remember those days). He then showed me a picture of a FAT woman in a brown coat playing with MY kids. I really did not recognize that fat woman was me.
I lost all that weight and ended up a size 4-6. I still could tell what I looked like.
Fast forward I have gained 55 pounds back (thank goodness no more)- And now I think I still am a size 6 until I see a picture. So actually it does motivate me to get on the band wagon. I know I CAN do it- I have done it before. I was counting carbs and calories and working out. For me I need that trio. I wasn't as concerned about the calories- you are right BLUE- that 1800 or less and ya can still lose nicely.
Ok- off that topic. But yes we did have a great time, hay and all!

TRIG- Man can I relate to the humid!!!! We don't get the crispy fall at all. It is a cool humid- if that makes sense. Most of the time I am still in shorts through Dec. Then January hits and the rain sets in, then everyone gets the flu. Seriously that is how it rolls here. Feb- it's ice if we get anything, people are recovering. And March everything is blooming!
You are 4 hours north yet of me almost straight north. 2 hours from Greenville SC.
Ya I hear ya on teens appearing tired. I think they do undergo stress and their bodies ARE tired. They are gearing up to be adults. That is alone enough to exhaust someone!
It is a crappy rainy day here. No hiking for me. I noticed the bees are out in droves yesterday!
I am not into hunting. I do however like firearms, and know how to use them. I have no problem at all in that regard. I think every home should have at least one! (great Christmas gifts!)- I know you agree because you have them in your dining room, next to the fine china! That cracks me up! But boys will be boys- and you get time to yourself! YAY!

BLUE- I am thrilled about the news of the house! I am ready for you to be in your new home with this all behind you!
I agree about there SHOULDN'T be profit from people being sick. But it is very profitable for people getting and staying sick. "They"- milk ya for every dime until ya die. I am in the business. I see it and that part make me want to hurl. There will NEVER really be a cure for cancer. I seriously believe that. TOO MUCH $$$$$- from big Pharma, to the hospital, to the insurance companies. They are all in bed together. But the only one that get screwed is the poor person who is sick.It isn't right on so many levels. Ya- we will take this to Charleston!!! HAHAHAHAH.That is all I will say on this thread! Yup the button got pushed! We are more in agreement here than not.
About the WOE- I know you have your plate full. My best advice is just make the best decisions you can- and when you are in a better place shortly get back in the saddle and stay put.

NIC- Love that you explained the CASA so well. You are the compassionate heart!!!!!! Speaking of, are you still doing MOW?
I hear ya on the failing piece of the WOE. I think we ALL (speaking to self) need a reboot.
I love the fact your kids got a video of the wedding! I loved the pic's. In the end- it was a beautiful day and thats all anyone will remember.
Going to Walmart in SWEATPANTS- dear god! What if you were in an accident? And they had to pull you out of the car in sweatpants? That is funny. But I go nowhere without the full makeup, hair, earrings, full throttle! The ONE time I did- I ran into an old boyfriend from high school. He got out of his red, convertible with a stunning blond on his arm and saw me. I was standing there in sweatpants and no makeup, and overweight holding ice-cream. By god never again- I may be a bit up again in the weight dept. But I will do makeup. You however, are slim enough to get by with it! It's all perspective isn't it!!!!!
I like to go shopping and be back by noon too! That way I can have the rest of the day.
Looks like today is pork day for MOST of us. I have a pork tenderloin I will toss in the oven and have green beans with it, and TINY bit of gravy.
Oh- and yesterday: Smoking pig- I sure as heck did have that fried Okra with my pulled pork (no bun)! And it was GOOD!

Lori- Why did I think you left yesterday? Man I get dates all messed up! I think it's because I have so many things to remember with dates, times and places- it is hard to keep everyone straight! Sorry you are up before the crack of dawn!
I know though you will have a great time! Do send pic's if you can- and ENJOY yourself. It isn't everyday you go to Europe!!!!! Wow!
You will be missed and envied!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH
not much going on here today. It feels funny to not have ANYTHING on my schedule. I start next quarter next weekend- it will then be full throttle until Dec. So I am not complaining!!!!!!
I will maybe catch up on some Netflix. It is gross here today. Humid, warm and raining and gray. Perfect to stay in, as I was out all day yesterday!
I will be in yoga pants (wink- yes I will)!
I will do my end of month bills and toss in some laundry and putter.
I Like these types of days. Good for balance in life. Ya can't be going 110% all the time!
It's quiet and I have my fall candle going- very peaceful. Dogger at the feet- life is good!

Have a great day gals!
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