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Old Sat, Aug-04-18, 06:43
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Originally Posted by ImAllLike
Do you ever slipup? Or what changed inside of you to where you don't cheat anymore?

If you can concretely define "slipup" I can give you an honest answer based on your definition. I think Kristine gave a good answer in that she refuses to call them slips or what ever, just "choices" if I recall.

Then there's the "cheat" word - It many threads, and I hope I've been consistent, I don't understand what cheat means in a personal dietary context. Cheating implies deception. I don't get it.

As a former drinker I hear the same language used - not so much cheating, but some mention "slipping" the way I understand it is this means that they have vowed to be celibate from alcohol and they knowingly drank alcohol. It's fairly back and white with alcohol as it's a single, and mostly regulated, compound. So I guess slipping in this contexts means that a vow had been broken and they have taken it back up (celibacy from alcohol) This is not a sin nor something to admonish ones self for in my view. It just is what happened. It was a choice - What let up to that choice is a different matter of discussion and a different topic. Which leads me to your last, most interesting question that I think I can answer straight forwardly...

You asked, "...what changed inside of you to where you don't cheat anymore?"

Let's substitue "cheat" for "eat sugar" any more and make it easier, I still eat junky food sometimes, pork rind with flavoring are junky food, 100 percent bakers chocolate is junky food, if it's even food, sour cream is junky food, stevia erythritol is junky food, flavored peanuts are junky food, flavored almonds are junky food, chili paste is junky food, Atkins bars are junky food, Quest bars are junky food, I could go on and on about the stuff I eat and ate that I consider junky food.

But, At some point when I dropped the idea that there was some magic goal weight that I should be and that my life would be soooo much betterrrr at and that if I could fit into my high school jeans again everything would be so perfect and always be that way, when I let go of the personal, deep, sadness I felt about not being able to stuff my hole with donuts, ice cream, pizza, Pad Thai, reeses cups, milk shakes, big macs, baconators, sushi, sticky rice, croisantswiches, breakfast wraps, more pizza and ice cream, etc., etc., etc.,

When I decided I wasn't going to eat sugar, grains or potatoes today and that the number that showed up on the scale when I stepped on it was just fine for today (it's the only number it could be) and the knowledge that if I felt the urge to eat shit, that if I didn't feed it with mental proliferation of the future deliciousness of it and that it, like all other thoughts; pass. Is the day I was liberated.

I have the option of liberating myself each day. When my mind mulls on the past, I try to bring it forward, when it starts cogitating on the future, it try to rein it back to now.

"Now, right now, is the only time you can do anything about your future" - that's from some monk. It's helpful to know this is true.

So, hopefully with my over wordy, misssspelled, ungramatically corrected rambling you get an idea of what goes on in my head. We don't eat in the past, we don't eat in the future. There is no never; there is no forever - so, if your looking for a bright spot, you DON'T have to eat low carb forever... because you can't. You eat High Carb, No Carb or LoW Carb only at your next meal. Otherwize your just on a fast.

and PS, I HAVE eaten sugar since I started Low Carbing... LOTS OF IT to experiment and see what happens to my body and see if I enjoyed eating it. Not much happened to my body in a short time and I really DID enjoy diving right in but I found that it was an empty hole of eating with no resolution. Look for yourself. Feel free to PM me any question you might have about the living document below...
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