Thread: LC our way! #2
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Old Tue, Jul-17-18, 21:28
Blue52 Blue52 is offline
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Hey Jaz---just checked in before I turn in.

Oh, honey. I'm so sorry this is happening to you right now, but I can guarantee that this too shall pass. Seems so hard to believe when it's happening, but my dear old dad always told me that, and he was right.

Some of my MOST crazy times have been because of bad bosses or bad colleagues, and even occasionally, bad friends. Bad boyfriends really can't hold a candle in many ways, simply because while they could hurt me and disappoint me, they couldn't control my future on the job, or my pay check, or my belief in who I am as a professional.

That is what you face with a bad boss. And yeah, it can make you shake, when your mortgage payment and your survival is dependent upon it. Been there, and it sucked a big egg. Made me feel crazy. I remember.

But it is your boss who is nuts. Period. She will push you to the very edge of the cliff and then extend a hand to pull you up, and then push you over the same edge again. It is her nature, and I don't see that changing.

I do think it's time to go to HR. Always PO's me that no one wants to go there out of fear, when if they aren't there to listen and do their job, what are they there for?

Look at it this way. You can no longer survive this job without some support from your company, and it ain't going to come from your boss. We know this. It's not like you ran to HR the first time she sprung the slap on you, or the second, or the third or the fourth, etc. etc.

I think you need to make it clear to HR that you are there as a LAST RESORT---again shouldn't be this way but it is--- and I think you need to get that GD boss of yours on file for her bad behavior.

Don't know who will win here, but DO know it's time for you to ask for re-enforcements. And if that's not there for you, then yeah, it's time to find a new job.

I know, easier said then done, and complicated by your school thing w/this company. But Jaz, I just CANNOT believe that the uppers have NO IDEA of what a mess your boss is. They're just waiting for someone else to do the hard work.

Wish it didn't have to be you, but looks like it has to be. Because I just don't see any way that this can be cured with your boss, other than someone above her slapping her hand. Hard. Otherwise, she will not stop feeling entitled to be the jerk she is. It's just that simple, AND that hard.
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