Thread: LC our way! #2
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Old Sun, Jul-15-18, 18:33
Blue52 Blue52 is offline
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Hi gals,

Jaz---what a charmer that guy is huh?! Speaking of "thick" I can't think of a better word to describe him without even seeing him. You have to be pretty dense to throw out lines like that. Not to mention he's WRONG, you're not thick and I totally say ditto to what Nic said regarding this. And what up with the 9pm dinner w/no warning or texts? Had something else on his mind. What a loser.

Will say this---you sure have no problem attracting guys, they like you, they really do. Now it just has to be the right one.

Oh, and that boss of yours! Who the hell says no to a grandmother who needs two days off to help her children when their child is going thru surgery?!? Honestly, I've seen some crappy mean bosses, but not one that would say no to this. I totally support your plan to write her and cc her boss. I know you'll find the polite enough words, but I hope you tell her---knowing her boss will be reading it---about little Ava and her struggles, briefly of course, and how important family is to you, and supporting your own kid at a time like this, etc, etc, etc.

And, if you think you can get away with it, something to the effect that you simply must be there for them, hence you won't be there for those days, and you just know when she thinks about it, she'll understand. Gads, I want to write it myself I'm so PO'd about this.

I think M is our thread's Ms. Cruella D for now. LOL, every thread should have one, someone you love to dislike. However, no fun for it to be your boss.

Oh, and sorry about the washer. Ugh. What a hassle, but worth it to get what you want. I'm w/Nic on this. No bells and whistles to break down please, just a good old sturdy washing machine that gets the job done---w/the water level you CHOOSE of course, which is even on our old standard model.

Lori---Sorry you lost the golf match this time, but man, that is one hard game. IMO, you have to really love it for what it is and leave it at that on bad days. Even the best at it have really crappy days. Has always seemed to me to be as much a game of chance, as skill. Ha. watched my dad and brother lament and love it all my life.

Nic---Hey, good thinking on having hubby pick up the kid for a change. I think sometimes when you're the "stay at home spouse" its easy to under value how much you do, and man, having gotten a gander at your schedule, you do A LOT, girl!

Love that you and your hubby are finding fun just the two of you. It all starts that way of course, and one can find it again. So much so that when they move back in, as so many kids who have left home do these days, you are loving them always of course, but BUMMED.

Really funny cable commercial out in our area on that right now. Adult kid moves back home, living in the basement. Begins w/mom and dad in the kitchen. Mom: "He's back" Dad: He's back" HUGE SIGHS. Then the deal from cable to keep their son downstairs more of the time. Then last scene, son in basement playing his guitar. Yells up to the kitchen "Hey you two, I think you should know that in some cultures the male child lives with his parents till way past 40!"


Went to a concert w/hubby this afternoon. Married pals of ours who sing, write, and perform. Kind of folk stuff, but not, just really their own thing. It was SO GOOD. They are tremendous song writers, and I felt at the end like they had been telling me stories set to music.

Not a great day on the woe, as lunch was included w/the concert, and I won't say more, EXCEPT, it will be my only meal for the day, and it was a late enough lunch that I'm not hungry at all. Now off to catch a movie with hubby. Hate to see the weekend go. Monday means lots of stuff I must do.
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