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Old Wed, Mar-26-03, 01:33
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Default Dexalicious Revolution

Pay no attention to the silly title...I just didn't know what else to put there.

I had a journal here and abandoned it--for a myriad of reasons. For the past month or so I've been recording gym stuffs in my Livejournal, but really am starting to feel that it's not really the place for such things. So, I'm back.

I don't follow any specific program. I just try to make sure I get my butt to the gym, and that while I'm there I work. Much of what I do is heavily influenced by Body For Life, but I'm much happier following the spirit of it rather than the letter.

As far as my's fairly non-specific low carb. I've found that the less I think about food, the happier I am and the better I feel. I don't care about weight loss per se, just about feeling strong, healthy and happy. That means that sometimes I eat pizza, just because I want it, and I don't give it a second thought. Since I made that shift in thought, I've actually lost more weight than when I tried to carefully keep track of foods and stayed ever-vigilant that nothing overly carb-laden passed my lips. *shrug*

Enough babbling.

Gym stuffs:
- Recumbent Bike, 6 min (2 mi)
Thera-Band Ball
- Posterior Pelvic Tilt 3x15
- Abdominal Curls 3x20, 2 sec pause at top
- Stomach Suctions 2x10, 5 sec hold
- Lower Back Extensions 12x90, 10x100, 8x110, 6x120, 12x110
- Abdominal Crunch 12x70, 10x80, 8x90, 6x100, 15x90
- Elliptical Trainer. 20 min HIIT + 5 min cool down (411.4 cal, 3232 strides)

Technically, this should have been a lower body day for me, but as I skipped three days for various reasons--including a strained shoulder--I decided to cut myself some slack and keep to the cardio and abs. I'm hoping it'll be up to upper body tomorrow...we'll see.

Also, the new hair got lots of interest. No less than three guys tried to strike up conversations tonight...interesting.
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