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Old Sun, Jul-19-15, 07:35
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Smcca4 Smcca4 is offline
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Plan: <30 Net Carbs
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Location: Midwest, USA

The protein and fat percentages should probably be swapped (low carb, moderate protein, high fat), and the sum of all three needs to be 100. For example, carb/protein/fat could be 10/30/60 or 10/20/70.

The exact macros for what 25g carbs would look like would depend on calories as well. Macros indicate the percentage of calories coming from each of the three macronutrients, so two people could both be consuming 25g daily carbs while having significantly different macronutrient percentages.

MyFitnessPal gives a macronutrient breakdown in the Nutrition view of the diary. That might be a helpful start. Fiber is not subtracted from total carbs, but it could be helpful in giving you ballpark numbers for meal planning.
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