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Old Fri, Jul-25-14, 08:46
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Liz53 Liz53 is offline
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Originally Posted by JLx

What's happening in a lengthy fast? I'm thinking that we're living quite well with all the calories we need off our own fat, so therefore, no ultimate famine effect. The trouble would come in when we don't have that fat. I remember he talked about the 400+ lb man who fasted over a year down to 180 lbs. I know he said he was monitored for his health and it was fine, but I don't actually remember if he said he had had no reduced metabolism or not.

So much of what we think we know about metabolism too is based on reduced calorie diets that were most likely reduced fat/some carb diets.

I think that makes a lot of sense, JLx, because fasting would create more opportunity to access stored fat to nourish while food cannot be ingested. But when he compares low carb to low fat at 6 or 12 months after loss (analyzing the A to Z study), LC is not necessarily more effective at keeping the weight off. My recollection is that he attributes at least part of that weight regain is to slowed metabolism, but it's hard to know without knowing exactly how they ate post-diet. He doesn't really address weight rebound with fasting - he says slowed metabolism does not occur, but how is he judging that and how long has his first fasting patient been doing this? I will have to find the time to re-read some of those posts.

RE: the fiber, JEY, I noticed the PGX in Blood Sugar Solution and was going to ask YOU about it. I first heard about it when I visited Japan in 1999 and commented to one of our guides how thin the teenage girls and young women were and she told me that many of them eat konjac in lieu of meals. It fills them up with no calories. For blood sugar, though, I don't know. It's probably worth a try if you're not getting the results you want with timing. It seems from the testimonial videos that the folks on Dr Fung's program begin reducing insulin/drugs at the 2 week point and it continues for another 4-10 weeks, sometimes longer? I'd like to know if any of them were eating LC beforehand or if they were all following a standard ADA + drugs + insulin plan.

I'm starting to notice a pattern of better weight loss following eating days (another pound since yesterday) and FBS was in the 80s (albeit, just barely at 89) today. I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to fast today since I have a meeting this morning and a possible lunch afterwards. I know I can just say I had a late breakfast (meeting is at 11) but will I be able to stand just sitting there with a cup of coffee while everyone else eats lunch? It will all depend on how hungry I am. Perhaps a T of coconut oil before I leave will do the trick.
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