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Old Mon, Oct-29-12, 14:39
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Emzi06 Emzi06 is offline
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Posts: 377
Plan: Keto/Low Carb
Stats: 309.4/301.6/249.4 Female 65
Progress: 13%
Location: Northern Indiana

Originally Posted by FREE2BEME
I'm so happy for you!! I have several friends who have tried for years and so I've witnessed their pain. One friend's fertility issue was due to thyroid problems and the other was due to PCOS.

Before I had my first child, I was told by a midwife, during my annual exam, that my blood work looked as though I might have PCOS and she told me I needed to lose weight and start trying to conceive as soon as possible. I was only 24 at the time and it really scared me. I began low carbing and went off of the pill immediately. Within one month, I was pregnant! We weren't even ready at that time because my husband was still in his graduate program. My midwife was so shocked but said that the low carb lifestyle has helped many women conceive when other measures have failed. I hope this is true in your case as well. Best wishes!

Thank-you!!! As for thyroid, I have an underactive thyroid, but it is medicated and monitored by my Dr.

And, congrats to you on getting pregnant so quickly after starting LC! That is amazing! I'm turning 29 tomorrow and my biological clock is ringing so loudly in my with all the positive changes in my body that are taking place, I can't help but be just a little more hopeful!

Originally Posted by Minimum My
You sound so happy, brilliant news. Keep it up and you never know...!!

What better incentive to loose weight than making a baby and the more weight you loose the more you'll be able to play with your child.

Keep going!

Thanks! I am *very* happy! Losing weight to get pregnant is a GREAT incentive and being able to be more active with them in the long run is a HUGE added bonus!

Originally Posted by leemack
Have you tried metformin? My PCOS was so severe, that even low carb wasn't totally effective for regular cycles, but metformin gives me 28 day cycles - and ovulation - I know 'cause I get ovulation pain.


Ahhh, the good old Metformin. *sarcasm*
I am currently on Metformin, 1000mg/day. For awhile I was really bad at taking it because it makes me feel really sick and has awful side effects (as you probably know!). But, since starting LC I am making myself take it everyday and I must say that I'm not really having too many issues with it making me sick.

Maybe a combination of LC and Metformin have made my body respond the way it has. On Metformin alone I never had any change in my periods. Whatever is going on, I like it, haha. I'm glad that Metformin has helped you to regain your cycle. I am hoping that it stays this way for me!
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