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Old Wed, Apr-20-11, 14:17
RisngDezyn RisngDezyn is offline
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Posts: 8
Plan: Atkins
Stats: 128/127/118 Female 5'7"
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Please read my entire menu from my original thread about what I consumed for the past 2 weeks.

If people lose up to 5 pounds a week, why can't I?

There is no universal law that requires me to make it a lifestyle change.

After I posted, about 3 hours after, in fact, and in response to replies, it doesn't seem right for me.

How do I explain it clearly.....hmmmm.....I don't NEED a permanent diet. My body MAINTAINS whatever weight it gets set at. If I have been in bed for a few months without exercise, when I get up, my metabolism simply goes back to its standard hold constant. PLUS THE EXTRA WEIGHT. If I am 115 pounds when I get out of bed, I will stay at that. 128, I will stay at that.

I don't NEED a permanent wieght loss plan. I don't creep. I remain constant. I want to REMAIN at my NORMAL CONSTANT. Does that make any sense?

I DO NOT have LOTS of experience with starvation. I have had periods of intense amounts of work that have precluded me from eating, hence the starvation mode down to 115 lbs(too low).

My metabolism is Never a mess. I am in peak and exuberant health. I SIMPLY need to lose this extra 9 pounds of fat accumulated during an illness.

I shouldn't be penalized for having a lean body by nature just because I had to keep up strength during an illness. (Backstory: Had bronchitis. Went 5 days without eating. Almost died. Thought it would be best to add weight and live, rather than die if it chose to relapse. Poor planning? Maybe. But "Hi. I'm still around.")

Please read my first post. I DO eat whole foods and have always eaten them fairly regularly, except for a few times in work overload.

Compared to the volumes of fresh veg MY body requests daily, Atkins is Very Low on Veg!! I have veg with every meal. Usually raw. (Whole foods are one thing; raw is another).

Hunh? Making up my own plan? PLEASE read my first post with my menu listed in detail and let me know how on God's Green you believe I am making up something "my own" and how my menu is NOT what is on the Atkins Induction Phase 1. It is to the letter to Atkins Induction.


P.S. Yeah, I get it. I'm the girl everyone hates because I can normally eat anything I want and never gain and don't have to diet as a lifestyle. So I got lucky. I normally HAVE to eat every few hours and that can be a real burden, believe it or not, when you're organic. When I drop the several pounds of fat, yes, I get to go back to my normal intake. It's genetic. But ANYONE will gain weight ill and in bed for months. That's just how it is. God made me this way. I can't apologize for it. It ain't my fault. I eat what I want, I just don't get stupid or sloppy about it.
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