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Old Wed, Apr-20-11, 10:23
RisngDezyn RisngDezyn is offline
New Member
Posts: 8
Plan: Atkins
Stats: 128/127/118 Female 5'7"
Default 2 weeks on Atkins Induction and no weight lost!?!?!?

I have been on Induction since April 7th and have not seen ANY weight loss. I still can't fit into any of my clothing and not a thing has change in any visible way or clothing-measured way.

After hearing about women dropping 5 pounds a week or more, I am completely baffled and the torture of following the routine is making me think I made a bad decision to try this program at all.

This is NOT a lifestyle change for me - sorry - I simply put on weight during a time when I was trying to keep my body fueled to fight an illness. Now, the weight must come off.

I have been walking daily and running between 30-40 minutes every day, or every other day, if the leg cramps have been too severe.

I drink at least 64 oz of water every day, religiously.

Menu as follows:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with tablespoon of pure fresh grated parmesan
(0 carbs; 0 sugars) and a heaping teaspoon of green chilies.

Chai Tea (which is NOT a true tea, just spices) with Stevia (1 pkt) and a shot of heavy cream.

Lunch: 1 cup cauliflower (which has been sauteed in coconut oil and 0 carb/0 sugar chicken broth), 1 hamburger patty (smallish) in coconut oil, too.

Dinner: Reasonable portion of steak, chicken, salmon, or ground beef...all sauteed in coconut oil. Small salad with Goddess dressing (0 carb; 0 sugar) or coleslaw with mayo.

or any of the other options, as I mass produce the food once a week for the week, in order to control purity and quality of what I'm eating (organics):

Salmon Caesar w/ Goddess or (0 carb; 0 sugar) Caesar dressing.

I tried Diet Rite soda for a few days, but didn't trust the Splenda effect in my body, so I stopped several days ago. I eliminated all cheeses, as I was previously consuming cheddar, except the allowed hard cheese, and only in small portions of that.

I have now and will always use real butter, and the half and half I normally use I upped to heavy cream for Atkins. All are pure, local organics.

I would have 5 tic tac sized xylitol mints after dinner. I stopped that, too.

I intake no caffeine...and never really did. I drink Chai and am not a coffee fan.

I drank Diet Cherry Pepsi for a few days and didn't trust it and stopped that. That began and ended the first week of Atkins.

I weighed myself last night at 127 pounds and again upon awakening to find myself now at 130 pounds. I gained 3 pounds in my sleep. I have a small frame, so a pound on me looks like 10 on someone else.

Needless to say, this is enough to put me off this whole way of dieting for good if I don't have some legitimate answers or loss by Friday (2 days from now).

Apparently, I can only conclude, that my body "doesn't comprehend" what I am trying to do to it. Starvation it understands. It goes to it kicking and screaming and producing nothing for the first 2 weeks, then the pounds begin to sheed at around 3 every 2 weeks.

With Atkins, everyone seemed to have significant weight loss in the first 2 weeks on Induction. I surmise that my body is simply unable to lose weight with this approach because it doesn't understand something so counter-intuitive: eat more, lose weight.

Starvation makes sense. Your famine mode kicks in, you don't crave food. If you keep exercising on a vastly reduced menu, it HAS to come off. I have only ever dropped a few pounds, at the rare times I've needed to, when I was so overwhelmed with work, I didn't have time for food or sleep and the food took the hit on that one.

I ate a sandwich at lunch, then broth with 5 tortellini as dinner plus as much unbuttered popcorn as I wanted. Stop eating, weight comes off. Makes sense.

My body must simply be running off the protein I give it and it is not burning any fat.

Trust me, I've been nibbling off the block of the stuff. Cooking with plenty of oil, using mayo, dressings, etc.

Maybe Atkins just won't work for me. There seems to be nothing I can do to prompt any loss. I'm as "globby" as I was 2 weeks ago, and my brain and strength are so limited I am afraid I might step into oncoming traffic and not even realize it.

I locked an animal and my keys/cell/purse in the car on the weekend and had to run to the gas station to call for emergency road service to get them out.

On Atkins, I'm a brainless, exhausted idiot. I don't know who is getting energized and achieving clarity on Atkins, but I have had the opposite. I am in a potentially-very-dangerous stupor.

I am doing religiously everything on the Induction plan. 20 g carbs a day and plenty of regular protein and butter (3 x day...and I am not a breakfast eater), coconut oil, mayo, cream. Not too much of the cream, and about a pat of butter. I put butter on my steak last night.

I have read the forums for weeks now and can't figure out why my body won't participate.

Maybe Atkins just won't work for me. My body will only do what it knows to do. Burn fat when it has no other means of fuel a.k.a. starvation dieting.

If anyone has any secrets or sees something I am doing wrong, please tell me. The psysio/psychological torture of eating only protein with little veg is excruciating for me and has been eveery second for this whole 2 weeks...which has felt like 10 years already.

As I said, sorry, this isn't a lifestyle change for me nor will it ever be. This should have nothing to do with weight loss. My metabolism is steady but I have been hammered with work for the last 6 months after the illness (during whcih the pounds were gained due to no ability to exercise.) and once I lose the excess, I'm back to normal living with a stable weight of 118 pounds and the metabolism of an incinerator, meaning I can eat anything and not gain weight.

To clarify, I DON'T gain weight regularly. My weight is steady. If there is an illness and I have to keep body fueled to fight it but can't exercise, that is my challenge, as I am normally very active physically with hiking, walking and cycling (I'm addicted to it; walk 3x week ~ 2-3 miles each, hike/cycle on weekend).

I jsut believe that if I keep eating food, my body isn't going to get the "drop weight" message. I would understand why it didn't! Makes sense.
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