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Old Sun, Feb-18-07, 21:16
meatzrus meatzrus is offline
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capo, I love your posts and all you give to the thread, but i had to reply to your statement about your cheekbones going up and down in a period of 24 hours?!?!?!? im not offending you, but how in the hell can you tell if your cheekbones moved just because that day you didn't eat your cod liver oil? thats insane!! maybe you got sunburn because sunburns can puff up your face and take away the "edge" of the cheekbones.
i dunno, it just sounds really fake that your cheekbones are growing that much that you can SEE it in a period of 24 hours go up and down. your cheekbones wouldn't grow Back Down thats just insane..
also, about this cod liver oil. yes, cod liver oil does have the ever-so-valuable fat vitamins A and D, but key word its a SuPPleMent!!! it'd be so much better for you to get the vitamins from real food, like fish. Fish is an excellent source of those fat vitamins, meat is not.
this is another confusing thing i found out today. 4 oz of beef has Zero vitamin A. when i found that out i said to myself WTF?!?!? so screw beef then, it might be a meat but fish to me has way more fat soluble vitamins and fish is fatty in itself, so i choose fish as my main meat, i consume about a pound of fish daily and i feel so great.

so to conclude ha, capo im not offending you i love your contributions, but you have to explain more about this whole cheekbones going up and down thing, it just cannot be..
so we all know that Vitamins A & D are the main fat soluble vitamins for good development, but some of us are choosing the wrong foods. Fish is excellent as it has both vitamins A and D. Raw dairy is excellent as well because it has both Vitamins A & D. beef however, is questionable to me and i'd love to have a debate (friendly) with you guys about why beef doesnt have vitamin A. so then that also leaves Organ meats which definitely have Vitamins A & D, such as liver...
again, i didn't mean to get so InSane about the cod liver oil but i am because its a supplement, and to rely on something like that to make your bones grow as you say i dunno, it'd be better to eat the actual foods, as a complete package of those vitamins, in the natural form.
also, 1 more thing hahaha, you said you've been eating beef liver a ton in the last couple weeks. TheRe You Go!! thats it, thats the key to your growth, the liver. yes, i think the cod liver oil is helping a bit, but the beef liver is the key to why you are growing so much. it makes sense because in your previous posts that was the other new thing you added.
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