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Old Fri, Jan-14-05, 01:36
champ_55ca champ_55ca is offline
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Posts: 38
Plan: Atkins
Stats: 179/172/175 Male 5'6"
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Location: North California
Default Oh my god im gonna explode!

Im Carb loading...11:20 pm now after day of eating.

Ive been eating like a freakin pig all day long now. Puff Puff...shit man..I dont know how anyone can possibly eat enough to stay over 225 pounds. Geeeezus!! How do people eat this much??? I still have 1.5 cups of mashed potatoes to eat, a bagel and a bowl of corn flakes in order to meet my loading requirements. Then after the gym I have to have my protein shake.
Huff Puff..

I have now eaten almost 550 grams of carbs for the day..when I am done I will hit this. This is what was recommended buy Trainer Dan and his pals so I am doing it. I have been bouncing off the walls excited all day about getting leaner and also scared about being in that awesome of shape. Fear of success? I guess I have some.

I am really happy that I get to eat doritos tomorrow, I only wish I got to eat them as I watch the Steelers kick the Jets ass on saturday afternoon. Back to induction on saturday

Bagels are awesome for carb loading, especially the blueberry ones. 51 grams of pure carbs per bagel, low sugar, no fat, and 9 grams of protein. Corn flakes with not that much milk are the bomb too. Mashed taters load you up fast and make you feel stuffed, all those starches I guess...puff..puff.

White bread tastes good enough to even eat by itself, but you can make some good meat sandwiches for protein, low fat and high carbs.

Okay to the technical side now.
Q1. Anyone know why the sugar content has to be low for glycogen replenishment? Some interesting science behind it turning to fat rather then glycogen.

Q2. Anyone know what the chemical breakdown/structure of glycogen is?

Heres an interesting tip as well:
The reason the body loses so much weight early on in atkins is because the body needs 7 times the amount of water to metabolise protein as it does to metabolise carbs. When you inject more protein into the body and drop carbs, more water is used and passes. therefore it is necessary to rehydrate at incredible levels to keep up. This is why so much waterweight is shed early on giving the impression to atkins users that bodyfat has decreased significantly. I read this from a very good source.

Some conflicting information to this however as well is my own case, where i stated atkins, and lost 13 pounds of fat in the first 30 days and did not notice a huge difference in water change, it was virtually none the entire time. in fact, My body water %age has been increasing as i have been taking in more fluids.

More later...gotta recoup from all the mashed tatos and then ill be back.
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