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Old Fri, Jul-30-04, 08:01
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Marcia11 Marcia11 is offline
New Member
Posts: 17
Plan: somewhat low-carb
Stats: 136/134/130 Female 5'9"
Progress: 33%
Location: Port Coquitlam, BC

Originally Posted by TrailRunR
I am one of those runners who can run on very little carbs.

If my training goes anaerobic (hills, speed, day of race, weight training), I take 25-50g of carbs before the workout and maybe 25g carbs afterwards if weight loss is not a goal. During weight loss, I take only protein (e.g. whey protein) after the workout.

On long runs, I go 90 seconds slower per mile than half marathon pace to avoid bonking. On warm days or hilly courses, I drop the pace even more or put in a walk break every 6 miles. I try to keep my pace low enough to avoid using an energy gel. I think there is a lot of value in Galloway-style walk breaks on bad days. I use a sugar free electrolyte replacement (Endurolytes) to get electrolyte balance and prevent muscle cramping.

This routine isn't going to make the Boston Marathon. My long runs are very conservative and I have no reserve tank to fallback on if I take chances with pace on the long run. But this routine will get you past the wall without joining the hordes of carbo-loaded bonked runners. And this routine will get you some nice 5K and 10K times, especially if you have too much body fat.

I'm with you on slower long runs. No need to run at race pace for those - that's what speed training is for (intervals and the like). Also, I'd never be able to keep it up. Races are a different thing all together - a person's competitiveness with the others that are racing, as well as the comradery and enthusiasm, does wonders! I dislike the gels - UCK!!!! I will not use them. I've not heard of Endurolytes before, just the usual electrolyte replacements - Gatordade, etc.

I don't usually have a problem with bonking. I actually feel better, the longer I run. Well....except for those last few kms of the marathon last summer, I confess! Speaking of Boston, I've always had it in the back of my mind, but qualifying at 3:45 (my age group) seems a wee bit unrealistic for me. My goal for the marathon this October is 4:00 (and it is a Boston qualifier). We'll see...


"The miracle isn't that I finished...the miracle is that I had the courage to start" - John "the Penguin" Bingham
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