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Old Fri, Apr-09-04, 12:14
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SuperSue04 SuperSue04 is offline
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Plan: Atkins
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PS--I'd say, regardless of plan, to avoid rice for a few weeks. Honestly, it'll keep your cravings going at first. It kicked my butt. I don't eat any now, and haven't for 3 months! Eventually, I may try it again, but it is a "trigger" food for me, just like pasta. The lc pasta is pretty good IF you cook it the right amount of time and have liberal amounts of sauce, veggies, etc. to go with it. It doesn't taste "fantastic" on its own.

Also, if you find yourself craving fruit, Ketogenics (yellow and green label) makes "fruit smoothies" that are very high in protien and full of great vitamins, etc. Berry Blend is pretty good. I've not tried the other flavors.

Raspberries and Blueberries are also OK, if you limit them, which I find hard.

As for chips, I'd try the Ketogenics BBQ flavor (also high in protein) or make homemade tortilla chips with a lc tortilla.

OH! One more thing I haven't tried but hear is good: Fantastic foods has a new line of lc soups and entrees (things like chili mac) that are vegetarian.

Where do you live? If you are near a big city or a natural grocery, you'll likely find them there.

Good luck!

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