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yabbaranks Fri, Oct-06-17 07:57

How To Prove To Someone That Low Carb Works

Just wondering if there are any reliable (not in it for the money), low carb doctors who I could follow? Also, best sites/articles/data/studies showing low carb works. Science on meat not causing cancer...that kind of thing.

I know some stuff, but not enough when in a heated debate.


p.s. a bit of a fan of Stephen Phinney, Perlmutter and Teicholz...

More recommendations most welcome! thanks :)

Nancy LC Fri, Oct-06-17 09:22

From my experience, any proof in a heated debate is going to be deemed worthless.

khrussva Fri, Oct-06-17 10:01

I find that most people who object my eating a LCHF diet are actually quite misinformed about what I do eat. When I whip out my camera and show them photos of my meals they see that I eat plenty of plant based food and a normal portion size of meat. I point out what they don't see. No grain, no cakes, no cookies, no pasta, no French fries, etc. I tell them that it is what I don't eat that makes me low carb. That usually changes the focus of the conversation. Just the thought of giving up all those carby delights fills them with dread and drains the blood from their face. "Oh, I could never give up XXX".

I used to talk a lot about my diet to anyone who would listen. I haven't won many converts. One benefit I have is that nobody will seriously challenge me for my choices. When you lose more than 200 pound without drugs or surgery you must be doing something right. Results speak louder than words. These days I try to avoid debates. Most people have their minds made up and will not be swayed. I'll answer questions if asked and I'll point them to if they want to know more.

scintillad Fri, Oct-06-17 13:39

My go to Doctor is Dr. Jason Fung. His site has a wealth of information, especially on intermittent fasting. I do one meal a day intermittent fasting and he has a huge section on his website about it. I am an "all or nothing" tpe of person and obviously you can't quit eating cold turkey, but one meal a day intermittent fasting is the closest I can get. I feel so much better, belly fat is down dramatically in less than 2 weeks (I don't weigh more than every 3 months so don't know about the weight yet but size matters more to me) and I am no longer obsessing about food all the time. That was a problem for me even doing low carb religiously. Now I also have the extra money to eat REALLY good food for my one meal a day. I don't squander carbs or calories on food just to fill up. I no longer eat on the run, preferring to wait a little longer in order to actually sit down and enjoy my meal. As to your original question, the only thing I've found to convince anyone else that it works is for them to see the results.

TucsonBill Fri, Oct-06-17 16:44

Um, well in 8 weeks my BG has gone from an average of 250 to an average of 103 and I've lost over 40 pounds so far. I'd say it's working - and I'm by no means the only one...

EDIT: ie for me the proof is in the pudding as they say :)

CMCM Fri, Oct-06-17 20:02

I really like the Diet Doctor site. It's full of great content, always being added to. Dr. Fung has a lot of videos there, special to the site. There are some great recipes that are low carb/very low carb and keto. There are articles as well, and a lot of video interviews about this subject. Also a bunch of movies relating to low carb. Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, who started the site, has no advertising and he doesn't sell anything—he's really devoted to spreading the word about low carb. He originally had only a Swedish site, but later expanded into English. It's well worth checking out because it has so much information and has new incoming info all the's a membership site (basically the cost of two Starbucks cappuccinos per month), but you can see a lot of the content before being a member and I think you can still get a free trial membership as well to see if you like it. I started off testing it out, and have remained a member for almost a year now. It's my favorite site.

As for convincing reluctant others, no can do. People have to be ready to listen in order to hear what you might say. You can't convince anyone who isn't ready. You have to wait for someone to observe your own great results and ask you how you did it. They have to get beyond thinking "Oh, I couldn't possibly give up eating_______(fill in the blank...bread, alcohol, sugar, whatever it may be). I used to be so excited about what I discovered that I wanted to tell others and convince them to eat low carb as well, but before long I realized it was hopeless. They have to come to you willingly and be dying to know how you did it, you just can't impart your newfound wisdom to a still resistant audience. Some people never get to that point, I've realized.

GRB5111 Fri, Oct-06-17 20:44

Like Ken, I avoid debates or even serious responses to the now rare question of whether I've lost weight. My weight loss was 4 years ago, and people have now started getting used to me as is. As for the discussions with sincere people, I give them the "elevator speech" which is a very brief overview of what I find helpful, and point them to the two primary sites I find most useful if they're interested in further investigation. This site is one and is the other.

JEY100 Sat, Oct-07-17 03:44

As others have already written, my go to LC doctor website is DietDoctor. I hand out card with this web address:

That intro page covers all the basics, recipes, has his "food revolution" video, hundreds of success stories in four age gender groups, the science of the diet, etc. so offers everything needed to start learning LC...from science studies in print to simple videos.
In the "top low carb basics video" section of that page, they can watch many talks and interviews with Dr Westman (for locals to me we are primarily talking about his clinic program) This same section also has videos with Dr Phinney, Naiman, Fung, etc. If someone is willing to spend the time learning, that one DietDoctor page has everything, with links to more details if wanted, e.g. Why Fat is healthy. If this extensive one page with all its embedded info still isn't enough, they can email me for favorite books in our library, studies on Keto and cancer, etc.

WereBear Sat, Oct-07-17 07:19

Originally Posted by Nancy LC
From my experience, any proof in a heated debate is going to be deemed worthless.

I am weak with laughter. Sadly so.

My having lost 80 pounds and kept it off since 2003 and not taking any of the medications my peers are loaded up on, all while not dying of "Atkins" is the most convincing thing about me :lol:

Bonnie OFS Sat, Oct-07-17 10:46

As several of you have said, you're the proof it works. While I haven't lost a lot of weight, my bg is down to normal. Ken is so right that when you tell people what you eat & don't eat, they will often say, "I couldn't live without my favorite food!"

What I found out is that I wouldn't live for very long if I continued to eat my high carb favorites. I have new, great tasting, low carb favorites now - butter, eggs, meat, veggies - good stuff. :yum:

locarb4avr Sat, Oct-07-17 12:08

Easy, ask them to try one to two week no carb diet.

Most food has trace of carb. So no carb means trace of carb.

Why no carb? it is easier for newbies to control carb.

Check BMI. If the non believer's BMI is greater than 30, he or she will see the miracle unfold in front of both of you in 1 to 2 weeks.

Most of the weight will be glycogen and water.

Don't forget to video or take picture of the scale.

Best time to measure body weight is 1st thing getting out of the bed after bathroom run.

It would be terrible, if she/he does not continue the no carb, she/he will get the glycogen/water right back plus more.

Originally Posted by yabbaranks

Just wondering if there are any reliable (not in it for the money), low carb doctors who I could follow? Also, best sites/articles/data/studies showing low carb works. Science on meat not causing cancer...that kind of thing.

I know some stuff, but not enough when in a heated debate.


p.s. a bit of a fan of Stephen Phinney, Perlmutter and Teicholz...

More recommendations most welcome! thanks :)

comanchesu Sun, Oct-08-17 17:46

Here's a link to 23 peer reviewed studies.

mike_d Sun, Oct-08-17 19:35

Here is a good example:

yabbaranks Mon, Oct-09-17 04:33

Originally Posted by Nancy LC
From my experience, any proof in a heated debate is going to be deemed worthless.

haha I love this!

Just Jo Mon, Oct-09-17 04:40

Imma huge Atkins 72 fan... since it works for me, I haven't ventured out much to investigate what other doctors have to say.

Don't know if the Low Carb WOE is right for everyone, but I KNOW it's right for me!

As for heated debates about my WOE, I don't get into it b/c I don't really care what other people think! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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