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Demi Fri, Mar-14-14 03:40

Women feel fabulous at fifty!
From The Mail
London, UK
13 March, 2014

Women feel fabulous at fifty! Three quarters say they feel more confident in their fifth decade than they did in their 20s
  • Nearly half (47%) say they are happier with their body now than in their 20s
  • A third have started to workout more in their 50s
  • Many (45%) also ditch diets and calorie counting in their fifth decade
  • Four in ten report life getting less stressful with age

The old saying goes that life begins at 40, but now British women are feeling more fit and fabulous in their fifth decade, it seems.

After a lifetime of diets and body hang-ups, three quarters of women (76 per cent) feel more self-assured in their 50s than they did in their 20s, reveals a new study.

A third in their 50s (36 per cent) are happier than ever with their looks and one in seven (16 per cent) feel fitter and sexier than ever.

In fact, almost half (47 per cent) are so happy they love their body more now than they did in their 20s.

The research, of 40 to 74 year olds, found women in their fifth decade have stopped calorie counting and turned to exercise to stay in shape.

A third of women (33 per cent) have started to work out more in their 50s and 15 per cent are feeling more energised as a result.

Meanwhile, 45 per cent ditched diets for good on turning 50.

What's more, two thirds of women (66 per cent) spend less time and money on personal grooming once they hit 50.

Social worker Elizabeth Chivers, 52, from Nantwich, Cheshire, who took part in the survey, said: 'Reaching the grand age of 50 means I can finally be who I really am without any concerns or worries.

'My fifth decade has given me a whole new approach to my style and taught me to love my body and live life to the full.'

But it's not just their bodies that 50-somethings are learning to love as 55 per cent said they're now in their most satisfying relationship.

A further two thirds (66 per cent) revealed their finances are in their best ever shape and four in ten (41 per cent) said life gets less stressful with age.

A spokesperson for Cotton Traders, who carried out the research, said: 'It really seems that life begins at 50.

'Our customers are more confident, more satisfied in their relationships and living life to the full in their fifth decade.

'Women are older, wiser and happier when they reach 50 and want to dress to impress in flattering outfits.

'Our statistics prove that as you get older you really learn how to define your style and know what flatters your figure.'

deelane Fri, Mar-14-14 08:37

I agree. I am 56 and loving life. Some of the reasons are;
More confidence in my abilities
Greater wisdom
Better and more frequent sex(due to having more time)
Retirement!-yay yay!
Finished paying the mortgage and kids post secondary!
More fun, less stress
More money to buy the clothing I like
A feeling of excitement every day, loving life!

ojoj Fri, Mar-14-14 08:42

I'm 50 and hate it!!! I dont have the same confidence. I may know more, but I've become cynical. I have more ensergy and a better figure than I did when I was in my 20s and 30s and infinitely more energy, but its now old and saggy and I'm left with a feeling of almost anger that I wasnt encouraged to follow low carb eating sooner.

However, I dont go around acting a miserable old lady, I'm a fun loving person on the whole - inspite of my previous comments, but thats how I feel inside!!! It doesnt help that I work within an elderly care agency and see what life might be like just around the corner - zimmer frames, carers, inability to look after ones self.............

Jo xxx

LaughLola Tue, Apr-29-14 16:46

I'll be 50 yo in June and only when I lose some weight will I look forward to this milestone.

I tended to be slim throughout my life until last year; darn menopause and metabolism changes! I can't stand the thought of being an old woman who is chubby. Yes, I wrote 'old' because I feel old compared to those around me.

Chubby 50 is not how I want to view myself and vow to watch my carb intake from now on. Ugh

Nancy LC Tue, Apr-29-14 19:24

If it weren't for my back issues, I'd be feeling fabulous.

creativewa Tue, Dec-15-15 18:41

I am 53 and feel much better then I did in my 20s and 30s. my sex life is much better due to a 32 year old boyfriend. I have less hangups about my body and more confidence. I don't sweat the the small stuff. I have been to 20 countries since my mid 40s. I am so thrilled not to be stuck with kids at home. I LOVE my 50s!!! :thup:

bluesinger Wed, Dec-16-15 07:34

Oh my! You young whipper snappers!

I'm 70 and vaguely remember life at 50. I had just received my certificate in Culinary Arts and was working as the Pantry Chef at Stepps on the Court in downtown Los Angeles. Most people don't know it, but chef work is best suited for 18-year old men. It's unbelievably hard physical labor. Not at all like what you see on television shows. It's working like mad for your shift and then scrubbing the walls and floors before you can go home. It's moving scalding hot fat from the deep fryers to the back and pouring it into barrels to be carted away. Every knee bend, every knife cut, every bit of the "exercise" contributed to my current good health and mobility. That and LC eating.

Yep. By the time you're 70 certain areas sag, but I still have a great figure and, better still, I make it a point to learn something new every day. I get up before dawn every morning and walk at least 2 miles, sometimes more.

Age happens. You can't stop it. All you can do is take responsibility for making your own life happy and healthy. 50 isn't as old as you're gonna get ~ if you're lucky.

cotonpal Wed, Dec-16-15 08:00

Originally Posted by bluesinger
Oh my! You young whipper snappers!

Age happens. You can't stop it. All you can do is take responsibility for making your own life happy and healthy. 50 isn't as old as you're gonna get ~ if you're lucky.

Today happens to be my 67th birthday. I have vague memories of 50 also, different time different place and much less healthy than i am now. Change can happen at any age. I just returned from my morning walk of 3.5 miles which happens most every day. In total I average about 7 miles a day, so this is good. I stick to my low carb diet and I maintain my weight loss without much effort since I now know what to eat and what not to eat, so life is good. Sure there are signs of aging. I can't control that but as Glenda say I can take responsibility for how I live my life day to day.


Nancy LC Wed, Dec-16-15 08:59

Congrats Jean, and happy birthday!

eljohnw Wed, Dec-16-15 10:06

Age is a mind set. I am also 67 and throughout my live I have good and bad period. Right now I am in one of the very good period. Thanks to my LCHF diet all my aches and pains have disappeared. I am retired and spend every morning in the pool. Yes my skin is sagging and I have some wrinkles, but like Churchill said. " Considering the alternative my age feel pretty good "

cotonpal Wed, Dec-16-15 13:23

Originally Posted by Nancy LC
Congrats Jean, and happy birthday!

Thanks Nancy

pazia Sun, Dec-27-15 13:02

Well I'm still in my 50s (barely) and have had to come to terms with some health issues (ditto back issues, joints; LCHF hasn't cleared everything up unfortunately). I was feeling hindered for some time, but finally realized (a) things might not get better (or they might); and (b) I don't want to hold back from pursuing my goals and advancing my career because of it. Others may be judgmental or see physical imperfection, but we live in a throwaway culture and I'm not willing to throw away my aims and ambitions just because I have some physical crap to deal with.

Or as a therapist friend said recently: "The first fifty years is just preparation anyway!"

Just Jo Sun, Dec-27-15 16:22

I :rheart: being in my 50s! I've never felt this healthy or strong ever! I know I wasn't this healthy when I was in my 30s or 40s! So I'm counting the 50s as my new 30s! :D

Most of the credit goes to finally realizing I had an addiction to carb-age and once I figured out all my food related issues, BINGO! Life is fantastic NOW! :agree:

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