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Linsys Fri, Aug-07-09 22:24

I Quit Monday Cold Turkey
So I visited my doctor on 7/27 to get my 30 year old physical... anyway this monday 8/03 I got my results back all and all they weren't bad but the doctor said my "my blood was thick" he explained what it means and said that I really need to cut back on smoking etc, etc, etc,... honestly I've been looking for an excuse with all the working out I've been doing it seemed counter productive to keep smoking so on the way home from the doctor's office I threw the cigs out of my car..

So here it is friday and although this week has had some tough moments it hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought.

pinkmafia Fri, Aug-07-09 23:40

wow its so awesome that u quit and cold turkey too. Damn, you must have some amazing will power, mind if i barrow some :D

Linsys Mon, Aug-10-09 07:03

If I make it through the day it will be an entire week with no smoking!! Man I can tell the difference in my lungs and work outs already!!

What a dirty habit.. also if you are planning to quit DO NOT DRINK I drank with some friends of mine the other night (thank god they don't smoke) and I wanted a cig soo bad it hurt...

My friends wanted to go out and drink but I urged them to stay home, I still don't think I'm strong enough to go out drinking where people are smoking.

sendacow Mon, Aug-10-09 07:32

I was told my blood is thick during company blood donation day...not for smoking but lack of exercise.

Lisa N Wed, Aug-12-09 16:11

Originally Posted by Linsys
If I make it through the day it will be an entire week with no smoking!! Man I can tell the difference in my lungs and work outs already!!

What a dirty habit.. also if you are planning to quit DO NOT DRINK I drank with some friends of mine the other night (thank god they don't smoke) and I wanted a cig soo bad it hurt...

My friends wanted to go out and drink but I urged them to stay home, I still don't think I'm strong enough to go out drinking where people are smoking.

Congratulations! You are past the most difficult part! With the drinking and smoking, it sounds like you've identified one of your triggers; an activity that you used to associate with smoking. The good news is that you usually only need to resist a trigger once or twice and it's broken so you may find that the next time you drink, the urge to smoke won't be there or won't be as strong.
Keep up the quitting, you're doing great!

LMMS Wed, Aug-12-09 17:59

I agree with drinking and smoking. It was a trigger for me so I stay away from alcohol for the most part. Better for dieting anyway. For my mom it was coffee. My dad stayed away from alcohol for 6 weeks and then he went back to his Friday beers with his buddies and he quit smoking Sept. 9, 1986. He was fine after that and his wife smokes.

Well congrats. This month is 2 years smoke free after 22 years. DH quit just 4 months after me. These are the best 2 years yet. I wish I could tell all my smoker friends to just get through the first few days and you will come out on the other side, never wanting a smoke again. I guess you just quit when you want to.

Good luck to all of us quitters!!!!


Mr.Studley Wed, Aug-12-09 20:47

Congrats Linsys. You seem to have it under control. It does get easier with time. I quit using the Chantix drug. It was effective but turned me into an aggressive A$$ hole while on the drug. Quitting is something to be proud of. Quitting cold turkey is awesome!
Edit: My father and grandfather died of lung cancer.

Kisal Thu, Aug-20-09 01:29

How are you doing, Linsys? Just stopping by to cheer you on in your quit! :thup:

Linsys Thu, Aug-20-09 07:52

2 weeks monday, I went out drinking last night with a buddy of mine, we where sitting outside having a few drinks and the bar tender came out to smoke, although there was a small urge to join her it wasn't overwhelming!! Which was pretty exciting for me.

The only issue is my lungs still seem kinda tight in the morning the first 10 minutes of working out usually helps get them back on track but it seems like there is a lot of "gunk" I end up spitting out for like the first hour I am up.. It seems worse then when I was smoking...

Now the rest of the day I am fine its just in the morning.

Kisal Thu, Aug-20-09 10:06

Yes, it was that way for me, as well. Don't let it get you down. It goes away, eventually. :)

I still have occasional trouble with 'morning gunk', but my doctor tells me it's more likely post-nasal drip related to seasonal allergies -- such as pollen -- than it is anything related to having been a heavy smoker for almost 5 decades. :)

You can do this! :cheer: :thup:

Lisa N Thu, Aug-20-09 16:27

Originally Posted by Linsys

The only issue is my lungs still seem kinda tight in the morning the first 10 minutes of working out usually helps get them back on track but it seems like there is a lot of "gunk" I end up spitting out for like the first hour I am up.. It seems worse then when I was smoking...

Now the rest of the day I am fine its just in the morning.

That may go on for a while. Your lungs are beginning the process of healing but that process isn't accomplished in the span of a few weeks. The 'gunk' is your body's way of getting rid of the tar buildup in your lungs and that's a good thing. It can take upwards of 6 months to a year for some for their lungs to recover.
Good job on reaching the 2 week mark! :)

smitch007 Tue, Oct-13-09 17:51

There are over 400 chemicals in SICKERETTS. Detoxing is natural, Congrats on your Quit. I know that you can never take one more puff. It never works out. Watch out for triggers ,like drinkin gamblin , divorce ,death ,job loss,you know the hard stuff life brings. Go to they have a free smoking program and fourms for instant responce to your hard times. You can track your stats .. Smitch007 40087 days smoke free... 80305 sickeretts not smoked and $25.000 saved

mainecyn Wed, Nov-11-09 14:33

I quit cold turkey as well. Congrats, it is one of the hardest things ever to do. I feel better everyday. Emotionally, still difficult.

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