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newland Thu, Aug-16-07 21:57

Zone Diet and Calories
I'm very much interested in the Zone diet because it seems to me the best diet around representing the perfect balance between high-carb and low-carb between excessive meat consumption and vegan between extreme stricteness and wild indulgence between macronutrients-obsession and micronutrients-importance.

Not to mention that on the web there are a lot more success testimonials of people of all ages (including children) than all the other diets combined. However, for those of you who understand the Zone diet, I'm still confused by something.

I just turned 18 and I'm underweight and I'm male.
I'm also not very healthy and my main problem is fatigue and exhaustation, I'm always (especially after a meal) tired, sleepy, weak, spacey and often too tired to do anything. Anyway, I clearly need to gain weight muscle possibly.

The Zone diet just seem too low in calories.

Even for dieters!

People who need to lose weight are told to never go below the 1500 calories but the 11 blocks suggested by the Zone are just 900 calories!
Sears says that pregnant women needs to up their blocks to 14, but that's just 1200 calories while pregnant women may need even 2600 calories.

As for me, experts say that a boy may age that needs to gain weight needs on average 2500 calories. This is like 28 blocks!

There are other two important facts about the Zone.

1) The Zone is said to be achieved by respecting the radio of 40/30/30
2) The allowed carbs are fruits and vegetables

This is a problem because when you consumed 28 blocks or 2500 calories you are also consuming 200 grams of protein (which even considering the 1g per 1lb of lean body weight seems an awful lot) and also 252 grams of carbohydrates.

But considering that an apple is just 15 grams of carbs and a cup of broccoli is just 3 grams of carbs I would need to eat 84 cups of broccoli !!! or 20 pieces of fruits to get enough carbohydrates !!!

The other alternative is to consumed less carbs, less protein and more fat but that would result in a Zone diet which is 20/10/70 instead of 30/40/40 where carbs would be less than proteins and this is what Sears advises against.

So, what someone who wants the benefit of the Zone diet but don't want to lose weight and don't want to waste away must do to be in the Zone?

Thanks a lot

LoveMyGSDs Fri, Aug-17-07 10:43

I don't really think this is the best board for you to ask that question. If I were you, I'd check out a good bodybuilders forum, which will also focus on nutrition, and ask about a good bulking diet. Try:


newland Fri, Aug-17-07 16:22

Originally Posted by LoveMyGSDs
I don't really think this is the best board for you to ask that question. If I were you, I'd check out a good bodybuilders forum, which will also focus on nutrition, and ask about a good bulking diet. Try:


Thanks, but i don't want to bodybuild.
I'm just underweight and need to gain some weight to be "normal" not "gross" and "huge". After all this is not a weight loss forum, just a low/moderate carb diets forum. By the way I have been to bodybuilder forums and in my experience the majority of them are cynical arrogant aggressive as if the more muscle they put on the more sensitivity and humanity they lose in the process. If I posted there they would laugh at me for such a request :(

mailbean Fri, Aug-17-07 20:38

The Zone is low in calories because it is a weight loss diet, as most diet plans are. I think you might be looking in the wrong direction by focusing on diet plans geared toward weight loss.

What you need to do to gain weight is eat more calories and lift weights. Make sure you get enough protein.

You will not get "huge and gross" without a whole lot of intensive training. If you don't overdo it with the exercise, you will put on some lean muscle but you will not get huge.

Don't worry so much about the percentages in your diet. Just make sure you're eating enough and getting enough protein to rebuild your muscles after your workout.

I would advise putting aside your preconceptions of bodybuilders and ask them for help. They aren't going to laugh at you. They get those kinds of questions all the time. Just try not to use terms like "gross" to refer to muscular people. Tell them that you're underweight and would like to put on a little muscle without getting huge.

newland Sat, Aug-18-07 20:20

Originally Posted by mailbean
The Zone is low in calories because it is a weight loss diet, as most diet plans are. I think you might be looking in the wrong direction by focusing on diet plans geared toward weight loss.

But both Sear and the Zoners say that The Zone diet is NOT a weight loss diet.
It is considered a "plan for life" and in fact even those starting as overweight ans losing weight are supposed to remain on the Zone for the whole maintenance fase. The Zone is also suggested to children, teens and athletes and its main objective is to make you feel better and less tired not to make you lose weight.

Mitra Mon, Aug-20-07 01:10

I could never understand the calorie levels of the Zone, either. When I looked at it, the calculations said I'd be eating 800 kcals. I didn't want to lose any more weight, and was maintaining on at least twice that. Maybe the numbers fit some body sizes/types better than others?

Terry-24 Mon, Aug-27-07 12:06

Originally Posted by newland
I'm very much interested in the Zone diet because it seems to me the best diet around representing the perfect balance between high-carb and low-carb between excessive meat consumption and vegan between extreme stricteness and wild indulgence between macronutrients-obsession and micronutrients-importance.
I just turned 18 and I'm underweight and I'm male.
I'm also not very healthy and my main problem is fatigue and exhaustation, I'm always (especially after a meal) tired, sleepy, weak, spacey and often too tired to do anything. Anyway, I clearly need to gain weight muscle possibly.

Good for you for starting some research into nutrition. Where are you in the process? You've read Sears' book(s) and others as well? You've read reviews of the diets? You've tracked your own eating behavior with or another food tracker?
The Zone diet just seem too low in calories.
This is a commonly raised point in the review literature.
From the Zone Living site:
Meals for Males
At each meal consume approximately:
15 grams of fat
30 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
45 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)

Snacks for Males
At each snack consume approximately:
3 grams of fat
6 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
9 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)
The 1-2-3 method is an easy way to make sure you get the right balance of fat, protein and carbohydrates to “turn on” a fat-burning metabolism and satisfy hunger at the same time.

Remember, the above numbers are approximate. So don’t worry about being 100% precise. Hunger control between meals and how your clothes fit are your best barometers for success.

So with 3 meals and 2 snacks, you’ve got a minimum of 1478 calories. That's low and you'd be very unlikely to gain weight.
From just a sample review at AOL Body
But one of the Zone's biggest flaws is that it claims that following the 40-30-30 plan may do a variety of things besides help you lose weight, from decreasing your risk of developing cancer, heart disease and other major ailments to improving athletic performance. Unfortunately, according to experts, there isn't much scientific research beyond the testimonials Sears himself has rounded up over the past decade to back up these claims. That means dieters looking to the Zone as a one-stop solution to all of their health concerns may be sadly disappointed.

Is the diet healthy?

Yes and no. The Zone definitely encourages dieters to eat plenty of fiber-packed vegetables and fruits, as well as healthy Omega-3 fats and lean meats. Plus, it requires dieters to eat small meals five times daily, which many dietitians recommend to help keep blood sugar levels steady. However, the diet doesn't stress eating dairy products, which is why some nutritionists find it lacking in certain minerals and vitamins, such as Vitamin D, Vitamin E and calcium, among others. The limited amount of daily carbohydrates allowed can also leave you feeling less energized during the day, making it difficult to incorporate exercise into your weight-loss plan.

What do the experts say?

"On the Zone diet, eating becomes more of a calculated approach rather than a pleasurable approach," says Susan Moores, M.S., R.D., spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. "When you turn your meals into a math problem that requires very precise calculations, you definitely lose some of the joy that should be a part of eating healthy, especially if you plan on eating healthy long-term," she says. Moores also believes that the low daily calorie intake that (which ranges from 1,200 to 1,500) may not be enough. "It's very difficult to get all the nutrients you need on a 1,200 to 1,500-calorie diet, although it can be done with some outside help, such as supplements," says Moores, "Because the Zone is intended to be a life-long eating plan and not just a temporary means of losing weight, this imbalance of nutrients could become a larger issue down the road if dieters aren't aware of what nutrients they may be lacking."

So let's blow the "blocks" and go with the 2500 calories you mention:
As for me, experts say that a boy may age that needs to gain weight needs on average 2500 calories. This is like 28 blocks!
So, what someone who wants the benefit of the Zone diet but don't want to lose weight and don't want to waste away must do to be in the Zone?

Check my math?
2500 calories divided into 40%carb: 30%protein: 30% fat
1000 calories = 250g carbs
750 calories = 187.4g protein
750 calories = 83.3g fat
That's relatively low-fat, but you can work out a variety of foods with it. It would provide the calories you aim for. It's do-able. Still, I'd have reservations for you. I'm not dissing it, but you do need to put more work into meal preparation with the Zone than with most other approaches to nutrition.

So, what did you have breakfast today?


CarolCA Wed, Oct-17-07 10:58

1 block should equal 91 calories.

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