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Chozen1 Sat, Apr-07-07 23:19

Ok, This is it!!
Hi everyone & congrats to all of you that have kicked the habit! Getting ready to go to bed and when I get up in the more smokes for me. I have to do this. I am soooo tired of these things controling almost everything I do....jeez, seems like my car won't even start unless I have a cigarette!! The habits are the same for me as everyone else, driving, on the phone, after meals,first thing when I get up, last thing before bed. It's just gross! I am doing this cold turkey as I feel it's the only way I can do it, don't wanna prolong it with NRT. I'm just soooo afraid of failing, even as bad as I want it and am ready. Say a prayer for me, k? Thanks alot!!!!



Lisa N Tue, Apr-10-07 15:49

Hey, Dena!

Congrats on making the decision to quit! :thup:
Check back often and let us know how you're doing! :)

camaromom Tue, Apr-10-07 16:58

Hey Dena,
I wish you the best of luck. I'm trying the same thing. I HAVE to quit by Thursday. I've scheduled my tummy tuck and Dr said no cigarettes 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after. I want the tummy tuck so there goes the cigarettes. Hang in there. We can do this.

Lisa N Tue, Apr-10-07 17:58

Camaromom, if you can make it 4 weeks without Nicotine, you can make it the rest of your life (that, and your skin will really thank you for getting rid of the nicotine!).
Sounds like you found your motivation. :thup:

nole1984 Tue, Apr-10-07 20:02

Congrats on your decision to quit!

Chozen1 Tue, Apr-10-07 21:27

Thank You! I'm done......This was definately an answered prayer. I had tried so many times but found it impossible as I am one of those weird people who 'liked' to smoke. This time I guess I wanted to quit bad enough, it was far too easy...I don't get it??? Thank You Jesus!!!!!!!!

Hugs, Dena! congrats on the tummy tuck! I agree with Lisa, if u can go that long....give it up! We're pullin 4 ya! :cheer: Best of luck!!!

camaromom Thu, Apr-12-07 06:16

Help! I'm struggling. I guess the motivational factor isn't helping too much. I bummed two cigs yesterday and I think I'm going crazy so far today. My poor kids.

I didn't even stop at the gas station this morning to get my usual diet coke b/c I was afraid I'd break down.

Chozen1 Thu, Apr-12-07 10:37

Oh Girl! I know the feeling......I screwed up this morning myself, physical therapy for my back almost killed me, or so I thought...pain, pain, pain!! Anyway, as soon as I got home, I smoked. Only able to take a drag or two before feeling lightheaded and blah....but still, i thought I needed it. My husband still smokes so they're always here if I need one before committing a homicide!!! LOL . The first few days seemed far too easy, but the longer I go without one, the more I want one??? Isn't that backwards?? Smelling them doesn't help either, although he smokes outside but just being out & about smelling everyone else's makes me want one........Just try to stay strong and find something to keep busy. It's very hard but we CAN do this!! :)

Best of luck,


camaromom Thu, Apr-12-07 14:03

I never crave things like chips, brownies, potatoes, or bread, but let me tell you right now I could eat a whole bag of chips, an entire pan of brownies, and a whole loaf of bread. Maybe I should just cancel my surgery, because I'm not sure that I want to have it if I gain 20 pounds between now and the 26th.

FabByFifty Thu, Apr-12-07 14:19

DON'T DO IT!! You can do this!:) Get some water and drink it till you have no cravings for anything!! Hang in there girl, you have made a GREAT choice in life, for your health and your future!
You can do this, the cravings for the food and the ciggs. will go. Just be strong!:)
Good Luck to you with everything that you have going on.

FabByFifty Thu, Apr-12-07 14:23

OH, once you quit, don't do it just for the surgery. Do it for those kids that you are feeling for now. They will survive this, and so will you.:) Do it for life!!!!
I will be back soon, and once you pass all of this you can help me OK?:)
go register on this site. It will help you, I promise!
Good Luck
Stay away from the gas stations, and stores until this passes. Send your husband.

FabByFifty Thu, Apr-12-07 14:29

I am sorry! Hang in there Chozen1 You can do this too. Congrats on your conviction!
You have made a wise choice girl! :thup:

Lisa N Thu, Apr-12-07 15:46

Yes, you can both do this! Find something to keep yourself busy and your mind off smoking. The cravings will pass....really.

The first few days seemed far too easy, but the longer I go without one, the more I want one??? Isn't that backwards??

Typically, cravings peak at 72 hours into withdrawal when the nicotine is completely out of your bloodstream and then decrease each day after that.

camaromom Thu, Apr-12-07 17:10

I just told hubby that the eight pound rule is in effect. If my weight goes up eight pounds or more because of this I'm buying cigarettes and cancelling the surgery if need be. I WON'T be fat again. I'm miserable today anyway because I had a bike accident 4-1 and I have a splitting headache and neck and shoulder pain and I want a cigarette.

Chozen1 Thu, Apr-12-07 18:40

Thanks, I'm doing better. Just the few 'drags' I had this morning after physical therapy. I'm amazed at how rude and insensitive people are around me that KNOW I quit so recently and ask STUPID questions or make ignorant remarks like..." oh! doesn't it smell good?" or "you know you want one"...Jeez! Are you kidding me???? :mad: umm, no it doesn't smell good actually.....and when ur carrying that oxygen tank around with u in a few years, I'll ask...doesn't it smell good???? Sorry...... that wasn't very nice but this is VERY hard and I surely don't need that kind of help...some of this rudeness is coming from my FAMILY!!! Can ya believe that? Anyway, thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciate it. :)

Good luck camaromom, it's tough, especially doing both at the same time, I knew I had to start low carb 1st because I was afraid of gaining a bunch of weight when I quit smoking as so many do. I can/will do this and so can you. Hang in there!!!!!! :agree:

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