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Gemmafafen Thu, Feb-09-06 06:07

Buying Stevia in the UK????
Hi Uk low carbers.

I have been looking for Stevia (sweetner derived from the plant) but I cannot seem to find it.

Does anybody know where I maight be able to purchase some and if not in the shops then online???
Does it cost a fortune???

Also, I have heard it is illegal in the UK, is that really true? Is that why I cannot find it?? Can I buy it from abroad and not be liable for prosecution??



greannmhar Thu, Feb-09-06 07:59

Gemma, I buy Stevia online all the time - ebay UK is a great way to get it and there are some herbal places in US that deliver here, too - some other supplements are a lot cheaper from US, so you can make a big order to maximise postage.
Technically, as far as I know, it IS a banned substance, for no good reason imo (apart from commercial interests masquerading as concern for long term studies). It's POSSIBLE that it could be seized by customs, but not likely, I imagine. It's not expensive ( a concentrated 1 oz that lasts months costs about £6) and it works really well in everything - if you want a link, let me know.

Demi Thu, Feb-09-06 10:51

I hadn't thought of using eBay to buy Stevia ~ great idea :thup:

If it's any help this site will ship it to the UK

This is the official take on why it's not available in the UK and Europe ~ though I'm sure, as greannmhar has already said, that the ban has more to do with commercial interests than anything else.

Gemmafafen Fri, Feb-10-06 08:29

Thank you Babs and Demi for your responses.

I read the link provided by Demi on reasons why it isn't allowed- may affect male fertility- phssssssssssst, yeah ok, it smacks of SCAM to me- although, what do I know, I am one of those annoying students who finds scams in all government forces. But honestly, really- please!!!! That old fertility scare- surely the human race would be coming to an end if we really took that crap on board- especially for the boys- and toxicity scares- I'm sorry- I'm still
going to try and obtain it. Silly EU, because sugar and soy doesn't go hand in hand with cancer, diabetes, hormone inbalances, heart disease- to name a few!!!

Babs- I'd love your link to the supplier you use.Please.

Thank you Demi for routing out that piece of lunchtime amusemement.

I say bring on the Stevia and lets see if I die of toxicity (is weight loss a sure sign of toxicity???? Cos thats one symptom I do have- oh and incereased energy, shiny hair, strong nails........).


greannmhar Fri, Feb-10-06 10:13

My most recent purchase was from - but be careful, the postage fee they charge seems to be augmented by another one levied by the carriers. I couldn't get any decent explanation for this, except something vaguely to do with customs duty (on a banned item lol). I've tried 2 different Stevia brands (Now and NuStevia), both of which were great. An earlier purchase (Stevita) was a tad bitter, but ok I suppose, though I prefer the other two.
I have however, recently found a supplier who advertises on ebay ( tem) and I intend to get from them the next time, although I'm torn by the good supplement offers on iherb - decisions, decisions! Another option is to buy from, especially if you want to get a shed load of other wonderful LC stuff, but the postage and duty is hefty to UK - do you know any other LCers who could chip in in order to bulk buy?

Gemmafafen Sun, Feb-12-06 17:53

hey Babs,

do you know any other LCers who could chip in in order to bulk buy?

No, unfortunatley I don't- is that what you do??

Maybe I should advertise in my uni newspaper :lol:- hmmm bet that would go down a treat!!! The healthy eating mentality of UEA students is still very much set in their tofu and rice- no meat health kick. I am quiet alone in my anti-sugar rants :lol:

I found the ebay advertisement for stevia products too whilst searching after your first response.
I entered all my details to purchase some liquid extract stuff but there was a problem with my card- they didn't accept it :(
It's a Maestro one and with a student overdraft to it but nothing else- they had cards under names I had never heard of before and assume it is a translantic discrepancy. I have asked my internet savvy friend to try and work it out for me- if not I may contact them as the P&P looked quite resonable.

Please let me know if you do order from the e-bay advertisers.



greannmhar Sun, Feb-12-06 20:45

Like you, Gemma, I am a pioneer for LC in my area! Two of my grown-up children eat mostly LC, but one still lives at home and has to be bought FOR, while the other lives in a flat and pretends to share the postage (but often forgets to pay for anything :)).
That's a shame about the credit card - I hope you get it sorted. Shopping online is about the only way for us pioneers to get the ingredients we need.

Mitra Mon, Mar-06-06 08:15

I've bought stevia in the UK from Alan Godshaer Apparently it is legal for herbalists to sell it as a health aid. I must admit I haven't used it much: I'm just used to eating most things without sweetening these days.

Rheneas Mon, Mar-06-06 12:45

You could get a plant from the garden centre and grow your own. They are legal.

Magitek Sun, May-14-06 06:05

Don't use stevia on a low carb diet.

One of our aims is the minimize insulin secretions due to the negative effects on our body. Well stevia stimulates the pancreas to release insulin.

Xylitol, the kind you get in those scam low carb bars, is the opposite while it doesn't promote an insulin response it still has calories that acts as a carbohydrate.

Here is a link by the way:

liddie01 Sun, May-14-06 06:14

I have been using stevia, because it does not have the chemical aftertaste i get from a lot of artificial sweetners, and i am loosing still.

Elizellen Wed, May-31-06 05:39

I bought some stevia from godshaer - who lives local to us - but really havent had much success with using it in recipes.

Can anyone tell me how much they use of it - I bought the liquid variety.

Gemmafafen Sun, Jun-04-06 03:54

I found liquid Hermestas in my local pharmacy- it's a liquid sweetner, pretty potent stuff, only £3 a bottle, I bought some yesterday and popepd a drop in my devilled eggs.

Good stuff and not illegal or internet only stuff.


Stardust Sun, Jun-04-06 04:16

Funny that it's not approved by the EU, but I am able to order it online within Sweden. I don't understand how all this red tape works, but that's okay. I'm able to get Stevia! lol

liddie01 Sun, Jun-04-06 06:25

I use it to sweeten my tea, and also in some recipes I got in Kevin Pa's thread, and in some of my lo carb books, as the the release of insulin, I read the thread it said " stevioside enhances insulin secretion from mouse pancreatic islets in the presence of glucose." Since I avoid glucose it should not be a problem.

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