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oldie Sat, Jun-14-03 17:24

any retired people out there??
Help, any real oldies out there. I've got kids who nearly qualify for the other oldie threads. There must be others out there who have not given up when they reach 65. I'm 72 and there are different challenges in life and weight loss than when I was 50.
My kids think my new WOE is great, but I'd love to be able to participate more fully in this forum. My husbands health is not the best, so gym is not really an option. I have a treadmill at home, and am getting middle aged kids to bring up their redundant exercise equipment. My joints get a bit stiff, but I'm making my contribution to the walk around the world thread in TDC.
My typing skills are not the best, I've been on a course on computers and have learnt heaps but still need help sometimes. So I may not reply until I've got someone to type for me, but I will appreciate any contact.

jodarby Fri, Sep-05-03 09:33

Hi, Oldie: I was beginning to think I was the only realy "oldie" on this forum. I am 66 years old, live in Kitchener, Ontario (Canada). Our stats look fairly similar. Started at 230 on June 23rd, and now at 214, which I have been for three weeks now. My goal was to get to 200 by the end of September, but it doesn't look like I will be making that goal.

However, I'm feeling great! Blood pressure better than it's been in years and blood tests are excellent. I'm finding the Atkins diet easy to do, no hunger, and no cravings.

I look forward to having a buddy to share our successes with!

Take care and have a good day.

loufull019 Mon, Sep-15-03 07:52

Hi Oldie,
My name is Louise and I live in Québec, Canada. I am 65 and doing Atkins since April 2003. I lost 18 pounds, but my goal is not reach yet. Reading this forum has really help me, because I wanted to quit every week, but I am very happy to see that I am not the only "Oldie". Presently, I have difficulties with my bowels movements. I have re-introduced fruits (I will be over my carb counts for a while) and I am waiting to see if it will work. Anybody with the same problem? Any ideas? I have tried psyllium. That does not work.

BKM Mon, Sep-15-03 16:40

what seems to be working for me (hopefully it'll continue...):

1/2 cup low-carb cereal - instant hot, flax meal with cinnamon and spices (1 ECC)
2 tablespoons flax seed
about 6 ounces cut up peaches/strawberries/blackberries
1/2 container Blue Bunny sugar-free yogurt

Although the carb count is higher than I want (22 ECC when counting my coffee and half-&-half), it seems to be working well for me -- of course, I'm not exactly losing any weight, but I plan to continue tweaking my diet....

loufull019 Mon, Sep-15-03 17:16

Hi Bonnie, thank you for the recipe. I will surely try it. The only problem for people like me who lives in Canada, it is expensive to buy LC products. But since I am tented for awhile to try the faxmeal it is pushing me ahead to buy it and try it. I hope my english is not too bad. I have been raised in french in Montréal.


BKM Tue, Sep-16-03 08:09

Hi Louise,

If you can't find the cereal in a local store, look at Netrition -- the brand is Low Carb Success, and they have several cereal flavors listed (I like the butter pecan and cinnamon & spice - they're listed at $5.03 / bag, and each bag is good for 10 servings.

I really like the site -- no matter how much you order, the shipping is $4.99 (U.S. - don't know what the shipping is to Canada) -- and their prices are really good, I buy my low-carb bread mixes and cereal from them -- and DaVinci syrups, etc., etc. I think that when you order chocolate products, they ship it with ice and the shipping goes way up -- a big problem for those of us here in sunny Austin Texas :roll:

And don't ever worry about yuor command of the English language -- I know zilch French! I really admire those who are bilingual! :wiggle:

ragdoll Tue, Sep-16-03 12:14

I have just found this thread and have no idea what I am doing or how to do it. But I am 61 and maybe this is where I belong. Just don't know what I am to do. Tell me what you post on this thread. I live in MS and FL and an female and ?

4mrslucky Wed, Sep-17-03 09:01

Hi Ragdoll and Oldie, I am new also. I am 60 and have a 20 year old grandaughter. I can relate to everyone here. The body just doesn't want to work like it used to. I live in NW WA. Hope to chat with everyone often. :wiggle:

loufull019 Wed, Sep-17-03 10:35

Hi everybody, I am new at this (forum, at the beginning I use to read only and not write, I guess I was a little shy). I have been so supported by people on this thread, that I want to encourage everybody to exercise. I'm just coming back from the gym and I feel great. It is important for us "oldie" to exercise (wheter at the gym or at home). Beside loosing weight, my blood pressure went down also. I am very happy with the results. I will see my doctor in November I hope he will be happy too.

Louise (loufull019)

Brvida Mon, Sep-29-03 10:12

I was just about to start a new thread asking if there were any retirees anywhere...I am so happy to find this thread. I am 66 yrs, retired, started Atkins in June. My oldest grandchild is 14 so guess 4Mrslucky started her family at an earlier age than I did. Mind you, with starting later, I did catch up fast. Had twins when married 11 months and another one before the twins were 20 months. It's great now tho. We share a home with our son and his wife and all four of us are doing Atkins with success. My daughter in law plans and cooks the meals, I clean up afterwards. It works for us.

jodarby Mon, Sep-29-03 10:25

Hi, Bvida

Welcome, fellow Ontarian. I also am 66 years old, and my oldest gandchild is 12 and also started Atkins in June. It looks like you've been doing fantastically. And having all that support at home must be great as well. I envy you having someone else plan and cook your meals. I would gladly clean up afterwards :)

I have managed to take off 20 lbs since starting Atkins in June. However, I seem to be on a plateau at the moment, and haven't seen the scale move for three weeks. However, there have been a lot of positive changes--one being that my blood pressure is better than it's been in 10 years; cholesterol and all that stuff is great. I now bend down and do up my showlaces very easily (just noticed that the other day), and when coming home on the train last week, I just automatically crossed my legs. Then I thought..I haven't been able to do that for a while.

I unpacked my winter clothes this morning and had to put a number of things in a bag to go to the Salvation Army. At the same time, I tried on all my summer things befoe packing them away, and had to get rid of several things as well. Some things were loose and I was tempted to get rid of them, but then I thought that it would be good to open that box next summer and find that they're all too big for me! That will surely feel good.

So, during those times when the scales aren't showing any movement, I'm finding that there are lots of positive rewards on this woe as well.

You are right, there is a lot of support here, even if you lurk around reading. But it is fun to participate.

jodarby Mon, Sep-29-03 10:30

lol :) That second sentence makes it sounds like my 12-year-old grandchild started Atkins in June. Not so!! I started Atkins in June. (Just thought I'd clarify)::)


Brvida Mon, Sep-29-03 12:56

Hi Darby -

Thought the idea of storing your summer clothes for next summer so you can see where you WERE and where you are at that time, was great.

I know what you mean about being able to cross your legs without thinking about it. It is a great feeling.

Keep up the good work and keep in touch.


ALEKA Wed, Oct-15-03 20:04

Well,:yay: Hello Oldie, Jodarby, Louise, Bonnie,Ragdoll, 4Mrs.Luckey, and Brivida. Well--It looks like I am the new gal on the block in this group. How are all of you doing? Looks like you have found yourself a really comfortable place on the forum to talk. Well--I am Alice--I am 63Y.O. and I am a retired Rn. Have been out of the field so long that I am constantly having to ask people what new meds are etc., My husband is a retired Manager from Ameritect and neither of us have been in the best of health but we are hanging in there. I live in southern Illinois about 60 miles east of St. Louis, but am originally from northern Illinois. I have lost about 29 pounds since joining this way of eating(WOE) and 19 inches. I do highly recommend that each of you do your measurements as well as weight because during the times that I have not been losing weight--My inches have been dropping. I want to wish each one of you good luck in your weight loss venture and stop by my journal and say hello whenever you feel like it. Everybody on this forum loves to meet new people so don't be shy. Alice:wiggle:

mem2 Fri, Oct-17-03 18:49

Hi there Y'all.
I'm not retired, but I wanna be. I have worked as an
RN for almost 40 yrs. I'm 63 as of Sept. 11 (yes, I now
have a famous birthday.) I am happy to find this forum
and think I can relate to you folks better than to those
youngsters. Please drop by my journal anytime. I want
and need friends. I'm glad you had the courage to start
lo carbing at this stage in your life, and that goes for me
too. I have been a carb addict all my life and never wanted
to admit it. I owe Robert Atkins a great debt of gratitude.

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