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Jac74 Thu, May-29-03 10:22

Binge eating disaster
:D Hi everyone
I have been following Atkins for 3 months now with no slip ups, but have recently had one very bad week :cry: Full blown binge episodes for 7 days!
I do not dare step on the scales for fear of what it might say. I have shaken myself out of it today :clap: but will need lots of support to keep on track for the first couple of weeks especially. I am going to stick with Atkins for the rest of my life-as I used to be (famous last words) a carb addict who could eat a loaf of bread and packet of biscuits as an appertizer in one of my countless binge episodes.
Is there anyone else out there who struggles with binge eating? I seemed to have it under control completely when following Atkins, but then I started introducing too many sugar free chocolates and low carb breads, abused them, and ended up where I am now-nearly back to sqaure one!
Look forward to hearing from someone :)

AlluraD Thu, May-29-03 10:55

Hi~ Welcome to the forum~
This is a great place for both wisdom and support.
That is pretty much it with Atkins...........sticking to plan keeps it easy to follow..........lots of people, me included, either stall when eating the chocolates /sweets and frankenfoods, or go crazy and binge on junk.........they say that the taste is just like sugar and sets off a response in the body that triggers cravings and sets off the insuline response. I was loosing great last year till I "discovered" the lc candy bars........big mistake that I just can't deal with.
For me, sticking to "real" food is best.
Hope the day is going well for you......feel free to visit my journal.........will be glad to offer any help I can~

Jac74 Fri, May-30-03 06:28

Thanks for the warm welcome Allura! :) I'm on my second day of binge free eating and feeling totally in control. :thup: No more lc chocs or breads for me! At leats not until something really special comes along-like Christmas perhaps. And then I'll only buy a limited amount, not a boxful! ;)
Hope you are having a great day! :roll:

Dodger Sun, Jun-01-03 20:25

I've been immune to binging until the last two weeks. I weighted myself and had a 6 lb. gain in two weeks. That has movtivated me to just say no to those high carb foods.


RD64 Mon, Jun-02-03 03:52

Hello and I can relate binge eating. I'm sorta new to this but one thing I can tell you is don't avoid the scale! Get on it and weigh yourself. That way you won't be fooling yourself that things are OK.


JeannieF Mon, Jun-02-03 05:45

Support from me
Yep, I agree. Get on the scale. You need to see what this eating has done in your fat cells. Important to know cause and effect to help you avoid it.

I too had a binge (just yesterday) and went wacko on carbs for one day. I gained 2 lbs in that one day.

My husband (also following low carb) also had a bad day yesterday. It was his birthday and we attended a catered function...

Anyhooot -- He also gained 2 lbs in one day.
Needless to say, seeing those 2 lbs back is enough to motivate me right back on track.

Good luck. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!


cs_carver Mon, Jun-02-03 12:11

Avoiding binges
>>At leats not until something really special comes along-like Christmas perhaps. And then I'll only buy a limited amount, not a boxful!


Every time I've "slipped" off every program I've done, it's been a small, innocuous start. Last time I un-quit smoking, I didn't BUY a whole carton of cigarettes, in the beginning. I bummed one. That was ok. Probably a week before I bummed another. By the end of the next week, I was going to places where I knew people would be smoking. THEN I bought the carton, and it was six months before I could quit again.

There is nothing so "special" to risk my long-term health and well-being over.

It'll be different next time? Why?

Sorry if this is a little strong-arm.

AlluraD Mon, Jun-02-03 12:17

The path towards wellness........whatever you want to call a long one.............with ups and's about learning your patterns, how you react to things, what works for you and what doesn't and then taking those lessons and incorporating them into your lifestyle till they become habit.
Wishing you every success~

oregano Mon, Jun-02-03 12:42

Hi Jac,

I totally know where you're coming from with the bingeing. I just realized lately that I'm a true addict, and even one bite can lead me to a major binge, so I'm not cheating. I plan to not cheat for the rest of my life, but what that really means to me is to not cheat TODAY. If I can get through today, that's all that matters.

Best of luck to you in your recovery -- you have lots of support here!

Jac74 Mon, Jun-02-03 13:25

Thanks all for your advice! I have been back on track for 5 days now, but today I nearly talked myself into buying a sugar free bar of chocolate. BUT I didn't! :cheer: I just thought of how it would make me feel, and realized that it's got no nutrients in it whatsoever anyway. I shall be avoiding them in all quantities from now on!

tagcaver Fri, Jun-13-03 10:54

binge eating

I suffer from binge eating disorder. It can be really scary and frustrating.

I have been on and off Atkins since last summer. In June last year I started the diet and bought all the vitamins and supplements. I started at about 142 lbs and lost down to around 127. It was fairly easy, and I worked out a few times a week at the gym. When school started in August (I'm a teacher) my free time shrank drastically. We adopted new science textbooks, so I had lots of extra time spent in adapting my lessons to the new books. I also was a "coach" for our FIRST Robotics team, which started around the middle of November with after school meetings. From January to April I was spending at least 20 hours a week involved with the team (we had to design, build, and test a robot in six weeks, then do other tasks to ready for the 3 competition trips).

Anyway, time to exercise went out the window, and my eating was hit or miss. As a result I gained all lost weight back.

During that time I started Induction again several times, and would do okay for about a week and a half, but then would go on a super binge for several days. I would even go to the trouble of going to several different stores and buying just a few things at each, so no one would know how much junk food I was purchasing. And I would go home and eat until I was ill. A few days later I would do it all again. All the time I was bingeing I would think "I'll get back on track again just after this binge is over." But it didn't seem to work.

On May 29th I started on Atkins again, and have been regularly going to the gym. I have not had any urge to attack junk food, and have even been offered all kinds of high carb foods (even chocolate, which is my major weakness), and been able to resist. I have been losing weight (136.5 this morning) and feel great.

The only thing that I can think of that is different (other than being out of the stress-school environment) is that I have started back with supplements. I had quit taking L-glutamine, L-carnitine, and chromium during the school year, for no particular reason other than too busy to buy new supplies. But I have been taking 1500 mg of both L-carnitine and L-glutamine (500 mg 3x day) and also 200 mcg of chromium picconolate. I know that L-glutamine is supposed to reduce carbohydrate cravings. Perhaps this is why I failed with the carb cravings during the school year and am doing well now.

You might check into the supplements idea, and see if they might help your bingeing. Meanwhile, good luck with the LC eating!


trueb123 Sat, Aug-28-04 02:24

I can totally relate to all you binge eaters out there. wow im so amazed at all the great stories and info i am finding at this sight. i have looked online so much but not once found a site with so many people like me.
ive been struggling with Binge eating and an eating disorder for almost 5 years now. it scares me to hear about failed LCing because im so worried this will just be another eating disorder trap for me. I hope not ??

I just have to say that you're not alone, and for once I dont feel alone! so thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your stories! id like to get started on LCing WOE but i cant seem to get that PUSH start!! any help?! any advice?? i want to work out a lot and gain a lot of muscle, losing weight, but i cant seem to get a diet down that allows me enough energy to go work out. i usually get stuck with not eating till way late, binge eating till i cant stop (then i sure dont wanna make it to the gym and feel worse). i cant get it right. Good luck to everyone and please help and feel free to write me!!

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