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lillalilly Fri, Feb-03-12 09:08

Vegetarian Low carb pinterest board
Hello everyone, I'm still fairly new here, but I wanted to let you all know that I started a vegetarian low carb pinterest board. I'll warn you now that there is a lot of dishes with legumes and quinoa, but for those on ultra low carb plans, I'm sure those things can be substituted out.

Check it out, follow along, repin if you like, and let me know what you think.

Emy80 Mon, Feb-06-12 16:56

Thanks Lillalilly, it looks beautiful - but how do I access the recipes?

lillalilly Sat, Feb-11-12 10:58

Originally Posted by Emy80
Thanks Lillalilly, it looks beautiful - but how do I access the recipes?

Click on the one you like and you will see a bigger version of the image. Then click on that big image. You should be taken to the page where the recipe is after that.

Shuli Tue, Feb-28-12 05:29

Great idea! Off to check some of the recipes. Thanks for posting this!

gonwtwindo Sun, Mar-18-12 13:40

What would you suggest substituting legumes and grains with? I was vegetarian for close to 20 years and still love that WOE. Also, most of my friends are vegetarian and we go out to eat a vegetarian and vegan restaurants pretty regularly.

LowCVegan Mon, Mar-19-12 01:00

Originally Posted by gonwtwindo
What would you suggest substituting legumes and grains with?

I don't think the legumes really need to be subbed out. You can get anywhere from 10-15 grams of protein for every 20-carb portion of beans/lentils, and I think this is an acceptable trade. If you need to cut carbs in other areas, then so be it. Legumes are great. With just a few servings of legumes plus an ample supply of nuts and seeds, most people can get all the protein they need. I would cut out all other "excess" carbs completely before I would consider saying no to beans (limit yes, but not abstain).

But that being said, tofu, tempeh and seitan are all good high-protein, low(ish) carb foods.

gonwtwindo Mon, Mar-19-12 02:37

I wouldn't eat beans while in weight loss. I am super carb sensitive and it doesn't take much to plateau me. I'll have to look into this more.

I think I'd get at least 23 g of protein from protein shakes. I'd like to avoid most dairy, too.

LowCVegan Mon, Mar-19-12 11:24

Originally Posted by gonwtwindo
I wouldn't eat beans while in weight loss. I am super carb sensitive and it doesn't take much to plateau me. I'll have to look into this more.

For 167 g lentils you get 15 grams protein for only 20 carbs and a glycemic load of about 11-12, which is so low that it should keep most people's blood sugar pretty dang low. But you know what is best for you, of course.

I just think that beans and lentils have gotten a bad rap among low-carbers because the thinking is "why ingest any unnecessary carbs for the sake of protein when you can just eat meat?" And if you eat meat, I agree with that logic (although the fiber might still be beneficial to the GI of a meat-eater). But we vegetarians and vegans don't eat meat (and we have fewer protein-rich foods to choose from), so I think we need to question the received wisdom from the low-carb community at large. We have different ground rules. We need to be more open-minded about what constitutes an acceptable protein vs. carb tradeoff (and keep in mind things like glycemic load). I think legumes can and should be part of a vegan or vegetarian diet, even if it is a low- (or moderate-) carb diet.

Originally Posted by gonwtwindo
I think I'd get at least 23 g of protein from protein shakes. I'd like to avoid most dairy, too.

I agree that judicious use of protein powders can be a good thing. If you're trying to avoid dairy, I highly recommend gemma pea protein powder..

gonwtwindo Mon, Mar-19-12 13:09

LC Vegan, that Pea Protein Powder looks great! I have had years and years of problems with constipation, even when veggie, but then we relied heavily on cheeses and wheat. Maybe this protein powder won't add to the problem. It got much worse recently and I did find relief with certain herbs and a vegan/vegetarian diet. I kinda don't know which way to turn now. I'm afraid a veggie diet will result in weight gain, not loss.

LowCVegan Mon, Mar-19-12 14:46

Originally Posted by gonwtwindo
LC Vegan, that Pea Protein Powder looks great!

I like it a lot. I get the free vanilla flavoring with stevia sweetener (also free). 24.6 g protein for just 1.2 g carbs! And with the stevia (which does not affect insulin according everything I've ever read), it's actually pretty sweet-tasting.

Originally Posted by gonwtwindo
I have had years and years of problems with constipation, even when veggie, but then we relied heavily on cheeses and wheat.

Have you considered adding flax to your diet? 27 grams of fiber for just 2 carbs! It's also a great source of minerals, which is the main reason I make it such an integral part of my diet.

Originally Posted by gonwtwindo
I kinda don't know which way to turn now. I'm afraid a veggie diet will result in weight gain, not loss.

Well, like I said above, only you know what you can handle in terms of carb load, but beans are another great source of fiber, and a lot of people really do remain more regular when they incorporate fiber in their diet. Fiber is often very lacking in low-carb diets because 9as I pointed out above), most low-carbers (99% of whom eat meat) so no reason to "risk" the carbs found in beans. I think this is flawed thinking for vegetarian and vegan low-carbers, but everyone has a different carb threshold.

Good luck in figuring things out.

gonwtwindo Mon, Mar-19-12 14:49

Thanks. Do you use whole or ground flax?

LowCVegan Mon, Mar-19-12 15:02

I get whole flaxseed and grind it with a large coffee mill.

I take 27 g flax, 37 g sesame, 24 g sunflower seed, grind it all and drink it with a scoop of the pea powder (and I do this twice a day). This provides me this 81.3 g protein for just 17.1 g carbs, and it takes care of virtually all of my mineral need (except potassium) and does quite well for my vitamins as well (including 87% of Vit E, which can be a challenge for vegetarians and vegans).

This might strike some people as a pretty weird thing to do, but aside from the pea powder, I'm still consuming whole foods. I'm just using a small kitchen appliance to do the "chewing" for me. There is no way I could get sesame and flax in the amount that I need it if I had to eat it all every day. I could probably just eat the sunflower seeds every day, but for me it's just way easier to grind it and drink it as well. Twice a day and done!

Best of all - even though flaxseed has a small carb content, it has a glycemic load of ZERO since it comes bound up with so much fat, protein and fiber.

lillalilly Tue, Mar-20-12 02:18

Some really interesting info here. I am of the same mind that for vegetarians and vegans legumes are a vital source of protein, so despite the slight increase in daily carbs, I will still eat them no matter what.

Just would like to say that the URL of the pinterest board has changed recently, and now it is here:

(I couldn't see a way to edit my first post to put it in there)

LowCVegan Tue, Mar-20-12 10:32

Originally Posted by lillalilly
Some really interesting info here. I am of the same mind that for vegetarians and vegans legumes are a vital source of protein, so despite the slight increase in daily carbs, I will still eat them no matter what.

Agreed. We need to have different ground rules than meat-eaters. I think the protein to carb ratio is acceptable, especially when you consider the low glycemic load AND the minerals. Beans and lentils provide a good amount of my iron, potassium and zinc, all minerals that can be a challenge for vegetarian and vegans.

Originally Posted by lillalilly
Just would like to say that the URL of the pinterest board has changed recently, and now it is here:

Thanks for that. I clicked on the link before and got a 404.

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