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sarar Fri, Jun-15-07 06:28

I had a belt lipectomy--lower body lift
Hey!!! Princess Sara here. I just want to report that I had my belt lipectomy 17 days ago, and I am doing GREAT!!!! FYI: a belt lipectomy is AKA a lower body lift. I was cut all the way around my body. Loose skin was removed. The skin below the cut was pulled up, ridding me of muffin mush, enhancing my tush, and greatly improving the looks of my hoo ha....which had unattractive loose skin :blush: (how embarrassing!). The skin from above the cut line was pulled down. I have a new belly button--I said good-bye to the 48 year old one that served me well :wave: Best of all, my displaced stomach muscles were repaired!

How about the pain? I don't know if this forum will let me print my can only be accurately described using VERY ugly words! It hurt like a MF. I'm sorry, I would tell the Pope the same thing. There is no point in misleading people. BUT!!! The drugs really help! I also think knowing what to expect is essential. Know what is coming at you and just deal with it. It really was do-able. Besides, after 5 days the pain is sooooo much better.

Now, here is the news I really want to share. The surgery was absolutely the right thing for me to do. It is helping me in so many ways....including my body image and maintenance. I am writing and exploring this as I spend my summer recuperating from the surgery. I will be happy to share this with any of you.

Finally, those of you who recognize me, know that I have been a type 1 diabetic for 26 years. I'll bet you are wondering how I am healing. Well...I hate to brag....but I am an belt lipectomy over-achiever! :agree: Yep, I am healing AHEAD of the curve! Isn't that amazing? I had my drains out after only 8-9 days!!!! The word from my surgeon's staff is that I am doing great and look much farther along than I really am. What can we attribute this to? Well, first of all I have a terrific group of people praying for me!!! One of these people pointed out that the level of protein in my VLC eating plan is probably helping. I'll bet she is right. I am also working very hard to keep my blood glucose levels in the normal range. I'm REALLY resting and following doctor's orders.....which is a little boring, so how's about writing a reply to this thread to help keep me occupied!!!
Princess Sara<><

pennink Fri, Jun-15-07 06:34

Hey Sara!
Good for you for having the courage to do this for yourself! And you sound like you are doing amazingly well!!!! :thup:
I've been honestly thinking about this for when I get to goal and maintain for a year.
How long is total recovery? How long would I need off work?

Have you had a hysterectomy before? and if you have had one, is there a pain comparison? (not really painful, it just was so difficult to move)

Oh, one more question (sorry!) how much weight came off with the skin? :lol:

sarar Fri, Jun-15-07 07:34

Okay, a little background on my history may help. I lost 75 pounds and maintained for a year before having this. I had a big baby 25 years ago by C-Section---9 1/2 pounds, but only 20 inches long. That created a stomach flap and damaged stomach muscles, but I did the real damage by gaining up to 210 pounds...almost all of it in my torso and face/neck.

As for surgical history I've had a C-section, a breast reduction, and sinus surgery. None of those come close to the initial pain of this. A belt is actually said to be one of the most painful of the plastic surgeries. That being said, I again say it is totally do-able. You just need to know what to expect and go with it. There were other patients who had this the same day I did and didn't handle it quite as well, according to the nurses. They couldn't bring themselves to roll over as per doctor's orders, get up, etc. I think I knew what to expect....I also understood that the morphine dispenser does not deliver a small amount all along automatically. You have to push the button to dispense it. (I totally get the whole basal/bolus concept since I am an insulin pump wearer). The lesson there is to get ahead of the pain, because you can only dispense a small amount every 6 minutes. If you wait until the pain is strong, you are going to be like an hysterical Skinner Rat making yourself nuts pushing the dang button. :devil: Also....remember that everything gets better after day 3, and dramatically better after day 5. I stopped taking the Loritabs soon after that...they made me loopey. :spin:

I am virtually pain free today---day 17. I just have a sore belly--kind of like the feeling you get when you have done too many sit ups. I cannot stand up straight and must take a muscle relaxer every 12 hours to keep from getting back aches, etc. Oh, and one weird thing....the most painful, as in shooting nerve pain, has always been on my outer left thigh....where there is no incision! Only skin over bone. This is some kind of displaced pain that occurs after surgery like this. It is like the nerves get confused. Bizarre!

As for the length of recover. I think they say 6 weeks. I am a teacher and booked this immediately after the school year ended in order to have the summer for repair. That is about 8 weeks. Since I am a type 1 diabetic, I wanted extra time and have totally cleared my calendar. You would have to check with your surgeon, but I'd bet you need at least a month with a belt. The big deal about it is to really restrict activity in order to get the skin to adhere to the muscle. That is what my surgeon keeps stressing.

Thanks for writing me,

sarar Fri, Jun-15-07 07:36

Oh surgeon said about 7 pounds of skin/fat. Cool, huh? Of course it takes 3 months or more for the swelling to disappear enough to see that.

Kristine Fri, Jun-15-07 07:55

Wow, awesome! :thup: Best of luck in your recovery. 7 lbs, eh? That's a lot of tissue.

I bet you can't wait to go shopping for new jeans. ;) I hope you'll post 'after' shots.

pennink Fri, Jun-15-07 08:55

thanks for the info Sara!!

I have a feeling it sounds a LOT like a hyst. The c-section was a walk in the park. I felt NOTHING.

I have had the same history as you, but I have been left with two bellybuttons... nice eh?

the time off isn't something I can do... probably ever *sniff sniff, whimper* dang.

rodeo417 Fri, Jun-15-07 10:37

oh my god, sara!!!! congrats and i hope that you feel soo much better.. i cant believe that you are in such high spirits after a huge change/surgery... but i still have to admit you are looking sexier everyday!!! now you have me wondering about getting some "changes" done!!

sarar Fri, Jun-15-07 12:58

I am really doing great. Since I can't stand up completely, and have swelling, I don't have a total picture of my results. But, I love what I see so far. It is the first time in my life that I haven't had a belly!!! I am thrilled. I am not saying that everyone will need or should have reconstructive surgery after a significant weight loss, but it was definitely the right decision for me.

As for shopping. Losing weight has already turned me into such a princess, I can't imagine that it can get any worse. It will take some trying on, though. We grow so accustomed to quickly scoping through clothes and summing up whether they will "work." I am going to have to get to know my body.

I did a little panty preview trip on the way home from the surgeon's office on Wednesday. I have been a long time Victoria's Secret bra wearer, but the panties were a different issue. You ladies know what I can't wear them too low or they will roll under your skin flap and hide!! NOW, however, G-Strings here I come!

rightnow Fri, Jun-15-07 13:08

Congratulations on your weight loss -- and on your courage for doing this. It's kind of you to share the 'real story' with everybody. I think that's important too.

Best of healing blessings!


tracyj Fri, Jun-15-07 14:39

Hey Sara:

Haven't spoke to you since leaving the other side - good to see you here and congrats on your surgery!

best wishes for a continued good recovery!


Annie1gi Fri, Jun-15-07 14:56

Congratulations first on the weight loss, and how wonderful to have the guts to do this for yourself. I have thought that if I ever get down to my goal, that I would like to do this for myself. I have had 3 c-sections and in 2 different directions! So I definitely have muscle damage there, and can't imagine how the skin will look once I "do" get to goal....seriously hoping I can accomplish this.

But anyway, good luck to you for a speedy recovery! Take care!


sarar Fri, Jun-15-07 16:13

Thanks so much for the well wishes. As for writing the "real" story---that isn't really an option for me. I'm one of those honest to a fault people. And I always seem to give too much information. Yikes! I do think it is great that we can research procedures thoroughly these days. I always do better if I know what to expect.

Along those lines I did record and watch a lot of plastic surgery shows before going in. It was really essential for my wonderful man to see these. He has been my care person...I could not have made it without him at first. He says seeing the shows helped prepare and desensitize him.

FYI, the new show, Big Medicine on TLC has the best segments on body lifts/belt lipectomy that I've seen. They show some of the follow-up visits with the surgeons. The others show the before, some of the actual surgery, then they jump forward several months. Have any of y'all seen this show? It does promote gastric bypass, but has a section on reconstruction from weight loss as well. I have nothing against gastric bypass. I just didn't think that was a good idea for me personally ---- besides, it looks like I chose to save my surgery time for AFTER I lost the weight.
p.s. I'm having a good time being back on this forum.

Annie1gi Fri, Jun-15-07 16:33

I just had to come back and comment on this....

my hoo ha....which had unattractive loose skin (how embarrassing!).
That is what I call it daughter too.....isn't that funny! OMG.....I can only imagine what mine will look like another -100lbs..........I may turn into a NUN.....quoted from my mother "nun of this and nun of that!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have never seen those shows, but may have to check it out......

Nice that your hubby is so supportive, thank goodness. I know that Frank had an the ah....shall we say groin area, that needed to be packed twice a day, and he was not allowed home until I succeeded to show the nurses and the dr's that I could pack his wound. But you know how it is when you love someone, you do what you got to do........... :agree:

craney Fri, Jun-15-07 18:31

Sara, What did this procedure cost?


tmatrocks Fri, Jun-15-07 18:35

I was just about to ask the same questio, Craney!

I'd be interested to find out - I am saving for a tummy tuck...darned loose skin!!

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