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JessaLynn Thu, Jul-17-03 14:29

Anyone with an eating disorder gained # from going LC?
Hi! I've been struggling with anorexia/bulimia for about 3 years now, and am at the end of my rope with trying to lose weight that way. I've decided to try Low carbing, but was wondering if anyone who has had an eating disorder has ever gained any weight from switching to Low carb... I'm worried about that cus by doing this, I will be eating much more fattening and high cal foods than I EVER did starving myself.

Thanks so much!


tasche Thu, Jul-17-03 15:02

Well for starters your underweight as it is and probably should put some wieght on for your height. I saw your profile and see that you want to go into modelling. Given your past background I would seriously advise against it. I'm in the garment industry and trust me baby with your eating disorders modelling is not the kind of job you need. Its scary how they push drugs on those poor girls to make them look aggressive on the catwalk. And also unless you were planning to be a fit model 5'6" is too short for catwalk and print.

Your going to a great university, eat right, enjoy yourself and HAVE FUN

Keep posting and keep us posted.


Tex04 Fri, Jul-18-03 11:32

I agree 100%. My best freind is a model and it is amazing how harsh they are on you. She is a natural size 1 and about 5'9" (too short for runway, just scraping in for print). She has struggled to GAIN weight her whole life and it is still hard for her to hear them critisize every little thing about her.

If you have had eating disorders, that will be terrible for you. It will only make things worse. Eating disorders are not a way to try and lose weight, they are a disease. I hope that you get help with yours and learn to eat healthy and love your body more.

JessaLynn Mon, Jul-21-03 14:48

Thanks for the concern guys,
I know that 5'6" is too short for runway, but I plan on doing commercial print and commercial advertising... I've found several agencies that take "petite" models such a myself for that kind of work, eventually I would love to branch into acting. I know that I am underweight, but to be honest, I like being that small, and I was just trying LC because it seamed to be a much healther way to stay small rather than starving myself or binging/purging. I was just wondering if anyone else out there who is already small has had success on LC at staying the same weight, not gaining, or actually losing. Thanks again though!


tasche Mon, Jul-21-03 22:24

Lc is a better way that binging and purging. What we were concerned was you swapping unhealthy habits for an unhealthy version of low carb. =D

Anothing thing to note I used to be 105 up until I was 19 after that my metabolism slowed and no amount of dieting crazy or otherwise could get me back there. I had turned into a woman and there was no turning back. I'll be really pushing it to get to 115 methinks.
You definately should be able to maintain you current weight with careful reading and researching

Good luck and make sure to protect yourself professionally and read all of those contracts! Dont pay anyone up front for press phot etcetcetc.

JessaLynn Sat, Jul-26-03 15:26

Hey tasche, thanks for the advise on the modeling scams, I've already encountered several, so I know how to sniff them out now if you know what I mean. I think one of my worst fears is that they would tell me I need to drop say 10 lbs! That would be horrible, I'd rather them tell me to GAIN 10 than lose it. Thank you for taking the time to respond to this!


Luvley719 Fri, Nov-12-04 09:16

hi JessicaLynn...

What do u mean u starved yourself?...what did u eat a day?!?!?

LukeA Fri, Nov-12-04 12:00

I used to be anorexic, and i was eventually hospitalized because of it. After that i did gain a LOT (over a period of about two years i gained 100 pounds), because i overate, and ate a lot of junk, and i am now doing lcing to put me to a healthy weight.

I definately agree that you dont need to lose weight, but lcing is better for your health, so for example if you want to go by atkins, start eating in the maintenance amount of carbs, so you can maintain where you already are, but still get the health benefits. :wave:

tofi Fri, Nov-12-04 12:31

The good thing about LCing is that you gain mainly muscle and ONLY if your body needs it. You don't gain fat, despite eating lots of fat.

So your BF% goes in a good direction even if the scales don't say what you believe you want. That only happens if you STICK with LCing and don't do it for 1 or 2 weeks and then decide it doesn't work and go off in another direction.

There are people like Luvley who have heard from many members that they consider her hope of losing weight by LCing to be a very bad idea. So I think she is hoping to hear exactly what starvation would be.

JessaLynn: it may be necessary to change your life goals as Tasche's advice indicates that you aren't the height that is demanded by the industry. Hopeful ballerinas have to face it when they get too tall, gymnasts when their bones develop.

NO DREAM is worth an eating disorder with the medical problems that come along with it. Young people believe that it's worth ANYTHING to achieve a dream UNTIL they come smack up against the wall of ruined health. Then they realize, often too late, that they threw away their whole life - mate, family, children, and success - for the vain hope of achieving an unnatural and dangerous number on the scale.

I hope you turn aside from that path and come back to a healthier way of eating. There ARE other ways to succeed and other career paths to follow. All the best. This is the first day of the rest of your life.

jessica020 Sat, Nov-13-04 15:36

:wave: I am a recovered anorexic, recovering bulimic, and LC hasn't made me gain weight. What DID make me gain weight was binging on sugary/carby foods, I went from 80 to 124 pounds in less than a year! After starting low carb, my weight has stabilized at a healthy level and I feel great. I would say LC would be a good way for you to maintain your current weight, and when you're ready to gain weight, just add in more carbs, like fruit and higher carb veggies :)

groovytoma Thu, Apr-10-08 18:03

I was anorexic and then went through a phase of only eating cereal and frozen yogurt... TALK ABOUT CARBOLOADING! Now I have discovered Atkins and am going to start induction tomorrow!

stashyc Wed, Apr-16-08 21:31

I can't even relate to this thread. I just want to be a size 8 again, that's all. And yet part of me wishes I had the stamina to be anorexic or whatever. I just don't.

rips Thu, Dec-04-08 09:06

i had bulimia for 5 years.. then i just stopped. When I used to throw up i didnīt loose weight and after stopping i didnīt gain weight. Bulimia for me wasnīt a way to loose weight. I started the SBD 3 weeks ago and Iīm loosing weight in a healthy way! I eat a lot and I feel great. :)

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