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Dazed1 Sat, Jun-02-18 05:42

I have returned
I have been an active member on here twice before. In 2009 I lost 90lbs. and rent from 275 to 185. I was all excited when I went to my cardiologist thinking I would get off medication. Instead I was diagnosed with AFIB, and put on Warfarin (Rat Poison). I was doing everything right, losing weight and walking 5 miles a day. I got depressed because I thought was is the use. I went back up to 275. In 2017 I went on low carb again and lost 65 lbs. this time from 275 to 210. I had minor foot surgery in Nov. 2017 and relaxed my eating habits. I went back up to 235. I retired in April 2018 and allowed myself to veg out for 2 months. Now I am back with my old mindset and at age 70 I cannot fall off the wagon again. My starting weight is 235 and I have lost 8 lbs. the first week.
My old scale was being over protective and hiding 20 lbs from me. When I would go to the doctor I would always attribute that to the clothes I was wearing - you know heavy shoes. LOL May 25th I went to the doctor wearing gym shorts a t-shirt and sandals, and I weighed 235. I couldn't blame the difference between my scale and the doctors scale on clothes. On the way home from the doctors I went to Walmart and bought a new electronic scale and it agrees with the doctors office.
I have got back into the groove pretty quick and Fit Day shows I am averaging 1053 calories and 9 carbs. I even bought an electronic food scale because I am bad at estimating food portions. 8.4 lbs lost in the first week is not too shabby, but I know part of that is water weight, and I am shooting for 2 lbs a week. Slow and steady is what works for me. I felt slim at 185, and I used to have an unreasonable goal of 155 because my scale was lying. I am shooting for a goal weight of 165-175. Like I said I am not a rookie here so I am positive low car works.

thud123 Sat, Jun-02-18 06:25

Welcome, since you know how to low carb already the only thing that might be helpful is to learn how to get thru the next low point (mentally). It will come, and then it will go. Like everything else :)

I wish you wellbeing and joy - and success in your plan.

barb712 Sat, Jun-02-18 07:34

Best of everything on your return to low carb and welcome back! It's true, the mental part is just as important as all the rest if not more so.

Dazed1 Sat, Jun-02-18 08:08

I realize that I have twice had great success, and I have twice allowed outside influences to sidetrack me. I recognise my weaknesses now. At 70 the clock is ticking on me so I do not want to ever fall off the wagon again. At least I have only lost one year and not 8 years like before. 2009-2017 vs 2017-2018.

Little Me Sat, Jun-02-18 10:56

We've all been there...we understand. These aren't failures but learning experiences. It's frustrating, I know. Hey--but the third time's the charm, right? Best of luck. (Not that luck has anything to do with it...but you know what I mean.)

bluesinger Sat, Jun-02-18 10:56

Welcome back! I'm a bit confused because your profile doesn't say LC or Atkins, but Moderation.

I'm 3 years older than you, but there are many of us in this age group currently posting, albeit as far as I know, all female. For us, even maintenance is a harder road than this ought to prove for you, but you're welcome to jump in on our postmenopausal threads. We're concentrating on maintaining our weight loss and augmenting our good health. At our age the goal is no pain, (preferably) no medications and no disease.

Dazed1 Sun, Jun-03-18 06:34

I didn't pay much attention to the LC or Atkins, Moderation thing, but as you could probably tell I am doing Low Carb. At 70 you would think I was going to relax, but I have many things on my plate, planning for the future. I am a huge believer in the power of the brain, meditation and hypnosis I think it was the placebo effect that really got me thinking like this.
Low carb is coming very easy to me this time. Last time when I lost 65 lbs. I wandered around 50 carbs for about 2 months. This time I am averaging around 10 right at the beginning. As soon as I lose about 20 lbs I will begin walking again. I want to do about 5 miles a day like I used to. Once I lose all my weight I will add in strength training. I have updated my profile. LOL

2sweet4me Sun, Jun-03-18 08:12

Welcome back. I'm also trying to get back into low-carb but I'm on a mix insulin and my PCP won't change it right now.

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