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Rachel22 Sun, Dec-29-02 21:32

hi! i am curious if anyone has had an IUI. i just had one friday, and i am having a lot of pain. i am just wondering if the pain is normal or if it's something else. i know this isn't completly related to PCOS, but i do have it, so does that count? thanks for any info!

tripletmom Wed, Jan-01-03 10:42

I had 2 IUI's, but don't remember any pain. These IUI's were back to back (Saturday and Sunday) because I had actually ovulated with Clomid and Glucophage (always Clomid resistant before Glucophage was introduced). Anyway, because of my husbands low count, we had to skip ahead to IVF/ICSI.

The only thing I can think of as far as pain goes, is that you probably popped a few eggs on each side of your ovaries (did you take Stim. meds to ovulate?) and perhaps that is why you are having pain?

You might want to consult your doctor to see why you might be having pain, but I would bet it was a big ovulation cycle for you, and your ovaries are sore!

Best of luck to you!!!

Rachel22 Thu, Jan-02-03 02:52

thank you for replying. i did talk to my doctor and he said maybe it was that there was some blood in my uterus (or something like that) or just pain of ovulation. some of the girls from work said maybe it was air in my uterus. i am much, much better now.
i am curious about something though. during the ivf, did you conceive your 3 boys? or was it something else? just wondering. thanks again!

tripletmom Thu, Jan-02-03 15:05

I conceived the boys on a Frozen IVF/ICSI cycle. My first IVF didn't work, but we were able to freeze 5 embryos. 2 months later, we thawed them out, and had 3 viable embryos. We transferred them, and those are my three little guys now :) I stand FIRM that the reason that it worked the second time was because I was on Glucophage, and eating no more than 20 carbs/day. I gradually upped my carbs once I was pregnant, and stopped taking Glucophage once I was 10 weeks pregnant. I never ended up with Gestational Diabetes, but did have Pre-eclampsia at the end. They were born at 32.2 weeks, and each weighed about 4 pounds. Now they are HUGE, way off the growth charts! Healthy as Oxen!

If you need any advice at all, please let me know! When is your pregnancy test?? I will keep my fingers (and toes) crossed for you!!

Rachel22 Thu, Jan-02-03 15:52

that sure made me smile. it's always good to hear success stories. ivf will be our next step. but it's a little scary because we don't have that kind of money. especially right now. but i am not worried just yet. hopefully this will work. we still have a few iui's left to do. we are going to be moving soon, so i will get new doctors and hopefully better ones!
i am on day 21 right now, so i still have about a week and a half or so until i start my period, so we'll see. :D everyone at work keep asking me when i'll find out. they think that i'll know in like 2 days! duh. well, i will let you know! thanks for the support! i am sck of being the one who keeps not getting pregnant. i am ready to be one of them! i know 11 women right now who are pregnant! isn't that insane? anyway, i'll keep you posted!

Elizabeth2 Tue, Jan-07-03 12:02


I had IUI two separate times, and they both resulted in healthy pregancies babies (son in 10/97 and daughter in 10/99).

I was on Clomid, and also took injectibles - Metrodin with the first one and Follistim with the second. Through daily ultrasounds, we were able to determine that I had 9 ripe follicles (eggs) with the first one and 21+ with the second one.

To trigger ovulation, I was given a shot of HcG. I think it is a miracle that I ended up with single pregnancies as opposed to multiples due to the large number of follicles, but that's what happened.

As for the pain, 2 days after the HcG shot (both times) I suffered with SEVERE pain, and weight gain. At first I was told that it was pain from ovulation - lots of eggs were bursting from the follicles, but it was determined a day later that I was suffering from hyperstimulation of the ovaries. Gradually, over the next two to three weeks the pain subsided, but it was slow.

Hyperstimulation is a serious condition, and if left untreated, can be life threatening. Keep this in mind, and if the pain does not subside, call your doctor or even go the the ER.


Rachel22 Tue, Jan-07-03 14:53

thanks for sharing your story. it's always good to see positive outcomes. when you described the pain, that's how i felt. and it was over a couple days. but nothing was aas abad as the first day. ahhh! when i mentioned it to me doctor, he said i may have bled into my uterus, or something. but i will mention the hyperstimulation to him when i go in.
congratulations on your babies! it's exciting to think that it may be me someday! thanks again!

Elizabeth2 Wed, Jan-08-03 06:04

Good Luck

Good Luck! I will be thinking of you. It was so difficult for me when I went through this because I didn't know of ANYONE who had ever gone through it before. My friends and Family just didn't "get it". I also did not know about support forums on the internet.

It has only been a few years since I went through this myself, and the memories of the pain and the seriousness of it all are still very fresh in my mind. However, I would do it all over again in a New York minute to get to where I am now. It is definitely worth it.

I'm sending positive vibes your way... *~*~*~*~*~


curlisuzie Mon, May-05-03 15:57

IUI help
Thanks for all the good information. I have just tried my first IUI and it was unsuccessful. The doctor's office was saying that everything looked good - a follicle 19.5, the ovulation was 47, the sperm count was high, etc. When I read Elizabeth2, I saw that you had many mature follicles. I was only on Clomiphene 50 MG for 5 days and had a injection of Ovidrel to release the eggs - or one mature.

Elizabeth2 - What was the dosage that you were on for Clomid? I see that you were also on an injectable Metrodin and the other time Follistin. What were the dosages and how long did you take them? You also say that you had hCG injection to release the eggs. When did you get the injection and when were you insemenated? Thanks for you assistance. I was really upset after I found out that I was not pregnant. After reading you message, I think the doctor is taking things slowly and he does not realize I want to do the most now.

Rachel22 - Are you pregnant? I hope so. Did you take any medication?

If anyone else has information, it is welcome.


Rachel22 Wed, May-07-03 12:31

well, i am sorry to say that the IUI didn't work. we didn't have high expectations because we learned not to get too excited. the more excited i get, the more let down i become. i am glad to say that in february we did get pregnant. you know how people always say that it will happen when you aren't trying. well, we were in the midst of moving and packing and soo busy. i had taken my clomid that cycle, but we weren't really paying attention. and then we found out that we were pregnant. we were shocked.
i have to say that i did have a miscarriage. not to discourage you from trying though. we have handled it extremely well, and i think it's just another bump in our journey. we have decided to not try for a while. i don't want to be on medication anymore, so we are gonna wait a little longer.
i hope only the best for you. good luck. if you have any questions, feel free to ask. i love getting messages. i will be checking a few times a week if you need support or anything. good luck!!!

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